zhang the universe

Chapter 30 Wonderful Soul Power

Zhao Qianyang was stunned again. At this age, when his grandmother was old, she still looked so young and beautiful. It can be seen that soul cultivation is a very magical skill.

After a while, Zhao Qianyang turned over the fish body a few times and sprinkled the ingredients on it. The fragrant fish was roasted, golden and mouth-watering. The Phantom chewed and tasted the fish slowly, and she had already scratched the amount she wanted to eat in front of her.

A few days ago, Zhao Qianyang was tossed by the phantom like a beggar. He was surprised to find a soap pod tree while eating. He hurriedly swallowed the fish into his mouth. He didn't want to be stuck in the neck by the fish bone. The tears of cough were about to come out. The Phantom patted him on his back, and the fish bone immediately vomited. Come out.

Zhao Qianyang used the acacia tree to wash his hair cleanly. The Phantom once again proposed Zhao Qianyang to practice the soul curse. At Zhao Qianyang's request, the Phantom finally agreed to sit beside him. However, the effect is slightly worse.

The clear soul spell is different from practicing the soul. He can only refine the soul extremely pure but cannot increase the soul power. However, because of the purity of the soul power, the power when using the charm will naturally increase.

As he moved forward, Zhao Qianyang didn't have much ingredients on his body. He collected some mushrooms, wild vegetables and herbs on the road, and used his soul to accurately beat wild pheasants and hares to eat them. Every night, the soul curse has become Zhao Qianyang's compulsory homework. During the day, the Phantom taught some experience of soul cultivation. Zhao Qianyang asked some charms and soul cultivation methods. He did not know that this was a taboo for soul practitioners, but the Phantom told him generously. Now the Phantom cares very much about Zhao Qianyang, and Zhao Qianyang also knows in his heart that this may be because of his soul curse, but one more friend is better than one more enemy.

Phantom's skills are completely different from Wu Xiao's skills, one is strong and the other is soft. During his practice, the Phantom repeatedly told Zhao Qianyang to be very careful. He felt something was wrong and immediately stopped. Because she knows that it is very dangerous for two soul forces to conflict in the body.

After all, Zhao Qianyang's soul cultivation time is short. Because he doesn't understand many things, he has a lot less scruples in his heart when practicing. There are two bold people in this world, one is strong in martial arts, and the other does not know anything. Zhao Qianyang basically belongs to the latter.

Although Zhao Qianyang was bold, he was also very cautious in his practice. He first remembered the skills passed on to him, and then began to practice in the body. At the beginning of the practice, it did not produce any effect. Zhao Qianyang was not discouraged. He practiced over and over again. The Phantom sat aside, holding his chin in his hands. Looking at Zhao Qianyang in a daze boredly.

Until he cultivated the first wisp of ghost power according to the magic formula of the Phantom, Zhao Qianyang's body changed. The hot and masculine soul power in the body was immediately killed. In an effort to eliminate this feminine and cold new soul power, the conflict between the two soul forces put Zhao Qianyang in deep water.

If he has been cultivating his soul for a long time, he will definitely give up practicing immediately, so as not to turn his body into an exploding watermelon, but Zhao Qianyang did not stop in a hurry. He sank into his soul and forgot his selfless cultivation. With the increase of feminine soul power, two strands of soul power ran around in the body, and the tendons became a high-speed runway of soul power. Zhao Qianyang quickly gained weight, and his whole body was like a swollen ball.

Zhao Qianyang complained in his heart. He found that he could not stop. The new ghost power had been integrated into his soul. If he gave up at this time, his soul would be deeply damaged, and the yang soul power would be weakened a lot. Zhao Qianyang had to continue to practice.

The Phantom was stunned with an anxious face and had no idea. He had never seen anyone practice two soul forces. When Zhao Qianyang proposed to practice, although she was worried, she was also curious. So Zhao Qianyang just got into shape again and again and did not reach out to stop him. But now he is full of anxiety and dares not wake up Zhao Qianyang. He is most afraid of being disturbed when his spiritual power is at the critical moment. The Phantom was also puzzled by how he cared about the comfort of the young man in front of him.

With long practice, it seemed that countless ants were biting in Zhao Qianyang's body. His consciousness gradually became blurred, and a voice in his body urged him not to stop. Don't stop. If you stop, your previous work will be wasted.

Six days have passed, and the ghost power in Zhao Qianyang's body is almost the same as that in the yang soul power. The two soul forces push each other and are intertwined together, such as the rushing magma, emitting violent energy. However, these two soul forces can no longer hurt each other.

Another day later, at the moment when the ghost power was level with the Yang soul power, the two violent soul forces suddenly calmed down. All the pressure on Zhao Qianyang's body suddenly eased, and his mind gradually woke up. He clearly observed the world in his body, the pure golden soul power and ink black soul power in the blood. Quietly flowing, Zhao Qianyang thought, can these two soul forces be combined?

Wonderful things happened. The soul power seemed to understand his voice and slowly crossed and rotated together. Integration. It turned into a colorful soul power circulating in Zhao Qianyang's blood.

For more than seven days, the Phantom has been guarding Zhao Qianyang's side to avoid any interference from Zhao Qianyang. Her little mouth was always wide open and surprised by what had happened in front of her. The black scales on Zhao Qianyang's body gradually disappeared, and her ball-like figure turned into its original appearance. Her ruddy skin was as tender as that of a newborn baby, especially the breath bursting out in her body, and the phantom actually felt a trace of fear.

Zhao Qianyang felt that his muscles and bones were like a newborn, and his spirit was extremely smooth. An idea flashed in his mind, "Can I stop now?"

Zhao Qianyang slowly opened his eyes. At this moment, he felt that the world was a little different from the original. He could clearly see the feathers of the eagle in the sky, the sound of the underground snail crawling, and the slightly rapid gasp of the phantom. Zhao Qianyang jumped excitedly, ran out of the ground like a cannonball, and jumped to the top of the treetops.

"Wow...help." Zhao Qianyang's fear of heights was revealed again. He waved his arms in a panic and fell down in an extremely ugly posture.

"Bang." With a sound, it hit the ground.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to be so afraid of heights. It's ridiculous." The flowers and branches of the phantom smile trembled.

Zhao Qianyang came on a fierce mount, touched his head and said, "It's strange. Why doesn't it hurt?"

The Phantom stopped laughing, handed over a piece of scorched things, and said, "After practicing for so long, sister, I guess you must be hungry. Give it to eat it. Needless to say thank you."

Zhao Qianyang slowly took the burnt meat and found that it was as hard as a stone, and his hands trembled excitedly, but he still chewed and swallowed it.

"Look at you excitedly, but your taste is really strange. It's very delicious to eat what I baked. It's hard for me to eat it myself." The Phantom said doubtfully.

Zhao Qianyang nodded hard and said with difficulty, "It's delicious."

When Zhao Qianyang finished eating, the Phantom couldn't wait to ask, "Have you learned the soul cultivation skills I taught you? Your appearance has scared my sister these days."

Zhao Qianyang was stunned. He didn't expect that the Phantom was worried about himself. A strange feeling gushed out of his heart. He nodded gently and said, "It should have been a successful cultivation."

"Well, what does it mean? If it will, it will, it won't. There's nothing to hide." The phantom said angrily.

"I didn't hide anything. If you don't believe it, take a look. My soul power has become like this." Zhao Qianyang said and released his soul power, and a powerful colorful energy jumped to the palm of his hand.

The Phantom opened her eyes wide in surprise. After a long time, she muttered, "It's so powerful and beautiful to have such a soul power. You cast a soul spell to see how powerful it is.

Zhao Qianyang condensed his soul power into a sword, and the colorful glow flowed, which was extremely dazzling and gorgeous. The soul he taught him by Wu Xiao forced to pass on his soul decision to the Phantom. There was a slight pause in it, but the sword collapsed softly in an instant and condensed into a colorful whip. The soft long whip rippled with the wind, which was extremely beautiful. .

"How is that possible?" The Phantom stared straight and shouted, "How can the condensed soul power be transformed into form? It's incredible. How did you do it?"

"It's a little difficult. When I use the soul formula taught by Brother Wu, I can just convert it into what you taught me."

"It's incredible. I didn't know that someone has cultivated into two sets of soul formulas. The soul formulas will conflict with each other, not to mention that the two soul formulas are converted to each other."

"Sister Ying, haven't you tried two soul formulas?"

"How dare I? People preach that it is very dangerous to practice two soul formulas. Some people's cultivation is so useless, and some people can't control the conflict of soul power and die. I hunt soul weapons and enter the country very quickly. What should I do?" The Phantom said faintly.