fight your sister

Chapter 203 He chose to defeat them one by one

"I'll go back first. I have to know Zichen to prepare for this matter."

Hu Li looked at Ah Hu's distant back and nodded thoughtfully: "Go ahead, tell me immediately if you need anything."

"Don't worry, I won't be polite to you."

After saying that, An Yu no longer waited for Hu Li's answer and left with red sleeves.

Back to Gu's family, An Yu and Gu Zichen discussed for a moment, and both of them decided to continue to wait for Gu Zijun's next plan.

Sure enough, when they went to the dining room, Gu Zijun kept staring at An Yu. An Yu did not dodge his eyes, and even occasionally raised his head and stared straight at him.

At this time, Gu Zijun will turn his head to avoid it.

An Yu can't help laughing in her heart and feeling guilty!

Although the killer sent out failed to bring Lao Song back, Gu Zijun still did not give up tracking. Since the protagonist could not be tracked down, he began to pursue from the people below.

And Gu Zichen didn't stop him, just as he did.

When he felt that Gu Zijun had almost mastered the clues, Gu Zichen began to act. He was not a person who was waiting to be killed. Even if he wanted to give the other party a chance to jump, he would choose to hit him down with a slingshot before the other party jumped higher than himself.

Obviously, the business and power Gu Zichen has now are his sharp weapon, the slingshot!

The person who was shot down by the slingshot is naturally Gu Zijun.

Gu Zijun returned home angrily and was about to prove An Yu's identity, but he didn't expect... Gu Zichen had already taken all the account books and his own seal, which made Gu Shixing almost spit blood three liters.

"Gu Zichen, what do you mean?"

Gu Zichen didn't even give him a straight look. He looked directly at Gu Shixing and said, "Dad, I believe you are familiar with these books and documents, and these are the businessmen of our promising big family. I personally signed the contract with their boss."

"You! You actually stole the account books of your family while I didn't pay attention. Gu Zichen, Gu Zichen, you are really ambitious.

Hearing Gu Shixing's testimony, Gu Zichen was not only not angry, but sneered and took over the account book in An Yu's hand, which originally belonged to Gu Shixing, but now Gu Zichen has re-recorded all his family's business on the new account book, and all the contracts signed with all customers. It was replaced with his own signature and seal.

So... Gu Shixing's books and contracts are all reduced to waste paper!

At this moment, Gu Zichen tore up all the waste paper in front of Gu Shixing. More than that, he pointed to the confetti on the ground and said to Hongxiu, "Hongxiu, sweep up this waste paper and take it to the kitchen to burn it."

This unclear sentence almost made Gu Shixing collapse. He stepped back several steps until he grabbed the handle of the chair in the main seat and did not fall down.

Fang Ling next to

was also shocked and forgot to reach out to help Gu Shixing.

Both of them looked very frustrated. This scene made Gu Zichen very happy. He never knew that the feeling of revenge in person would be so pleasant.

He turned around and said something to An Yu. An Yu was surprised first, then nodded with a smile, and turned around to leave, but he didn't want to be stopped by Gu Zijun. He said to An Yu with a fierce face, "Where are you going? You robber leader, do you want to escape?"

Hearing this, An Yu smiled angrily: "The leader of the robber? Since you said I was a robber and everything in this family had just fallen into the hands of my man, why should I escape?

After saying that, he pushed Gu Zijun's hand in front of him. Gu Zijun naturally supported her and didn't let her leave.

An Yu frowned and turned her head to look at Gu Zichen: "Zichen, what should I do?"

"I said for my husband that whoever bullies you, you have to bully you back ten times. You have that ability."

As soon as Gu Zichen's words fell, An Yu raised her hand and put a knife on Gu Zijun's arm. Gu Zijun screamed in pain. He immediately withdrew his arm and stooped his feet to try to relieve the pain on his arm.

You know, An Yu used three points of force. If she hadn't controlled it well, Gu Zijun's arm would have been useless at this moment.

This guy is not only not grateful, but also looks at himself with a bitter resentment. Seeing this, An Yu couldn't help lifting his right foot and directly gave him a left hook leg.

This is good... Gu Zijun, who had bent down, was completely humiliated and knelt down to An Yu.

"Oh, it's still early before the Spring Festival. Brother, I can't afford to pay New Year's greetings to me so early..."

An Yu proudly threw such a sentence, which made Gu Zijun hammer the floor on the ground!

Lazy to pay attention to him, An Yu went straight out and went to Qin Lianqiu.

When Qin Lianqiu came, Gu Shixing and Fang Ling were already desperate, and only Gu Zijun was still burning hope.

He always felt that holding the handle of An Yu's identity in his hand would turn the situation around.

"Mother, look."

When Qin Lianqiu came in and sat down, Gu Zichen gave her his account book. After Qin Lianqiu looked at it, he was a little moved, with tears in the corners of his eyes, and he didn't let them roll down mischievably.

After waiting for so many years, I finally waited for this day.

Qin Lianqiu picked up the account book and seal, as well as the key to the warehouse at home, and went to the ancestral hall.

Gu Zijun knew that the current situation was not conducive to him, so he remained silent.

Unfortunately, even if he remained silent, Gu Zichen could not let him go.

Gu Shixing will continue to stay at home, but if he is not completely defeated, Gu Zichen will still be worried.

The dog is in a hurry and has to jump over the wall, not to mention Gu Shixing, a cruel man?

In order to completely attack Gu Shixing, Gu Zichen found several stews in the shop and asked them in front of Gu Shixing: "Take over the Gu family, you have to testify for me. It was my father who personally passed the account book and seal to me."

Those stewuls had long been dissatisfied with Gu Shixing's usual harsh face, and even the old man of the Qin family. At this moment, when he saw Gu Zichen finally regaining the family business, he actually burst into tears and nodded frequently.

Seeing this, Gu Shixing knew that Gu Zichen was looking for a certificate.

At present, Gu Zichen not only has a certificate, but also has a new contract and account book as physical evidence, and is supported by the government. Gu Shixing was desperate and suddenly glanced at the key on Fang Ling's body, which is the key to her own jewelry box.

Of course, Gu Shixing did not want Fang Ling's jewelry, but this key made him think of a very key place, the warehouse at home!

The key to the warehouse!

He didn't care about it, and immediately pushed away the crowd and ran out, seemingly staggering.

Gu Zichen waited for him to run to the door and then slowly said, "Dad, are you going back to the study to get the key to the warehouse?"

Hearing this, Gu Shixing was completely frozen there... He knew that he was completely finished.

"I have given the key to my mother. As for you... don't want to bully my mother. You can't get close to her now."

Gu Shixing turned his head mechanically and looked at Gu Zichen, who generously solved his puzzles: "My mother's side, and now there is a master guarding it!"

After saying that, he looked at Fang Ling. The smile on his face immediately became cold, and the corner of his eyes was also very sharp. Fang Ling was so guilty that he retreated several steps.

"My mother has been persecuted once, and I won't make this mistake again. I have ordered the first bounty hunter. If anyone wants to be rude to his mother, he will do it directly.

He spoke lightly, but made everyone present shudder.

Who would have thought that although there are not too many expressions, the second young master who is very kind-hearted would say such harsh words to his father at this moment?

However, as soon as this word came out, Fang Ling and Gu Shixing were very scared.

"Okay, Fang Ling, my father has finished explaining. Now let's discuss your mother and son."

Originally, he thought that after he got everything, the matter was over, but he didn't expect that Gu Zichen actually chose to defeat it individually.

This is the first time that Gu Zichen called his name in front of Fang Ling.

Fang Ling looked at Gu Zichen and couldn't see through his emotions at all, while An Yu stared at her with a smile, staring at her heart.

"At the beginning, you persecuted my third aunt and poisoned my mother. As a cruel woman, I naturally can't keep you in the house to harm others."

Fang Ling's eyes widened when he heard this. Gu Zichen said this in front of many senior-level stewards, which was equivalent to sentencing her. No matter how strong Fang Ling's ability was, he could not keep calm at this moment.


"Is it nonsense? You know it yourself! What's more...don't you realize it? At present, it's not up to you, but up to me. If I ask you to stay, you can stay and be a handyman. I'll let you get out of here... You have to get out of here."

Fang Ling bit her lower lip tightly. She knew that what Gu Zichen said was true, and she could not refute it, and the more she contradicted, the more unfavorable it would be to her.

It's just... At present, Gu Zichen is in charge of the Gu family and is about to drive them out of the house. So how will she, an abandoned woman who has been swept out of the house, live in the future?

She looked at Gu Zichen with her praying eyes, and Gu Zichen was not moved at all. She turned her mind to An Yu again, and An Yu said with a smile, "God's sins are forgiven, and you can't live your own sins."

In the end, she pinned her hopes on Shen Yanqin. Although Shen Yanqin is her daughter-in-law, she has been following the woman's way and has not done anything out of line.

In addition, she is now pregnant, and what she says is the bone and blood of the Gu family. As an innocent person, Gu Zichen will never implicate her, so... Shen Yanqin is her only hope.

She doesn't want to stay at Gu's house. At least, she also hopes to follow Shen Yanqin back to Shen's house.