fight your sister

Chapter 141 Tell him the truth

Looking at Gu Zichen's excited appearance, if An Yu hadn't understood the strange feelings between him and Hu Li, she would have thought Gu Zichen was jealous!

These strange men...

"Her name is Su Rou. She looks very temperamental and a cold beauty."

"Su Rou?"

"What, do you know?"

Gu Zichen smiled and immediately said, "I don't know."

"Then why do you look surprised?"

"Isn't this to cooperate with you?"

An Yu touched her nose and understood what she wanted to be seen through by him, so she had to smile. In fact, her understanding of Su Rou was also very limited, so she simply changed the topic and inquire about the relationship between Gu Ziqing and He Shuyan. His second brother didn't know: "Guess who I met today. ?"

Seeing An Yu's blinking and playful appearance, Gu Zichen naturally knew that she had something to say, and now she looked straight: "Who?"

"He Shuyan."


"He took the initiative to come to me."

"What did you talk about?"

An Yu told Gu Zichen about He Shuyan's inquiry about Gu Ziqing one by one. Gu Zichen was also a little surprised when he heard the words and said that he knew nothing about these things.

An Yu was also a little surprised. She originally thought that Gu Zichen would know more or less about the inside story. After all, the whole Gu family has a better relationship between him and Gu Ziqing. Gu Ziyi has penetrated into the dream of fame and is half a nerd. If Gu Ziqing has anything to say, he will certainly not communicate with him too much. Flow.

Unexpectedly, even Gu Zichen didn't know anything about it.

"Then what do you think of this?"

"You mean that He Shuyan likes Ziqing?"

"Yes! He Shuyan also looks like a talented person, and from your previous evaluation of him, although this person is the opposite of the Gu family's business, he is also very open and bright. He disdains to use small tricks. He is a man with good character.

Gu Zichen frowned slightly and saw that An Yu had begun to speak for him. He couldn't help asking, "Have you ever asked your little sister what she means?"

"Not yet, I just think that Ziqing liked to come out at the beginning. Did he just go to the shop to talk to Master Xu? Didn't she go anywhere else? You know, she was in her teens at that time, and it was the beginning of her love.

"You mean, my little sister..."

"Anyway, I look at He Shuyan's expression, which doesn't seem to be self-indued."

"Have you been close to your little sister these days? Have you found the truth about her great change in temperament at the beginning?"

An Yu hesitated and shook her head and said, "No, what did your father say about Ziqing's great change of temperament?"

In private, An Yu has never called Gu Shixing as his father. They all directly told him, "Your father". Gu Zichen has no problem with this, because for him, Gu Shixing does not deserve a father at all. On the contrary, An Yu has always respected Gu Qin and treats An Yu with such a considerate treatment. Gu Zichen does not But instead of feeling unhappy, I was happier.

"Fang Ling found someone to do it, saying that Ziqing was evil into the body, so that the Taoist priest would be fine after exorcising evil spirits. The little sister's temperament changed greatly, and she only used her own temperament to answer this. She said that the lively and active woman in the past was related to evil into the body."


An Yu was excited and roared directly. Gu Zichen couldn't help laughing when he heard the words. An Yu immediately covered his mouth and said that it was in the backyard of the Fengwu business. If it was in the Gu family, it would definitely be heard.

"Who believes this kind of nonsense!"

"My father! So this matter is over, and the little sister has become a person who doesn't go out of the door every day. She is always afraid of strangers and doesn't want to see strangers, let alone ask for it.

"Ziqing came out with me a few days ago. We went out for tea and sat for a while and then went back."

"Did she say anything?"

Gu Zichen looked a little nervous. Seeing that he really cared about Gu Ziqing, An Yu couldn't help but feel a little unbearable. He wanted to tell him the truth of the matter, but he was worried that it would make him worry as Gu Ziqing said, but if he didn't say anything, he seemed to be more worried, and it would be more and more difficult to hide it in the future.

After all, as long as she seizes the opportunity in the future, she will take Gu Ziqing out. She has gone out more often, and her temperament has changed back to this kind of thing. How do you want her to explain it?

"Zichen, do you remember about your third aunt?"

"I'm not impressed. I only remember that she was a very gentle woman and was very kind to me."

"Don't you remember how old she died when you were?"

Gu Zichen shook his head: "I don't remember much. Later, the family said that Ziqing's brother and sister died soon after they were born."

"Have you ever doubted?"

Gu Zichen felt something was wrong. Now he pulled An Yu and sat aside and put a color on the red sleeve: "Red sleeve, go out and wait. If someone comes, he will cough twice."

Hongxiu understood that he was going to start asking questions, so she nodded and went out of the door, but did not close the door, so as not to attract others' suspicion. You know, whether at home or in the Fengwu business, in fact, there is no 100% reassurance. After all, Gu Zichen's business time is still short, and no one can guarantee that this The person is 100% heartfelt, and there is no eyeliner arranged by Gu Zijun. Who knows?

"What the hell happened?"

"Ziqing has always asked me to keep it secret, but I think I should tell you, lest you blame me for not reporting it in the future."

Gu Zichen knew what she was talking about. An Yu had a lingering fear about her poisoning. In fact, Gu Zichen was still very angry, but she had been relying on his love for herself, so she did not think that one day he would really be angry.

For good, she won in the end. All she relied on was his love for her.

So this time, An Yu plans to share everything with him.

"The third aunt was killed by Fang Ling."

"Did Ziqing tell you?"

"Well, do you still remember when you were a child, she was only two years old, Ziyi was only three years old, and you were only five years old. You played hide-and-seek in the yard together. You are a kid. Go and catch them."

Gu Zichen shook his head: "I almost have no impression. There were too many things when I was a child, especially when I was five years old. My family changed so much that what I remember is some big things."

Seeing that An Yu was a little surprised, Gu Zichen explained, "It was that year that my mother quit and lived in a partial courtyard. The Qin family changed its dynasty, and all the stores became the Gu family."

Hearing this, An Yu understood why Gu Zichen didn't remember what happened at that time. Compared with such earth-shaking changes in the family, who would remember those happy times in those years?

"At that time, Ziqing hid in the third aunt's room. The third aunt hid her in the box. The box opened a seam and was worried that she would not breathe well. Then, she saw the scene of her mother's murder with her own eyes."

An Yu told Gu Zichen about Gu Ziqing's memories in detail. Gu Zichen was really shocked when he heard the words. He thought about the possibility of changing the nature of tens of thousands of little girls, but he didn't expect that she had been like this for so many years. How on earth did she endure and keep smiling every day before the age of 13?

"Then why is she afraid to go out?"

"Fang Ling threatened. At that time, she knew Ziqing's embroidery talent and saw her running towards the shop from time to time. She communicated with Master Xu smoothly. She was worried that she would be too sharp and be valued by your father and come to work in the shop. This is likely to affect Gu Zijun. Ziqing has kissed you since she was a child. They have been guarding against you, and it is impossible not to guard against her.

"So that's it... Why didn't the little sister tell me? Doesn't she believe that I can protect her?

An Yu glanced at him and said, "Thanks, you are still a brother. She doesn't want you to worry, and... her mother seems to have promised her something, saying that she wants her to continue to endure. When the time comes, she will naturally get the justice she deserves, including the third aunt."

"Mother? Do you mean that the mother also knows the cause of the third aunt's death?

"Maybe at that time, she couldn't help but protect herself, so she chose to be silent and hand over the power of Gu's inner court that year."

Seeing Gu Zichen's complex face and frown tightly, An Yu couldn't help but feel a little distressed. After all, the most important women in Gu's family didn't tell him anything in their hearts, which would really be a blow to his heart. She could only comfort him: "You are just starting now, and you can't impulsive bad things and let your mother down. So many years of painstaking efforts.

"I understand. Ziqing will leave it to you."

Gu Zichen put away a little injured look and now restored the usual capable and cold him, but between his eyebrows, when looking at An Yu, he still inadvertently revealed a little tenderness. This change of his eyes naturally clearly showed the different weight of An Yu in his heart.

"Don't worry, as for He Shuyan, I will have a good talk with Ziqing."

"Thank you for your hard work. After you married me, I couldn't let you live a relaxing day..."

"I'm willing to say such words. I feel very happy waiting for you to come home every day."

Gu Zichen smiled, held An Yu in his arms, enjoyed the warmth for a moment, and finally kissed her forehead and said, "I have to discuss something with Bai Rui tonight. I may come back later. Do you want to go directly to Hu Li and have dinner with him?"

Gu Zichen knew that An Yu didn't like to eat at home and got along with Gu Shixing and his second wife, let alone the situation that he was not at home, so he thought of a way out for her. An Yu tilted her head and thought about it and said, "Then come to Longmen Inn to pick me up after finishing your work. I will finish dinner with Hu Li. I'll wait for you at the Longmen Inn.

"Good. If there is anything, remember to send someone to inform me.

"I know, it's talkaty."

"By the way, find out who is the woman named Su Rou that Hu Li likes, where she lives, and what*."