fight your sister

Chapter 75 Turn over the Qingming Gang

Gu Zichen took An Yu to the old cold coffin shop and explained to her the "trigue" with Hu Li in recent days. After An Yu roughly understood, the two accelerated their pace and arrived at the destination in a short time.

This is the first formal meeting between Lao Leng and An Yu. As soon as she entered the shop, Lao Leng stood up from the stool, and Hu Li stretched out his palm down and waved it twice, indicating that Lao Leng did not need to be so nervous.

The old cold reaction made Hu Li a little helpless. He still treated An Yu as his beloved...

"Fox, what the hell is going on?"

"When you enter the room, it's always cold. You still have to watch it outside."

Hu Li also stood up and nodded to Gu Zichen. Gu Zichen signaled, and he walked directly into the inner room. An Yu looked at the shop curiously. Hu Li took the opportunity to introduce her to Lao Leng: "This is Lao Leng, my confidant."

For the mysterious veil on Hu Li, it has finally begun to unfold in front of An Yu, but... It is estimated that Lao Leng is just his confidant. An Yu is still secretly happy. First, after greeting Lao Leng, An Yu touched Hu Li with her shoulder in the inner room and raised her eyebrows at him: "Hey, what? Did you have such a connection in Changdu? Unexpectedly, there is also a confidant who opened the coffin shop. Don't say, it's good to cover this place.

Hu Li shrugged his shoulders undeniably and did not mean to answer her words. An Yu flattened his mouth and looked at Gu Zichen. There was a self-evident tacit understanding between Gu Zichen and Hu Li, and naturally he would not pay attention to An Yu. Of course, he was not too obvious to avoid being cut off after returning home later. He just pretended not to see An Yu looking at him. From the moment An Yu began to question Hu Li, he only put his eyes on the cup drinking tea in his hand.

Knowing that An Yu continued to ask questions, he and Gu Zichen were not sure who would take the first. Hu Li immediately said seriously, "Odeed, let's talk about business!"


After An Yu hummed unplealy, she still sat down quietly to listen to Hu Li's arrangement. After all, as Hu Li said, the business was important. As for the rest, she was not in a hurry. Anyway, Hu Li would definitely tell her truthfully.

"You don't need me to introduce each other, do you?"

An Yu glanced at Hu Li. When she entered the house, she saw Lao Song, but Gu Zichen had told her on the way that Hu Li should have bought Lao Song into a person who testified Gu Zijun, so she suppressed the impulse to find Lao Song to settle accounts and ignored him and talked to Hu Li all the time.

At this moment, Hu Li took the lead in opening the conversation, and she was no longer silent. She immediately looked at Lao Song and said, "Nonsense, I'm afraid I can get to know this middleman!"

Old Song was a little uncomfortable. He originally wanted to find the Qingming Gang, but the Qingming Gang was much bigger than the tiger village, and there was also the big head of the Qingming Gang. Qin Ming was haunted. He couldn't get in touch with him at all, so he had to find An Yu.

Who is called Jiazi Mountain? It's just these two bandit villages!

It's just that An Yu and he have always been in a state of cooperation, and the two have always been at peace with each other. This time, for the sake of Gu Zijun's rather rich interests, he made An Yu and others dangerous, so that he was involved in the struggle between the two brothers of the Gu family. When Lao Song saw An Yu at this moment, he felt a little sorry. .

"Say, are you deliberately tricking us, or are we really unlucky to bump into the people of the Qingming Gang?"

"The time I gave you is really the time for the second young master to go to the clip road. As for... I don't know why you went down the mountain early, the people of the Qingming Gang were also there, and the second young master also arrived at the clip road in advance."

"That's strange. Do the people of his Qingming Gang really know how to get to the clip in advance?"

Hearing this, Gu Zichen's hand holding the teacup couldn't help shaking slightly. Fortunately, his expression did not change much, and An Yu's attention was on Lao Song, and he did not notice his abnormality.

On the contrary, Hu Li, who seemed to be intentional, said to An Yu with a smile, "We went down the mountain early because your eyelids jumped. You had to make trouble to go down the mountain. The master of the Qingming Gang was haunted, and he may have received the news on the road a long time ago."

"...So if I hadn't come down the mountain early, I wouldn't have bumped into the people of the Qingming Gang, and I wouldn't have caught the wrong person..."

Speaking of this, An Yu closed her mouth. She subconsciously looked at Gu Zichen and saw a trace of displeasure between the man's eyebrows. She flattened her mouth and continued, "In that case, we don't even know the trace of that batch of goods. It's even worse!"

"The key now is that if Lao Song comes to testify to Gu Zijun, then Gu Shixing will ask which bandit village you are contacting, and how do you discard An Yu?"

Lao Song and An Yu said together: "Qingming Gang!"

Gu Zichen said that he was under a lot of pressure. An Yu, An Yu, you should know that the Qingming Gang is mine! Why are you so bad that I am not soft at all?

He frowned and drank tea. Looking at An Yu's arrogant appearance, he had not noticed that there was no water in the cup for a long time.

Hu Li smiled flatteringly: "This is a good choice, but... Have you ever thought about it? What if Gu Shixing is unreasonable and wants Lord Bai to take the government to search the mountain?"

Gu Zichen put down the teacup and his face had already regained his previous indifference. It seemed that all the topics they had just talked about related to the Qingming Gang had nothing to do with him: "He has always loved face. At that time, I will definitely call Lord Bai to witness. If Lord Bai knew that it was Gu Zijun deliberately wanted to fall into it. If you hurt me, then he won't have any courage to let Lord Bai send someone to search the mountain.

"So, the Qingming Gang will not get any loss at all?"

An Yu is a little unwilling. This Qingming Gang and his own stockade have bumped into each other several times. One mountain does not allow two tigers. How can he let them go so cheaply when he finally has a chance!

Hu Li's reaction to An Yu said that it was very interesting. He looked at Gu Zichen, and Gu Zichen was looking at An Yu thoughtfully at this moment. After thinking about it, he said, "Of course, my father will not give up like this. Since he already knows that it was the people of the Qingming Gang who robbed the goods, he will definitely ask Lord Bai to send someone to search. Mountain."

"So... will there be anything wrong with the tiger village?"

"Aren't you confused yet!" Hu Li shook the fan with a smile and provoked An Yu's white eyes: "Nonsense, how can I put the people in the tiger village in order to deal with the Qingming Gang?"

Thinking of this, An Yu also looked embarrassed: "But this place is so big. How is it possible for the tiger village to be safe?"

"Have you forgotten that it will be you and Hu Li who will take people up the mountain? I have already told Bai Rui that as long as you don't lead people to the tiger village, this tiger village will definitely be intact on the mountain.


"When did I lie to you?"

Gu Zichen showed his feelings to An Yu in such an indifferent tone, and immediately put her clothes on it. An Yu didn't want to see his expressionless face again and said something to soften her heart in front of so many people.

It's really ignorant to say such words in private.

He noticed that Hu Li's little eyes glanced at himself and Gu Zichen. In order to divert everyone's attention, An Yu decided to continue to use Qingming's gang: "Humph! At that time, I will lead the team myself. If I don't overturn the Qingming Gang, I won't call An Yu!"



Hu Li and Gu Zichen were speechless together. After a glance, a decision rose in their hearts at the same time. At first, they had to make Bai Rui go to Jiazi Mountain to search the mountain. At first, it was just to make a show, but now it seems that with An Yu stirring in the middle, they have to draw up another plan again.

You can't let this stupid girl completely take care of her army without her knowledge!

Hu Li did not dare to take risks about this, because every time she collided with the Qingming Gang, An Yu would hurriedly take Pang Xi and other good hands to touch around the stockade of the Qingming Gang to explore the enemy. Although she had never seen Qin Ming, she could find the stockade of the Qingming Gang with her eyes closed, so she followed back. It's like a tiger village.

If she really wants to make such a scene at that time, Bai Rui can't pretend.