fight your sister

Chapter 156 This is the best witness

Gu Shixing frowned and looked at the explanation of the two of them. There seemed to be nothing wrong. He couldn't help thinking about who it would be. He dared to come to burn Gu's warehouse so boldly.

Not to mention that Gu Zichen is unwilling to let Gu Zijun secretly suppress this matter, Gu Shixing will not be willing to do so.

What the clip said before, because it was Gu Zijun's masterpiece, he could only grit his teeth and let the government stop. However, almost the whole people in Changdu knew about the burning of the warehouse this time. He has always loved his face. How can he tolerate someone making trouble on his territory, but he came to be this meat bun?

"And then?"

"Later, the fire in the warehouse spread a little big. We were awakened by the people who came in to put out the fire. If we were found later, we would have to be buried in the sea of fire."

"Yes, boss! We really don't lose responsibility. It must be man-made.

Gu Shixing looked at the two of them. At this moment, there were a lot of people around him. He was really not easy to attack. Originally, he also had the same meaning as Gu Zijun. Since there was a problem in their hands, how could he not be punished?

But... punishing two guys who almost died in front of so many people is expected to damage the reputation of the Gu family.

So, he had to shake his head and force himself to say a decent word: "It's easy to hide from dark arrows, and I can't blame you for this, but you must be more careful in the future, do you know?"

Jiang Si and Lao Zhang were so moved that they were almost crying. Gu Zichen couldn't help hooking the corners of their lips, and their eyes glanced at Gu Zijun, who looked uncertainly.

In fact, Gu Zichen didn't understand why Gu Zijun had to drive Jiang Si and Lao Zhang away. In fact, they were just irresponsible after being stunned, and they didn't see him bring someone to set fire. He was so scared. Didn't he tell others that you look at me, I have a problem!

Isn't this a catch?

"Dad, are you going to let them go like this?"

"What else?"

"The two of them have problems during the vigil. Why don't others have problems? Maybe they stole our cloth and deliberately set it on fire to cover it up.

As soon as this came out, Jiang Si and Lao Zhang quit and accused Gu Zijun one after another: "Young master, how can you spit blood? You said that we had dereliction of duty, and we admit that we were indeed plotted, but... if you want to charge us with theft, then we will quit."

This is indeed a little serious, so serious that Gu Zichen can't help but have some doubts. Is it possible that Jiang Si and Lao Zhang know something? Otherwise, why did Gu Zijun care so much about their existence?

"Yes, young master, I've been beaten like this. If you still want to say something like this, then I won't do it. Isn't it bloody?"

Seeing that there was going to be some conflict between the master and servant, Gu Shixing waved his hand impatiently, signaling them not to continue talking. At that moment, he turned his head and looked at Gu Zichen: "Have you notified Lord Bai?"

Seeing Gu Shixing like this, Gu Zichen understood that he actually wanted to ask if he had sent someone to inform Bai Rui that he knew better than anyone about the relationship between himself and Bai Rui.

And doesn't Bai Zhengliang also want to stand up and speak in the name of the government after their two descendants investigate?

"People have been sent there. The matter is so big. I guess Lord Bai will send someone here as soon as the government opens."

"Very good! This time, we must not condone this person behind the scenes!"

Gu Shixing's words shocked Gu Zijun even more. He looked at Gu Shixing tremblingly: "Dad, the fire has just been extinguished here, and there are still many ruins. There are ash everywhere. It's dirty. Why don't you accompany you to the shop? Let's leave it to Zichen and the government?"

"This is also good... Zichen...on your side?"

"Dad, don't worry, the child will deal with it."

"Then I'll go first."

After saying that, he didn't stop at all and left the warehouse with Gu Zijun.

When He Shuyan saw their father and son leaving, he looked at Gu Zichen thily. Gu Zichen seemed to look at him inadvertently. With one look, the two tacitly agreed to meet in the old place for a while.

The so-called old place is just a house bought by He Shuyan. The house he bought is very low-key to marry Gu Ziqing as a new house in the future.

If An Yu knew about this, she would definitely laugh at him and walk in the trend of the times. In today's 21st century, every family has to have a new house when they get married.

In ancient times, it was not so particular at all. As long as the three media and six hires took over the bride, whether your house was newly built or newly bought? Isn't the old one married the same?

After the two met, He Shuyan said bluntly, "I checked that the reason why Gu Zijun chose to do it last night was not because he remembered it for a moment, but because he stayed in the warehouse last night..."

"I can see that Gu Zijun has always been involved in my side. At first, I thought it was a person in my shop, but I didn't expect that he would not let go of this warehouse. I didn't think deeply about the way Jiang Si and Lao Zhang talked today, but Gu Zijun exposed himself."

He Shuyan smiled when he heard the words: "Gu Zijun, he is too anxious to do things. If he didn't try his best to evacuate Jiang Si and Lao Zhang from you, in fact, you may not find that Jiang Si and Lao Zhang are actually the best candidates to use.

He Shuyan's words were unconcealed, and Gu Zichen did not hide what he thought at all. At present, he nodded and answered, "Yes, I may go to the inner responder I put beside him to prove this matter, but since he has involved his people, don't blame me for doing too much like last time. It's tough."

"If it were me, I would have let him fall to the ground last time. How can I give him a chance to look for his bad pleasure?"

Gu Zichen smiled helplessly and said nothing. Seeing this, He Shuyan said nothing more, and the two were speechless for a moment.

In the end, Gu Zichen broke the silence first: "Yes, Gu Zijun asked you to help carry away the cloth. Where did you go?"

"Nature is the safest place."


"How can even Gu Zijun push this matter to me? How can others not think so? Besides, although my father handed over all the things in the shop to me, he doesn't care about anything. He often checks the warehouse inventory or something. Naturally, it's impossible for me to bring the cloth home."

Hearing this, Gu Zichen nodded and wondered, if He Shuyan hadn't put the cloth at home, where could he hide so many goods?

Seeing his curious appearance, He Shuyan revealed the mystery the next moment: "It seems that you have been so busy that you have forgotten Hu Li recently."