fight your sister

Chapter 125 Let me deal with this

Bai Yuling finally felt what Liu Tuntun said before that An Yu was like a ghost.

As long as you are entangled by her, you don't want to get out easily. She knows whether you are perfunctory from your dodging eyes. Bai Yuling was asked by An Yu that he had no special feelings with Liu Tunton, and it seems that he really has something.

So in the end, she fled. If An Yu hadn't played the role of a lady who gave birth in bed, Bai Yuling would not have been able to run away.

When she stepped out of the door, An Yu still smiled behind her and said, "Come and talk to me more when you have time. They like to watch us quarrel, so we will quarrel with them."

Bai Yuling turned around and nodded slightly awkwardly, but thought to himself, can I get out easily if I come?

So in the month of An Yu's small cultivation, Bai Yuling never appeared in Gufu again...

This is a later story. Not long after Bai Yuling left, Gu Zichen came back and told An Yu that the woman refused to say the master messenger behind the scenes. It seemed that there was a handle in Gu Fang's hand. An Yu was not worried when she heard the words. She only let Gu Zichen continue to hold the woman. After a long time, she could not stand the mental torture, and naturally she would Recruit it.

The days seemed calm, but in fact they were turbulent. When An Yu was about to be moldy at home, Hu Li came back and rushed to Gu's house to visit him at the first time, because he had not yet known the inside story. When he entered the gate, he heard people's rumors that An Yu had an accident in Ziya Mountain, and he directly Hurry over.

"Er...Hu Erge!"

Hongxiu almost called out the second master, but changed her voice in An Yu's dry cough reminder. Her eyes were wide and round, as if she was very happy with the appearance of Hu Li. Seeing this, An Yu doubted again that the puppet doubted that Hongxiu, the little girl, would not like this sultry fox?

"How are you, An Yu?"

nodded lightly to the red sleeve. The fox did not stop at his feet and went straight to the bedside, but stopped when he was about to hold An Yu's hand. The two had become much strange because of An Yu's marriage. In the past, the two people who could hook up at any time in the tiger village had to worry about meeting at this time. Many.

Seeing this, An Yu was slightly dissatisfied and pretended to beat her chest very painfully and said, "Oh, my marriage immediately became disgusting. Even the fox disliked me."

"What nonsense!"

After saying that, Hu Li glanced at An Yu again. Seeing her smiling thieves, his heart suddenly became much clearer: "Being energetic and smiling with me shows that things are not serious."

Hongxiu glanced outside the door and lowered her head in Hu Li's ear and whispered, "That aunt is worried that the news of Eleven is incomplete. There is a doorman at the door, who was sent by her."

"Open up!"

Hearing this, Hongxiu nodded and went to the door and said, "My lady's cousin came to see her. Go and prepare some snacks."

After saying that, she pointed to the young girl standing on the right side of the door. The little girl was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Eleven, and then ran to get snacks reluctantly.

There are eleven news reports at the door. An Yu and Hu Li can talk at ease. What's more, Hongxiu is still standing at the door, and others can't hear anything if they want to hear.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Don't you know yet?"

"How could I know that I went back to Huzhai to deal with things."

"You...just entered the city?"

Hu Li nodded, and An Yu couldn't help but be a little moved by the situation. She flattened her mouth and seemed to be inadvertent. She didn't want Hu Li to see that she was in front of him. Even if she was married, she was still as transparent as before, and her emotions couldn't help revealing, just like a child.

"It's a long story. In short, after discussing with Zichen, I decided to pretend to be pregnant and attract the second wife to attack me."

"It's nonsense!"

Hu Li's face was serious and with unprecedented anger. An Yu couldn't help shrinking her neck. This was the first time she saw Hu Li angry, but she didn't understand. What was this guy angry about?

"What's wrong? I'm fine now..."

"How can you make fun of children?! You... What on earth is Gu Zichen thinking about that he will allow you to make such nonsense!"

"Who made fun of the child? I just want to test the cruel women to see if they can't tolerate having children in my stomach. Didn't I try it out? If I'm really stupid and accidentally pregnant, then I will really regret it!"

Hu Li was slightly stunned. When he heard the news, he only cared about criticizing her, but he didn't expect that there was such a layer behind the pregnancy. When the color below was a little ugly: "No matter how can you joke about your own body, that Yashan is not shorter than Clip Mountain, and the steps are steep. In case it really comes out What should I do?"

"Well, I'll be more careful next time. Aren't I all right now? I also successfully caught the woman who pushed Bai Yuling and tried to blame her for the things that hurt me.

"Bai Yuling?"

Hu Li frowned: "Why did she come in?"

An Yu told him the context of Ziyashan and his party in a concise manner. After hearing this, Hu Li said to An Yu, "Ockey, you continue to raise it in ** for the remaining half month, and leave the rest to me and Gu Zichen to do it."

"I'm about to get moldy in **..."

"That's what you asked for! You don't have to worry about anything. Leave this matter to me!"

After saying that, Hu Li was about to stand up and leave. The little girl who went to get snacks also hurried back. Hu Li took a piece of walnut crisp from the tray in her hand and threw it into her mouth, and walked directly out of An Yu's door.

The little girl looked at Hu Li's back and was a little stunned. Hongxiu coughed softly, and the little girl came to her senses and handed the tray to Hongxiu. Then Hongxiu snorted coldly and brought things in.

Hu Li's return did not undoubtedly increase An Yu's morale a lot. Gu Zichen has too many things to take care of. She knew that she could not count on him to deal with the two women in the inner house, but Hu Li was different. He returned to the tiger village and now appeared in Changdu, which shows that he has dealt with the matter of the tiger village. What's more, with Lao Song in the tiger village now, he doesn't need to bother too much.

Then... the woman's matter can be completely handed over to Hu Li. Hu Li did not need An Yu's order, but he had already run to the Fengwu business, found Gu Zichen, discussed with him, and then directly took over the matter.

He first went to find Lao Leng to learn something about, and then asked Lao Leng to bring her person from the cellar. She was a middle-aged woman who looked about 30 years old. Hu Li came straight to the point when he saw her: "I know who you are ordered by, and I also checked your home. Ting*, you are a widow. Your name is Li Guihua. You are 30 or 40 years old. You have a daughter who has just turned 17 this year and has passed the best age to get married. You have finally told her about the family recently, right?

As soon as Li Guihua heard this, he immediately felt a little anxious and rushed to Hu Li with a frightened face. Compared with the previous warm-water hot pig, this reaction was indeed a little big. He was so shocked that he immediately tied her backhand and tied her to the edge of the bed with a rope.

"You must be so excited that I must have said a word for word. So, the family where your daughter was betrothed happens to be from the mother's family of the Gu family, a rough-working boy in the Shen family, right?"

Li Guihua kept gasping, as if he was very anxious and angry, staring at Hu Li angrily: "What on earth are you trying to say?"

"The reason why you help the second aunt of the Gu family and the eldest young lady harm the second young grandmother is that you are worried that your daughter's marriage has been pornographic and has offended the Shen family. Am I right?"

"I won't let anyone ruin my daughter's happiness!"

Li Guihua's eyes showed a sense of determination. Hu Li wink at Lao Leng. Lao Leng didn't know where to take out a piece of cloth and stuffed it directly into Li Guihua's mouth to prevent her emotionally biting her tongue and threatening herself.

Happiness? Sister, you are really confused. All you know is that your daughter can get married. Do you ever know who she is going to marry? Is she willing to marry herself?