zhang the universe

Chapter 158 Guyi City

Guyi City.

Gu Yiboqi is a legend in this city, and it is also the legend of Yi Linxing. There are various stories about Gu Yiboqi in the streets and alleys. He has always been regarded as a soul practitioner determined by talent. It is no accident that he became the patriarch of this family, especially soon after he had just practiced to the soul mansion and killed him in World War I. The two masters of the soul realm who came to invade became famous with ten masters of the soul realm. Even a three-year-old child knows the name of Gu Yi Boqi in Yi Linxing.

It is said that more than a hundred years ago, Gu Yiboqi was a very kind and kind patriarch. At the same time, he is also the most promising master to enter the realm of soul transformation. Gu Yiboqi's own heart also thinks so, but after he touches the bottleneck of the soul realm. He found that things were far simpler than he thought. It is this barrier that has delayed him for a hundred years, because he has not been able to break through for a long time and his temper has become more and more grumpy. Everyone in the family respects him.

At this time, Gu Yiboqi was retreating in a room made of Xuanhua stone, and he had not paid attention to any affairs in the family for decades. For him, it is extremely important to break through the soul change. If he can't succeed, he may fall within a hundred years. He ordered the guards in the family not to disturb his retreat no matter who or anything.

The guard was scared when he saw the patriarch blowing his beard and staring when he spoke. The soul trembled and hurriedly agreed. In the past six months, they have stopped more than a hundred things, large and small, so they have also offended many city owners and soul cultivation masters in the family. Fortunately, this is where the head of the family is located, and no one dares to be presumptuous, otherwise these guards don't know how many times they will move.

In the boredom, several guards sat down and chatted.

"I don't know if the patriarch can successfully enter the soul change this time. At that time, I'm afraid that all Yi Linxing's families will be attached to our Guyi family."

"That is, now our Guyi family is already the largest family of Yi Linxing, and no one dares to offend. If the patriarch reaches the realm of soul change, I'm afraid that hundreds of planets in all directions will be ruled by our Guyi family. Although he said so, he also knew in his heart that it was not so easy for the patriarch to hit the soul change. In the past few decades, the patriarch has been closed for more than a dozen times, a few months, and a few years, but nothing has changed except that his temper has become more and more irritable.

"Haha, Qiao Lengfei. Have you ever been out to Yi Linxing? Do you know what the outside world is like? You are not ashamed to talk about it.

Qiao Lengfei said, "Lan Feng, I haven't been out. Have you ever gone out? Don't rely on your own strength to satirize this sarcasm here. If you have the ability to practice to the soul mansion to have a look."

Lan Feng suddenly became furious and scolded, "I'm more cultivated than you. I like to laugh at you and laugh at you. What can you do to me?"

Qiao Lengfei said angrily, "You..." A light blue light flashed from the palm of his hand. Soul practitioners are absolutely not allowed to conflict in the family's residence, especially their guards. What's more, he can't beat the blue wind now and can only swallow all his anger. At this time, he saw a gorgeous soul cultivation man walking around the corner of the stone tower in front of him. Needless to ask, he came to find the patriarch again.

Because runes are forbidden in the family, all Gu Yi and Hongzhi can only appear outside the family. The light use of the door of space consumes a lot of his soul power. Gu Yi and Hong have not been to Guyi City for more than 40 years, and now the overall situation of Yi Linxing tends to Stable, there is little war, and no one dares to offend their Guyi family, so there are few things that need to be reported as above, and small things can be passed on directly with letters. More than 40 years,

Guyi City has changed very little, so Gu Yi and Hong still know the way. He took a quick step, dozens of meters away, and came to the family within a short time. At the same time, I also heard that the patriarch was retreating. Gu Yi and Hong Xi frowned and couldn't help but pass on the news of the arrival of the master of soul change to the patriarch.

The Xuanang stone house is in front of you. The black Xuanang stone is the strongest stone in Yilinxing. The full blow of the master of the soul realm cannot say that the Xuanang stone is damaged at all. These Xuanang stones are all collected and built by the masters of the soul mansion in the mine. This happened 200 years ago. Not long after he practiced in the soul mansion, he also participated in it.

Gu Yi and Hong smiled and said, "Haha, has the patriarch said when to get out of the customs now?"

Qiao Lengfei has recognized the people. There are only 16 masters of the soul mansion in the family. This person is a master among the 16 people, and his strength can be ranked in the top five of the family masters. He said respectfully, "I report that the patriarch has been closed for half a year now."

The blue wind took a look at Qiao Lengfei with contempt. A cold "hum" sound. He

Gu Yi and Hong smiled and said, "Oh, well, then you should report to the patriarch and say that I will inform you."

Qiao Lengfei said in an embarrassment, "This... The patriarch said that no matter who or anything, you can't disturb him."

Gu Yi and Hong frowned, paused for a moment and said, "Well, I'll report it to the patriarch personally." With that, his body rushed forward.

Lan Feng shouted, "Shut, the patriarch is closed now, and no one can disturb him."

Gu Yi and Hong frowned and said, "I'm going to disturb you. What can you do?" There was a strong soul pressure on his body, not only the blue wind, but also the nearby guards retreated more than ten meters.

Lan Feng only felt that there was a boulder on his chest, which made him breathless, and the soul could not help trembling.

Gu Yi and Hong withdrew their soul pressure and continued to walk to the Xuanyan Stone House.

Lan Feng felt much more relaxed and knew that Gu Yi and Hong's cultivation was far from comparable to him. However, he was more afraid that the patriarch would blame him for this, so he couldn't bear it, and the patriarch set a rule that no soul cultivation of the Guyi family should fight in the family residence in Guyi City. Therefore, Lan Feng took a deep breath and suppressed the fear in his heart. He shouted, "Shut up, the patriarch is retreating. Do you think you can do it recklessly with a city owner?"

Gu Yi and Hong turned around and looked at the blue wind with cold eyes.

When Lan Feng saw Gu Yi and Hong stop, he thought that he had succeeded halfway and said, "If the patriarch blames him, we can't afford to blame him. It's better for the city lord to leave quickly."

Gu Yi and Hong "hummed" coldly, and a murderous intention flashed in their eyes. If it hadn't been for Guyi City, he would have slapped the head of the person in front of him. He turned around and continued to walk like a Xuanang stone house.

When the blue wind saw Gu Yi and Hong's palms and were about to touch the stone gate, he only felt that his heart "clucked" and threw out the ice charm regardless of the consequences. He shot out the white light like a meteor, and the temperature suddenly dropped, and the vegetation on the ground frosted. This is a soul charm personally refined by the patriarch, which is extremely powerful.

Gu Yi and Hong couldn't stand the murderous intention in their hearts. A flame more than three meters high rose on his palm. He directly teleported through the cold light, and his palm came less than half a meter away from the blue wind's head. The cold light hit the Xuangan stone door and formed a thick frost, covered with a thin layer of cold air.

Blue wind felt a burning pain on his face. The hot light made his eyes tingle, and he couldn't see anything clearly. He was so shocked that he quickly flew backwards.

"Well, go to hell." Gu Yi and Hong's arms for a burst, and the fire in his palm came out and directly hit Lan Feng's head. Before the flesh and blood could splash out, it had been burned into black powder by the fire. He couldn't believe that Gu Yi and Hong dared to fight with him until his death.

Qiao Lengfei and others were also shocked on the spot, and no one dared to stop Gu Yi and Hong. He also dared to imagine whether the patriarch would be angry with them after he came out.