fight your sister

Chapter 82 Benefits for the new owner

As soon as Gu Zichen's words came out, everyone turned their eyes to Lao Song. Lao Song suddenly became a little nervous. No matter what he said, he was just wandering among some ordinary people in the market or these profiteers. This time, there were profiteers, officials and bandits.

If he accidentally says something wrong or reveals a flaw, it will trigger an all-round dark arrow. Lao Song secretly pinched a cold sweat and involuntarily stood up and glanced at Hu Li. Hu Li looked leisurely. He was not worried that Lao Song would temporarily regret anything at all. His wife and children He has been arranged to go to the tiger village. What capital did he take to go back on his word with him?

As for whether Lao Song will help or not, he is not worried at all. Anyway, Lao Song's role is just to prove Gu Zijun. No matter how nervous he is, what he said is true.

Lao Song hugged Bai Zhengliang, took a deep breath and calmed down a little. Then he said, "Before that, I have to confess my guilt like Lord Bai first."

"Pnot guilty? What's the crime?"

"Song Louran, a villain, people on the road call me Lao Song. I'm generally responsible for contacting people's business. To put it simply, I'm a middleman."

Bai Zhengliang nodded and motioned him to continue talking.

"About a month ago, I received a big job, and the other party asked me to contact the robbers on Jiazi Mountain to rob the goods."

Hearing the words, Bai Zhengliang frowned and even Gu Shixing involuntarily pinched the handle on his chair. Bai Rui and Gu Zichen looked at each other and smiled. They knew in their hearts that Lao Song was a reliable person and knew how to advance things step by step.

"And then?"

The question was Gu Shixing. His face was not very good-looking, and his attitude towards Lao Song was naturally a little bad. Lao Song also didn't mind at all and sneered in his heart: What are you angry about now? Leave some strength and wait for the moment when the truth comes!

"The other party asked me to rob the second young master who was responsible for escorting the good cloth to Asra a few days ago."

"Which group of bandits from Jiazi Mountain did it?"

"I only contacted their second-in-command of the Qingming Gang. I have never seen their masters. As far as I know, almost no one on the road has seen him. Even the people of the Qingming Gang, except for the second-command and a few cronies, no one has seen his true face of Lushan."

Hearing Lao Song introduce the situation of the Qingming Gang in such detail, Hu Li couldn't help raising his eyes and touching his shining chin. Sometimes he glanced at Gu Zichen's body. Gu Zichen sat there steadily like Mount Tai. For his identity as Qin Ming, he was not worried that he would be discovered. The reason why Hu Li knew is that he himself is not an ordinary person. Moreover, after Hu Li identified his identity, Gu Zichen also made some rectifications to the Qingming Gang.

He believes that as long as he does not want to reveal it, there will never be new people in the world who Qin Ming is.

"Do you mean that our goods were robbed by this Qin Ming's people?"

Lao Song nodded and then took a look at Gu Zijun. Gu Zijun didn't look good and sat there seriously. Since Lao Song opened his mouth, he didn't say a word.

Thinking of Gu Zijun's previous behavior that he wanted to do to him, Lao Song had some revenge in his heart. He immediately pulled Bai Zhengliang and others's attention back from the Qingming Gang and continued: "Lord Bai, Boss Gu, don't you want to know? Contact me to find someone to go. Who is the person who intercepted this batch of goods?

As soon as Lao Song said this, Gu Zijun's body couldn't help trembling gently. He looked up at Gu Shixing and saw that Gu Shixing also looked at Lao Song with an indignant face: "Be honest!"

Lao Song didn't want to pay attention to Gu Shixing's attitude, and naturally didn't care about the orders he gave him. Lao Song just looked at Bai Zhengliang, looking like a good citizen. "Lord Bai, if the villain can testify to this person and cooperate with the government to catch the people of the Qingming Gang and find the goods, can he make up for the goods? "

Bai Zhengliang thought about it and then nodded, "If you verify that the news is true, I will do it with you, but you must not do such things that are harmful to others and yourself in the future."

Lao Song immediately promised that his news was absolutely true. He glanced at Gu Zijun with a smile and then said, "When that man came to me, I hesitated for several days and didn't dare to take this job."


"This job is big, and I can indeed earn a lot of money. After doing this vote, I don't have to work for another year, and the whole family can eat, but the risk of this job is really too big. Well, before I could spend this life money, I was found out by the second young master and brought it here."

"Stop talking nonsense! Who on earth let you rob the goods? Is it from the He family?

Gu Shixing was unhappy when he heard Lao Song being so grinding. He took out the majesty of the head of his family. Unfortunately, Lao Song did not like him at all. In Lao Song's eyes, he only recognized Bai Zhengliang in this hall.

At the same time, he also wants to raise Gu Zijun's appetite. The more afraid he is, the easier it is to break down, and the later situation can be more beneficial to Gu Zichen.

Since this has promised to become their partner, this play must be as beautiful as possible for them.

"Boss Gu, don't worry, it's okay to listen to Song Louran's explanation first."

Old Song immediately nodded, but he would not flirt with Gu Shixing's rebellious hair at this moment. At present, he continued to explain: "The reason why the villains have some scruples is that the Gu family is one of the largest merchants in our capital. If their goods are robbed, they will definitely send manpower to pursue them, let alone send diplomatic As. Pull the goods?"

Seeing that everyone nodded one after another, Lao Song deliberately paused for a moment before continuing, "Second, his identity is also very embarrassing when it comes to my employer. I can't afford to offend such a person! The brotherly relationship between Master Gu and Master Bai since childhood can be said that everyone in Changdu is aware of it. If you offend the second young master and offend the Gu family, it is equivalent to getting into trouble with the government. What I, Lao Song, did is a shady business, and I will not think that my life is too long.

"Then what happened to take over this business?"

Lao Song put on a very helpless look, as if he was really forced. He took a look at Gu Zijun. This guy was already a little calm and wanted to blow up his hair. Lao Song turned his head and hooked the corners of his lips to hide the sarcasm raised on his mouth. "The villain is also forced to be adults. The employer's power in this Changdu is really much higher than the villain. He can kill me by moving his fingers casually."

Speaking of this, he simply burst into tears and acted tragically: "If the second young master hadn't sent someone to protect me and my family last night, I'm afraid I would have been poisoned."

"Last night? What did it have to do with last night?"

"Return to my lord, early yesterday morning, the employer came to find the villain and warned the villain not to be cheap and not to disclose his news, otherwise the villain and his family would be in danger. The villain thought about it and felt that the employer was afraid to kill the villain, so I turned back to the second young master and promised to come to testify. Fortunately, the villain Temporarily alert, otherwise how can I stand here and tell you the truth today..."

"This person is so vicious!"

A layer of haze suddenly appeared on Bai Zhengliang's face. Under his governance in Changdu, how could he not be angry with such rampant people?

Seeing that the brewing was almost, Lao Song continued to say, "So the villain can only do so and contact the Qingming Gang for him. The other party also asked the robbers to make the rhythm of things, no matter what method they use, to ensure that the cloth is not allowed to appear in the market, otherwise he will have to find the villain to settle accounts, so can the cloth be searched. Yes, the villain can't guarantee that it is likely that the people of the Qingming Gang have been destroyed, or they may have dressed themselves..."

Hearing this, not only Gu Zijun was stunned, but also Gu Zichen and others were stunned. Lao Song secretly shook his eyes at Hu Li, suggesting that if he really found the cloth at that time, the tiger village could swallow it alone. Of course, he had to get it from the hands of the Qingming Gang before the government.

Hu Li continued to touch his chin and couldn't help admiring Lao Song in his heart. This man has been living on this road for a long time. He is more ruthless than himself. He not only has to kill Gu Zijun's life, but also for his future thief's nest, the welfare of Tiger Village. This product... It's really good!

"So, will you contact the people of the Qingming Gang, and this batch of goods of the rhythm Gu family is also forced?"

Lao Song was almost moved with tears and runny noses together. He rushed to Bai Zhengliang and couldn't wait to kneel on the ground, "Your Excellency is wise!"

"You fart! At the beginning, you had no choice but to raise the price..."

Gu Zijun couldn't hold back any more. At that moment, he got up and wanted to kick Lao Song. The words in his mouth also rolled out like the dam that opened the gate. However, halfway through, he closed his mouth and realized that he had completely failed this time. He was still in the hands of such an old gangster. He couldn't wait to give Lao Song in front of him. Remove eight pieces!

"Jun'er! Don't be rude in front of Lord Bai!"

Gu Shixing's face suddenly recognized what was wrong with Gu Zijun's words, but for a moment, he couldn't figure out what was wrong, so he had to shout Gu Zijun. Bai Rui seized the opportunity at this moment and looked at Gu Zijun puzzledly, and his soft and lazy voice floated out like this: "Huh Question mark This seems to be a little wrong. How do I feel that the young master seems to know very well that the scene of the employer talking with Lao Song at the beginning is the same? How do you know that Lao Song did not refuse except to raise the price with his employer?