fight your sister

Chapter 164 Look at the problem from another angle

After a simple communication with Bai Rui, the two actually reached a small secret, that is, An Yu will help him look at Gu Zichen to see if he really has the intention to hide from himself.

But Bai Rui promised An Yu that if he really felt depressed, he would talk to her and let her enlighten him.

From this... began to straighten Bai Rui's road and officially began.

However, these are all later words. After analyzing the time of arson, An Yu and Bai Rui felt that it was better to start with Jiang Si and Lao Zhang. If they were really the people installed by Gu Zijun, they still need to ring the bell. It would be best for them to stand up and testify.

This idea happens to be in line with Gu Zichen and He Shuyan's plan. Both sides are considering how to open the mouths of Jiang Si and Lao Zhang.

"Why don't we analyze the problem in the initial state?"

Bai Rui looked at that and did not say anything, but his expression was very serious. Waiting for An Yu's next sentence, An Yu did not talk much, and immediately said, "Instead of thinking hard about how to let them testify, it's better to return to the first step and see why they want to burn the warehouse for Gu Zijun?"

"You mean... Gu Zijun has coercion and temptation?"

"After his success, he immediately wanted to put aside their behavior. They must have received benefits, and... they would have to risk being dismissed by the Gu family to do this matter. If Gu Zijun hadn't given more benefits, they would have made them feel worth taking risks."

"Or are they short of money?"

Before An Yu's words were finished, she was cut off by Bai Rui. Instead of being unhappy, she nodded in agreement: "Yes, both of them have been working in the Gu family for a long time. The treatment of the Gu family has always been much better than other merchants. If it is not necessary, they can't be willing to lose this iron rice bowl. Take the risk of losing your long-standing livelihood.

"You make sense, continue..."

"So, Gu Zijun must have caught some pain in them. You know, Gu Zijun can't be generous. In order to burn his own warehouse, he gives Jiang Si and Lao Zhang enough money for both of them all their lives."

Speaking of this, An Yu shrugged her shoulders and said in a very calm tone, "So, they are either threatened or in urgent need of money."

"If you are in urgent need of money, this matter is easy to investigate!"

"If it is threatened by Gu Zijun, there must be a handle in his hand, and it is also the kind of handle that will make them not risk more miserable."

"Lost this job!"

"If they are exposed by Gu Zijun, they will not even have the benefit given by Gu Zijun, so... they would rather make a play to let Gu Zijun burn the warehouse and not ship the goods on time. At that time, Zichen will be punished by Gu Shixing, so the biggest beneficiary must be Gu Zijun."

Bai Rui looked at An Yu with some appreciation. He was no longer polite to her in the past, but directly smiled and half joked: "No wonder Zichen told me that you were qualified for the position of the second young grandmother of the Gu family. I didn't believe it at the beginning."

"Have you believed it now?"

"The letter! Your reasoning ability is no worse than Zichen.

"It's still a little worse than him. I believe he must have thought of this and sent someone to check the situation of Jiang Si and Lao Zhang!"

Bai Rui was stunned. He never thought that she was not only modest, but also put up the name of her man, as if Gu Zichen was really the smartest person in the world.

Do women fall in love with a person and are so blind? Like himself... Bai Rui had to admit that when An Yu trusted Gu Zichen's ability, he was very confident and beautiful when he thought of Gu Zichen.

It made Bai Rui have to want to bet with her whether her man is really as strong as she said. Although Bai Rui himself thinks so, Gu Zichen must be able to think of what they can think of, but... he just wants to compete with An Yu.

He always feels that there is a very powerful force in this little woman's body.

"What if he didn't think of it?"

"Reassuring, he will definitely want it, otherwise...let's bet on it?"


Bai Rui didn't expect that the little trick in his heart would be said so directly by her.

Seeing that he was so surprised and laughed, An Yu immediately pointed to Bai Rui's face: "Your expression betrayed you. You must think that my trust and confidence in Zichen are very blind, right?"

"How come? Zichen is not an ordinary person. If it hadn't been for his father's burial since he was a child, he would have made achievements, and the Gu family's business would have grown up long ago. It would not have been possible to be on an equal footing with the He family.

"Alas... It seems that not only women are blind, but also when a man completely trusts another man, he is also so blind."

Looking at An Yu's name and liking Gu Zichen, Bai Rui really couldn't be angry, because what she said was not only true, but also particularly straightforward. The look on her face was also very ordinary. Without half disdain and half unhappy, he gradually opened his heart.

"He has been like this since he was a child, you know? When I was a child... I remember that we were only six years old and took our little sister to play mischievous things together. We went out of the house and arrived at the back street far away from home. The back street was a very chaotic street. There were often some unemployed people wandering there. There were many traffickers and some beautiful boys and girls who specialized in abducting long. I went to the brothel and the hook column.

Hearing this, An Yu's expression also became a little suspicious, but Bai Rui nodded heavily: "At that time, my little sister and I were stunned. You see, we are not ugly now. We were really cute when we were young."

"And then?"

An Yu really didn't expect that Gu Zichen had encountered such a thing when he was a child. Were the three of them kidnapped?

"Then if we get lost in that kind of place, we will definitely be targeted. At that time, my little sister and I were very scared, only Zichen..."

"What's wrong with him?"

Bai Rui thought of the picture when he was a child and couldn't help but raise his lips: "You know, he has been looking like someone else owes him money since he was a child. He pretended to be an adult and asked for directions from the kind-looking vendors along the way, so we all thought he was not afraid, so we followed the way out. After that street, he lay on my shoulder.

"Are you all right?"

"Do you still hope that something really happened to us? Those people won't have any sympathy. If they are really sold, can you still see us now?

"Since there is such a street in Changdu, why didn't your father arrest those people and rectify that place?"

When Bai Rui heard the words, he couldn't help looking at An Yu: "Do you think the government is omnipotent? You have no evidence to confirm that they have committed the crime. How can you arrest them? Besides, there will be such a evil force in every place, and many of them are also forced by life. Later, my father talked to them and asked them to elect several more talkative people to build a patrol to maintain the order of the back streets and help collect the wind. If there are those profiteers who bully the good people, and the government You can report it directly."

"Poo... Your father's trick is really poisonous, using evil to control evil!"

"This is the only way to deal with these people, and they can also make a living."

"Is it a protection fee?"

What protection fee? It's all some backstreet vendors who pay for their own hard work.

An Yu shrugged her shoulders and said that the brain of this ancient man is much simpler than that of modern people. How can modern people treat a so-called villain like this? Have you forced them to death with the saliva of public opinion?

Look at the news in recent years, either this person was forced by society to go to kindergarten to cut down children, or that person went crazy to blow up schools and hospitals. The ancient people were much kinder.

Er... It seems to be a crooked topic. Didn't Gu Zichen investigate the matter between Jiang Si and Lao Zhang? Why is it so far away?

"Do you want to count the bet just now?"

An Yu wanted to pull the topic back, so she started from the bet. Bai Rui also found that he had said too many irrelevant words unconsciously. Now he nodded: "Naturally count, how do you want to bet?"

"Let's investigate Jiang Si and Lao Zhang directly. If we can meet Zichen, which is also investigating, it means that he is one step ahead of us. If you don't meet him, it means that you may be one step ahead of him.


"What if he left after investigating?"

Bai Rui looked at An Yu in a cold sweat. She was really looking for a scene for Gu Zichen all the time... Gu Zichen can't cherish such a woman.

He was a little disappointed. Originally, he thought that An Yu was a woman who could help him with nothing, and he would also feel that his existence was necessary, but... Now it seems that this is not the case. Her perspective of thinking about the problem is completely different from herself.

When he and Gu Zichen are together, most of them are thinking of his own way and ways. He is the one who thinks about problems according to his thoughts. What he says, he thinks about where he thinks. When the two are together, almost all of them are Gu Zichen taking the initiative and he is passive.

And now An Yu is the same. No wonder the two of them are more together, and they have been a step slower from beginning to end.

Thinking of this, Bai Rui had to smile in his heart. An Yu, An Yu, Gu Zichen will leave it to you. You should control him well, otherwise... Not only me, there must be many women coveting him. At that time, you will be busy.

"In that case, don't delay any more. Where are Jiang Si and Lao Zhang now?"