fight your sister

Chapter 180 He is not my brother

Gu Zichen's words can be regarded as clearing everything. What he wants to grasp is Gu Shixing's greedy weakness. An Yu nodded and sighed at the impermanence of the world. It seems that once the god of luck begins to care for you, one thing you do at will may become the beginning of the next thing, just like giving you a lever, and you can pry the whole thing. The earth is average.

Cough... Although it's a little exaggerated, it probably means that when An Yu was infinite YY in her mind, she heard Gu Zichen's words continue to come.

" Besides, now our Gu family is facing such a major crisis. It is finally possible for Hu Li to help solve it. It is impossible for him not to agree to Hu Li's request, otherwise it will provoke Hu Chong, the largest businessman in Qindu. With the current strength of our Gu family, if we really want to fight with the Hu family, our Gu family will only be swallowed up. "

"In this case, you might as well just cooperate with Hu Li directly, let Hu Li swallow your Gu family, and then you can take it from Hu Li."

An Yu tilted her head and said so. Gu Zichen's face was embarrassed for a moment, and then he regained his usual look: "This doesn't work."


"First, it is not Hu Li who can annex my Gu family, but his father Hu Chong."

Bai Rui and He Shuyan didn't talk from beginning to end, but just listened quietly. Bai Rui has been friends with Gu Zichen since he was a child. Basically, he can understand these things in the mall without Gu Zichen's point, let alone He Shuyan. How can he not turn around this corner?

As for An Yu, it's not that she couldn't think of this, but she was a straightforward person. At that time, when she heard Gu Zichen say this, she followed her words. After answering the words, she already vaguely felt that no matter what the reason, it didn't seem to work!

Of course, Gu Zichen would not know that An Yu's heart had understood, so he continued to say, "Second, it's okay if my Gu family's property is taken away once. At least that person's surname is Gu, how can I put it in the hands of a foreign surname?"

Although Gu Zichen's tone was still soft when he said this, it still made people hear that he was a little unhappy. An Yu originally wanted to say that Hu Li was not an outsider, but after thinking about it, she felt... Gu Zichen's trauma in his heart has been accumulated since she was a child. She can't force Gu Zichen because of Hu Li's importance to her. Accept that Hu Li is his own family.

What's more... Even if he regards Hu Li as his own, Hu Li is still a foreigner!

"Zichen, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

Hearing An Yu apologize to himself, Gu Zichen also noticed that his tone was a little wrong. At present, he took a deep breath to calm himself down, and then smiled at her and said, "It's none of your business. I know you regard Hu Li as your own brother, but after all, this is related to the reputation of the Gu family. I can't let him go to the Hu family for a walk and then go back. In my hands, are you right?"

An Yu nodded and agreed: "Actually, I understand that I'm just straightforward."

"Okay, okay, I don't blame you. Besides, if you can make such a breakthrough today, you are still my great hero!"

Gu Zichen's voice was so gentle that almost burst out of water, which really made Bai Rui's heart stung. However, looking at his feelings for An Yu, Bai Rui also understood that he was really moved, and An Yu... was indeed a woman who was suitable to accompany him. He would lose to her. There was no injustice.

However, He Shuyan was not as silent as Bai Rui. Looking at Gu Zichen's attitude towards An Yu, he couldn't help shivering. Even if he still wanted to marry Gu Ziqing, he had to joke: "It turns out that we usually make so many beautiful men who hurt so many girls. There is also a day when ice and snow melt into a small sun!"

When He Shuyan said this, the gentle smile on Gu Zichen's face immediately put away. His feelings for An Yu would be shown involuntarily, but he could still restrain himself in front of people, but he didn't expect that he had just been exposed and was teased by He Shuyan.

So he picked up the glass and said to He Shuyan, "This time, in fact, thanks to your help, come... I'll give you a toast!"

He Shuyan was polite when he heard what he said, but his eyes were cold. He immediately knew that he seemed to have burned the hair on the top of the tiger's head, and he couldn't laugh or cry in his heart, but fortunately, he was just drinking wine. If he really threatened him with Gu Ziqing, He Shuyan would wait to cry. How could he laugh?!

Finally, Bai Rui also joined in. Looking at the three men talking and laughing, she swept away the awkward atmosphere. An Yu's heart was also quiet. Looking at Gu Zichen's slightly red face, she really liked it tightly and sighed in her heart that she had the ability. How could she find such an excellent husband?

Gu Zichen was a little drunk and was helped home by An Yu. He laughed softly in An Yu's ear all the way, which made An Yu's whole body numb. Her ears were one of her ** points. She was so invisibly teased by Gu Zichen, and she really couldn't stand it.

Finally arrived at the room, she directly threw Gu Zichen to **, and then scrubbed his body. When everything was done, it was already time. An Yu sat at the table breathlessly and rested. Looking at Gu Zichen's handsome side face, she was satisfied that her heart was sweet.

The next day, Gu Zichen woke up early in the morning. After getting up, he went to prepare breakfast for An Yu. After the two ate together, Gu Zichen went to talk to Gu Shixing. An Yu was very curious. He went to Gu Shixing when he got up early in the morning. This situation was extremely rare. He usually went out directly to the shop. Today What's the wind?

"The wind has been so loud recently. Why didn't you rush to the shop early and come to me?"

"I'm here to discuss with my father about Zijun."

"What Zijun! That's your brother!"

Gu Zichen frowned slightly and then looked up at Gu Shixing. His eyes were still calm, but it made Gu Shixing feel more unable to see through him.

"Does my father think that no matter what Gu Zijun secretly does to me, I have to endure it? He came to harm me for the first time. If it hadn't been for my life, Hu Li and An Yu would have saved him. I'm afraid that what I'm talking to you now is a ghost!"

Gu Zichen's tone is still faint, and he can't hear any joy or anger, but what Gu Shixing can't hear in his words is probably Alzheimer's disease.

He looked at Gu Zichen in a stunned manner. Gu Zichen has always been very weak-sighted in this family, and he almost deliberately ignored his ability. He only cared about promoting Gu Zijun's disappointing son and kept suppressing Gu Zijun. He didn't seem to show any complaints.

The last time Zijun wanted to harm him was exposed. Gu Shixing suppressed it under the pretext of Gu's reputation, and Gu Zichen came forward to plead for mercy, otherwise Bai Zhengliang would not have easily let Gu Zijun last time.

Gu Shixing has experienced the time of Bai Zhengliang and Gu Zichen's uncle's visit. He knows better than anyone that if Gu Zichen really has something to do, Bai Zhengliang will not let go of Gu Zijun.

So when Gu Zichen pleaded for Gu Zijun, Gu Shixing was still more or less touched and moved. Otherwise, he would not have let Gu Zichen come into contact with the family business after that happened.

He also thought that he could calm down like this, but he didn't expect that Gu Zijun had caused him such a big trouble again, and it was aimed at Gu Zichen!

To be honest, he is also a little tired of Gu Zijun's constant trouble for him, but now Gu Zijun has been brought to prison by Bai Zhengliang. No matter what Gu Zijun is, he will also feel sorry for this son and worry about whether he will suffer in prison and so on...

At this moment, when he heard Gu Zichen call Gu Zijun's name directly, Gu Shixing was a little unhappy. "No matter what you think, even if Zijun is not, he is your brother!"

"He's not my brother!"

Gu Zichen still said this sentence faintly, which made Gu Shixing stand up. When he was about to get angry, he heard Gu Zichen's cold voice: "How can there be a brother in the world who wants to kill his brother again and again? Father, Zijun is your son, isn't I?

When he said the last sentence, Gu Shixing finally felt Gu Zichen's emotional change. His mood was quite complicated. Naturally, Gu Zichen was his biological son. His decisiveness, views and keenness in the business field were the same as his young self, but... it can only be blamed. He is Qin. Lian Qiu's son, although he is Gu Shixing's bone blood, he also retains the blood of the Qin family!

"Since I was a child, you have only seen Zijun. No matter how hard I try and how hard I try to attract your attention, and I want you to look at me more, it is futile. If Zijun didn't want to kill me in Jiazishan last time and I pleaded for him, would you still ignore my life or death? "

Before Gu Shixing found a proper excuse, Gu Zichen's words came one after another. Gu Shixing's face was a little ugly, but he couldn't answer a word. Frankly speaking, Gu Zichen was extremely excellent, but...

"I don't expect you to treat Zijun as your brother, but... he is in prison now. What's the point of saying so much?"

"Although Gu Zijun is no longer my relative to me, but... Father, you are still my respected father. I don't want to see you worry about him every day. You seem to be in a bad mental state recently."

I have to say that Gu Zichen stabbed a knife in the front and now came to wipe Gu Shixing's wound, which really touched Gu Shixing's heart, and what he said this time also seemed more credible. Gu Shixing's eyes on him had to be a little soft and gentle from the original defense and examination. Touched.