fight your sister

Chapter 146 Another Plan

Hearing this, Gu Zichen knew that his goal had been achieved. At this moment, he quietly hooked his lips and then asked, "Do you mean that you want to help me regain my family seal?"

"What do you think of the second young master?"

"Why should I promise you?"

He Shuyan was also unambiguous. He knew that it was impossible for Gu Zichen to find an opportunity to get to the present step by step without any scheming and strategy, but he was also unambiguous. His idea of marrying Gu Ziqing was more determined at the moment he saw her.

"You care about Ziqing's happiness, and you really need my help now, and we have the same 'enemies'. My father said that when Uncle Qin was still alive, our two families had always been harmonious, but since your father became the big boss, he has been fighting against us and trying to swallow our He family's property.

"If he could really annex the He family, wouldn't it be better for me to take charge of the family seal?"

"You're not sure!"

"Oh? Where did you say this?"

He Shuyan smiled and only whispered, "Gu Shixing doesn't have that ability, and you can't wait. If he really takes over my He family, you don't have the ability to take back the property belonging to the Qin family from his hands."

Hearing this, Gu Zichen understood that He Shuyan really wanted to cooperate with him, otherwise he would never talk to him like this.

Because if he just wants to please himself, he only needs to say some flattery to show his sincerity to cooperate, and why does he deliberately discuss his family affairs? It's so straightforward and straight to the point.

"You are direct."

"I always know what I want, what I can do, and what I can do. For Ziqing, I will never let go. After waiting for her so many years and finally having a chance to be together, how can I let Gu Shixing ruin her happiness?

Gu Zichen was stunned. He looked at Gu Ziqing. Gu Ziqing was also full of expectations. He knew what it was like to be a female university. Her eyes at this moment were completely revealed, and they were all looking forward to it.

So he had to nod helplessly and said, "Okay, I promise you."

He Shuyan and Gu Ziqing smiled at each other when they heard the words, and both showed a little relaxation and excitement. Gu Zichen immediately added a sentence when they saw the situation.

"You may think that I agreed to your suggestion for profit, but I might as well tell you here that I am for Ziqing."

"Thank you for your trust."

"Don't be happy too early. If you dare to feel sorry for her, I will do everything I can to make you famous in Changdu, and don't want to live a peaceful life."

"I know the second young master's means."

He Shuyan paused and then continued: "Just as you quietly negotiated Asla's business, I knew that if I wanted to do something to you, I would have to suffer."

"You don't have to compliment me. You are so modest. When I got Asra's business from you, I also gave up my strength. I'm just a little better than you."

Gu Zichen shrugged his shoulders. It was polite for the two of them to come and go. Seeing that He Shuyan seemed to continue to be polite, An Yu waved his hand and said, "Oh, I'm going to be a family soon. Don't say these good-faced words here. In short, everyone is united and friendly. Any difficulties."

After saying that, he looked at Gu Zichen and said, "Zichen, since Mr. He is willing to help, this is a good thing for us. Don't always be rigid and take out your treatment of Hu Li to get along with Mr. He. At the beginning, you and Hu Li are so competitive, but now it's not Can you laugh like a flower in front of him?

As soon as this came out, Hu Li immediately sprayed, sprayed a mouthful of tea directly on the table, and was slapped rudely by An Yu, and Gu Zichen's face was also a little embarrassed. After all, when the two of them competed against each other, they knew in their hearts that they were more or less jealous.

Although one is deliberately jealous, the other is really eating the other party's dry vinegar...

However, An Yu's words are also right. Both of them can get along well with each other as they are now, and occasionally make fun of each other. Although Gu Zichen and He Shuyan have not had much contact since childhood, they also know each other well.

After all, the two families have been sworn enemies since they were young. Both of them are ambitious, and it is impossible that they have no investigation and understanding of each other.

"In this case, if we have anything to say in the future, we can come straight to the point. There is no need to say anything like a mountain road like before."

He Shuyan took the lead in showing weakness, and just took the opportunity to please Gu Zichen. This is the future brother-in-law. He doesn't please him. Gu Ziqing wants to marry him, which can be said to have a difficult road ahead. After all, I'm afraid he has to deal with the matchmaker who stepped into the threshold of the Gu family during this period.

Speaking of this, I recently found that Gu Zijun has begun to be dishonest again, and it is not convenient for me to come forward, because he must be secretly monitoring me. Could you please ask Master He to help me investigate secretly? Let's see what he is playing. I can also take precautions.

"Of course, it's no problem. Isn't it Gu Zijun? I'll watch it for you and give you a reply in three days at the latest.

Gu Zichen nodded. In fact, he was just testing He Shuyan's sincerity and determination. About Gu Zijun, he received the news as soon as there was a movement. Besides, he still had his good brother Bai Rui to help?

The people in the government are not joking. If they want to investigate one thing, they don't need any excuses and cover-up at all, okay?

And He Shuyan was also clear about this. When the two looked at each other with a smile, the moment their eyes met, they were already tacit.

Time flies. In a blink of an eye, it was the end of Hai. Everyone said goodbye one after another. Gu Zichen took An Yu, Gu Ziqing and Hongxiu back to the house, while Hu Li returned to the Longmen Inn. As for He Shuyan, he was a little bitter, and he had to go to his eyes to order him to complete the task given to Gu Zichen.

But in just one day, He Shuyan sent someone to bring the news, saying that he had figured out what Gu Zijun was doing. It turned out that he was not trying to design Gu Zichen, but because Gu Shixing secretly explained something to him.

In fact, Gu Zichen already knew that he was planning to fight back, but he happened to encounter He Shuyan's desire to pursue Gu Ziqing, so he lost such a difficult problem and wanted to see how much He Shuyan's ability could help him.

Unexpectedly, he had received what he needed without using it for a day. Gu Zichen was very satisfied with this, and the two also had a way to contact each other.

At this time, the two were drinking tea and laughing in Minghuayuan. They only heard He Shuyan put down the teacup and said, "Gu Zijun is really not smart enough."

"Oh? So how can he be smart?"

"Gu Shixing valued him so much. In fact, he only needs to follow the path given by Shixing and walk well step by step. He may still have some achievements, but he only knows how to put his mind on you, which is not a big deal. Especially when he contacted the bandits and robbers before and wanted to frame you, it has been exposed. Now it is hard to release it. Gu Shixing is willing to manage the shop for him again. He actually doesn't understand Gu Shixing's painstaking efforts and wants to frame you.

Hearing this, Gu Zichen couldn't help shaking the teacup in his hand, blowing away the tea leaves floating on the water, took a shallow thought, and then said lightly, "So, if he hadn't put his focus wrong attention, wouldn't I have been more difficult?"

He Shuyan shrugged his shoulders, "Actually, it's okay. In this way, you can focus more on dealing with Gu Shixing. I'm just referring to Gu Zijun."

"What you said is easy. My father is not so easy to fool. I have wasted so much energy. At present, I only have the ownership of seven shops, and they are still relatively poor shops."

"It's always better than before, isn't it? In fact, I have been wondering why Gu Shixing guarded you so deeply. Now it seems that he is indeed an old fox.

Gu Zichen frowned slightly and asked unhappily. Are you afraid that I will be unhappy if you stand in front of me and say that my father?

"Oc well, Ziqing told me everything she has seen and heard in the house over the years, otherwise I wouldn't be so sure that you are not just dealing with Gu Zijun."

Speaking of this, He Shuyan seemed to be worried that his words were not convincing, and then continued: "What you want is not only Gu Shixing's value, but also to overthrow them all and seek justice for your mother. Your uncle..."

"Don't tell me about my uncle. There are some evil debts. They have to pay them themselves."

"So this time... are you going to let their father and son succeed like this?"

"Ha ha, Gu Zijun has a chance to be valued in front of his father. He doesn't cherish it himself. Do I still want to sympathize with him?"

"So what are you going to do?"

Gu Zichen thought for a moment, and his eyes gradually became solemn, and finally returned to the coldness and seriousness of the past. "Since he wants to be sent by my father to deliver goods to me, I will fulfill him."

"So you already have a plan. Do you need my help?"

"Of course, it is needed. At first, my plan was not this. A few days ago, we reached a tacit understanding and the purpose was the same. Naturally, I can't let go of you as a good helper."

He Shuyan was quite helpless. He picked up the cup in his hand again and said with a smile, "It's just a piece of cake. I'm willing to, but I don't know what your plan is?"

"Didn't Boss Hong in Yangcheng order our goods this time? My father deliberately asked me to deliver goods, which was to open me, and then gave Gu Zijun the three shops where my business had been good. Gu Zijun was so happy that he felt that it was time to harm me. In this way, I might as well make a plan again..."