fight your sister

Chapter 80 This is a good opportunity

Hearing the words, Hu Li couldn't help smiling, ha... This man is always beribed. If he really doesn't need the eleventh, he must have rebelled again. He still has to arrange a place for such an anti-bone boy! Is this a woman's benevolence or does he have a good mentality?

Thinking of this, Hu Li simply stood up, glanced at Gu Zichen, and was too lazy to say hello to him. He swaggered out of his door and went back to the room.

At the moment Hu Li got up and left, Gu Zichen slowly opened his eyes and looked at his back. A strong sense of powerlessness suddenly spread all over his body. He did not know why Hu Li came to Changdu with his confidant. All he knew was that every young master in an environment like them had his own. Know the sadness.

Gu Zichen's fatigue comes from taking everything home. What about Hu Li? He didn't know and didn't want to know. All he knew was that Hu Li and he were already friends. Although he were not friends in trouble, Gu Zichen clearly understood from his attitude towards An Yu that he owed Hu Li a lot of favor.

And this favor needs him to pay more things back in the future.

The next day, Lao Song went home accompanied by Tun Tun. Only then did he know that Gu Zijun had secretly looked for him again. Because the whole family was not here, Gu Zijun left a note warning Lao Song to see him quickly after returning home.

Seeing this, Lao Song first frowned and expressed his dissatisfaction and disdain for Gu Zijun's practice. On the other hand, he also felt his wisdom because of Hu Li's arrangement and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and felt that his choice was not wrong.

He looked at the neat and new room, put away the note in his hand, and said to Liu Tuntun, "Did Mr. Hu expect early that Gu Zijun would come to trouble me at night?"

Liutun shrugged his shoulders and was about to say casually, "How do I know?" At the moment he opened his mouth, he changed his mind: "Of course, our second head has always been like a god. Do you know what we usually call him?"

"What's the name of it?"

"Fox Little Zhuge."


Lao Song doesn't feel proud of such a title. Hu Li's calm appearance came to his mind, and he couldn't help but be a little curious: "Mr. Hu, does he really mind that you guys make trouble with him like this?"

"Hey, when we usually make trouble with him, he will pretend to be dissatisfied, but as long as the big head opens his mouth, he can only laugh and suffer."

Lao Song was even more curious. It can be said that his gossip heart suddenly burned. He walked out of his door side by side with Liu Tuntong and locked the door. Although he knew that if Gu Zijun really wanted to enter, the lock was just a decoration. He was just a make-up. Yes, it's good to say that there is no one at home.

Of course, while doing this series of actions, he did not forget to inquire. While locking it, he asked, "Why does he spoil An Yu so much? Is it possible...?"

"Do you even think so?"

Lao Song thinks that Liu Tuntun is easy to get along with. Compared with Lao Leng, it is easy to talk. It is not difficult to see that he is also a curious and gossipy man...

So he immediately nodded and echoed, because from Liu Tuntun's words, he knew that Liu Tuntun must have the same opinion as himself, and indeed, the gossip man had slightly the same opinion...

"I and Crab both think so, so when the second head of the family told us that the big master would stay in the Gu family as a young grandmother in the future, we were very surprised and couldn't believe it."

"What? An Yu and Gu Zi... Master Gu Er...?"

Speaking of this, Lao Song also stretched out the index finger of his hands and touched each other. Liu Tuntun immediately understood what he meant. He nodded without hesitation: "Yes, they looked at each other!"

Liu Tuntun put on a particularly incomprehensible and aggrieved look and touched his smooth chin: "I really don't think it's worth it for the second head. Obviously, the people in the tiger village think that he is the best match for the big head. At that time, we all took the second head as the daughter-in-law of the big head... Er, we came to the house. "

Lao Song did not continue to nod and agree this time, because he thought of An Yu, who had been in contact with many times, and thought about Hu Li... Suddenly, he felt that An Yu was still very discerning and fell in love with Gu Zichen, who was not very rich in facial expressions, but would not be casual.

As for what Liu Tuntun and others think, this is not within his consideration, so Lao Song once again felt that he had a good vision. The first time he hugged his thigh, he hugged a white, tender and strong thigh.

An Yu's future... That's unlimited. As his incoming newsman, he suddenly feels that his future is bright.

Follow Liu Tuntun back to the Qingfeng Inn. For safety reasons, Lao Song asked Hu Li to escort Chen Yue and Song Hua to stay in the tiger village. After all, An Yu's territory was on the clip mountain outside the city. No matter what Gu Zijun did, he certainly did not expect that he would arrange his wife and children to a thief's nest.

Hu Li didn't think much about it, and naturally agreed to Lao Song, laying a solid foundation for him to buy people's hearts.

Gu Zijun stepped on it at night and touched the air. Naturally, he was extremely nervous, but he found that Gu Zichen had no new movements at all. Although he was a little relaxed, he still felt inappropriate. At least he would not be completely relieved before he found Lao Song.

Lao Song did not deliberately hide. Not only did he not hide, but he also appeared in Gu Zijun's sight under Hu Li's arrangement. Of course, Gu Zijun's side at that time was also Gu Shixing.

As a result, even if Gu Zijun was desperate, he did not dare to rush to provoke Lao Song. Lao Song patted the shoulder of the little beggar beside him with a smile and pointed to Gu Zijun by taking advantage of Gu Shixing's back to talk to Gu Zijun: "Do you know what to do?"

Naturally, the little beggar is still A San. This is not the first time for this boy to run errands for Hu Li. He is simply familiar with delivering letters. At that moment, he took a wooden stick and a broken bowl and jumped close to the "Xingyuan" business.

Where did the stinky beggar came from? Get out of here, there's nothing here to send you!"

The shopkeeper of the "Xingyuan" business, who was originally standing next to listening to the boss's teaching, saw A San wandering at their gate. At this moment, he waved his hand and roared in disgust. Gu Shixing turned around and saw A San looking at him with a hippie smile, and the "Xingyuan" business was a good shop in the Gu family and the land. Naturally, there are many ladies and ladies choosing fabrics and styles in the shop, and even there are girls who are about to leave at the door, looking at A San with a smile.

Because A San really made people laugh, he was scolded by the Jin shopkeeper and not only didn't leave, but also smiled shamelessly, didn't speak or ask for rewards. He just smiled like this, and several little girls couldn't help looking at his bowl. Son, suddenly, in front of the "Xingyuan" business, there were some good people who wanted to see the excitement.

Gu Shixing's face suddenly became serious, and he had to say that this was the cunning of the old fox. If he saw that a little beggar like A San could not leave in a place, he would definitely be driven away. But at this moment in a public place, he knew that he could not do this. For such a face-loving person as him Man, this is a manifestation of his kindness several times. Naturally, he has to hurry up and perform well.

Suddenly, the small light bulb in his head lit up, and the seriousness on his face immediately became kind. He muttered to A San in front of him, "Well, no matter how good the world is, there will always be people who can't afford to eat and live a good life. Jun'er, go and give him some money. Don't suffer children at such a young age."