fight your sister

Chapter 167 Your relationship is very strange

Looking at Hu Li's squeaky appearance, An Yu had an impulse to beat him. However, Hu Li said, "Old cold is here. Don't touch me. Even if he is at the door now, you are only one step away from me. Can he kill you in seconds, believe it?"

I have to say that Hu Li's learning ability is super strong. When she was in the tiger village, a modern word would come out from time to time. Hu Li could clearly grasp the essence, and at the critical moment, he could still say it without using it in the wrong place, which made An Yu very embarrassed. This is definitely a skill. If what At that time, Hu Li also traveled through time, and he must be able to adapt to modern life quickly.

"What the hell is going on?"

"If you don't tell you, you won't tell you. Ask Gu Zichen to go!"

"...I don't know where he went."

"Go back to the warehouse and wait for him. He should have gone back now."

An Yu looked at Hu Li and couldn't help asking, "Hu Li, how many secrets do you have that I don't know?"

"Me? What other secrets do I have? Don't you know all about it? I'm from Qindu.

"I mean... How have you and that Su Rou developed?"

Hearing the words, Hu Li's face instantly showed a look of few male feelings, which made An Yu stunned. Is this still the coquettish fox that makes you feel calculating anytime and anywhere? What did he look like when he was very affectionate and pure just now?


"Secret, you big-headed ghost, by the way, where are you swallowing?"

Since Hu Li doesn't want to say it, An Yu knows that it's useless to ask, and his expression just now seems to be shy. He should not have caught up with him. Otherwise, he will definitely show off to himself proudly. How good Su Rou is and how sweet his feelings are with her are. He can't wait to show off. People who can get tired of others.

"Swallow? I haven't seen him for some days. If you want to find him, you can ask He Shuyan.

"Well, I'll go first."


Hu Li waved to An Yu impatiently. An Yu couldn't help but be a little injured and looked sad: "Now you have a new lover and forget my old love. You are so impatient with me. I hate you so much."

Seeing her like this, Hu Li couldn't help laughing. Knowing that she deliberately disgusted herself, he immediately raised his feet and pretended to kick her. An Yu dodged sideways and stuck out his tongue to him and said, "Let's get together in a few days. I may have to follow Zichen to Jiangnan. It will take more than a month to come back?"

"Oi, maybe I won't be in Changdu when you come back."

Before, Hu Li said that she wanted to go back to Qindu. At this moment, when she heard him say this again, An Yu would still feel a little frustrated. After all... Hu Li is the person who has made her the most secure person since she traveled to ancient times. Although she has now married Gu Zichen, they are completely different.

As the saying goes, every woman has two lovers in her heart, one is her husband, and the other is a man who is good to her without asking for anything in return.

For An Yu, Hu Li is the latter.

"If you really want to leave, remember to leave a letter for me. I will go to Qindu to see you."

"Ouch, when did you become so sentimental? Haven't I left yet?"

An Yu glanced at him. Damn it, don't you have any opinions? I really don't know what's good or not!

After staring, An Yu and Bai Rui went out of the coffin shop and went out of this alley. Bai Rui couldn't help saying, "How can your relationship with Hu Li be like this?"

"What's wrong? In the past, when we were in Tiger Village, everyone thought we were a couple!"

"If it weren't for knowing that you had married Zichen, I would have thought so."

"Ha ha, Bai Rui, you may never have a heterosexual friend like Hu Li. For me, Hu Li is a relative."

"Well, I understand! Although your relationship is good, it is not like a lover. The sight contact between lovers will spark, just like every time I see you and Zichen..."

Speaking of this, Bai Rui subconsciously closed his voice. He unconsciously mentioned Gu Zichen and was still in front of An Yu. Although the two had agreed before that this matter would not constitute a grudge in each other's hearts, he would still be awkward.

However, the focus of An Yu's attention is not the problem of comfort, but the sentence every time she sees it...

She tilted her head and looked up at Bai Rui: "Every time you see us? I remember that when we met last time, Zichen and I didn't become a couple! When we got married, I also wore a red cover. How did you see our sight contact?

When Bai Rui heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. "I... I... often meet you on the road, but I just don't come to say hello, and Zichen and I usually meet every few days, so I see you a lot. You just don't know."

An Yu couldn't help sighing in her heart again. When will Bai Rui... come out of the abyss of Gu Zichen?

The two chatted as they walked and quickly returned to the warehouse. Sure enough, Gu Zichen was already there. She trotted over and looked at Gu Zichen fiercely to make sure that he had no problems. Then she was relieved.

Seeing that she seemed to be very nervous or came with Bai Rui, Gu Zichen couldn't help wondering: "What's wrong?"

Where have you been? I've been looking for you for most days!"

"What's the matter with me after tracking down this arson incident? Bai Rui, you are also here."

Bai Rui nodded: "I went to Jiang Si's house with An Yu."

There was no change on Gu Zichen's face, but his eyes glanced elsewhere. Bai Rui immediately understood and said to Gu Zichen, "Let's eat together? I'll go to the old place to locate it.

Gu Zichen nodded, and Bai Rui turned around and left. An Yu saw the tacit understanding between the two of them. As long as they could understand each other with one look, to be honest, she was really awkward.

However... she really can't hate or hate a man like Bai Rui, because he really has nothing to hate her. He is just a poor man who is in love.

"Zichen, what the hell is going on?"

"It hasn't been found out yet. After I collect some more information, the truth will come out."

Although Gu Zichen said this, he secretly pinched An Yu's hand. An Yu immediately understood that he said so on purpose. It is likely that... He already has a comprehensive plan.

"Well, you should take care of yourself."

"It's okay. Now the first thing is to gather all the goods sent to Jiangnan, and then continue on the road."

Speaking of this, Gu Zichen did not continue the topic. He pointed to the direction of Bai Rui's disappearance and said, "Let's go there too. Bai Rui is a guest over there, and it doesn't take much time to locate."

An Yu nodded and went to the old place they said with Gu Zichen.

The so-called old place is just a teahouse, and it is also a small teahouse, which is very inconspicuous. At first, An Yu didn't understand why their old place was set here. Later, she learned that although the sparrow was small, it was full of internal organs.

There is a universe in this small teahouse. The bosses here are Bai Rui's own people, and the news can't be leaked at all. When the two have any urgent news, they almost come here to exchange information.

"What the hell is going on?"

As soon as he entered the small room of the teahouse, Bai Rui couldn't help asking. Seeing that Gu Zichen was so anxious, he couldn't help but put away his face and pretending to be relaxed. In fact, although he knew Gu Zijun's idea early on this matter, he also knew that Jiang Si and Lao Zhang were carrying out as moles.

But... his headache now is how to get Jiang Si and Lao Zhang to stand up and testify.

"I have long known that he would do something to my warehouse, and he will plant people on my side. Do you think there is no one on his side? It's naive."

Hearing this, An Yu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately... He was informed in advance, not too passive, and had time to prepare for anything, and Gu Zichen's expression did not look too serious, so the situation should be okay, at least still under his control.

"Then why don't you tell us in advance? You don't know how anxious An Yu and I are.

"Where have you just been?"

Gu Zichen is also a little strange that An Yu and Bai Rui actually walk together. Logically, they have no intersection. Although they are not strange, they have not reached the point where they can investigate the case together.

In view of Bai Rui's question at this moment, Gu Zichen did not answer directly, but took the lead in asking them. Seeing this, An Yu had nothing to do with Gu Zichen. He probably knocked over the little jealousy in his heart again.

"I went to Jiang Si's house."

"What are you doing at his house? I have my own opinion on this matter."

"We have received the news."

"What news?"

An Yu and Bai Rui's attention was really diverted by Gu Zichen. They told Gu Zichen about the situation of the Jiang family. Gu Zichen frowned more tightly. "I thought Jiang Si was in trouble, but I didn't expect this situation."

"Didn't you go to his house to investigate?"

Gu Zichen shook his head: "I went to He Shuyan. He has other information for me."

"What's the news?"

"Didn't Hu Li tell you?"

An Yu is stunned. Why does this have anything to do with Hu Li again? Hu Li went to Jiang's house under Gu Zichen's name before, but Gu Zichen did not know it.

And now Gu Zichen said to An Yu that Hu Li knew something, but Hu Li didn't tell her. Is this the secret he said?

Shaking his head, An Yu was a little confused: "How do you know that I met Hu Li?"