zhang the universe

Chapter 227 Gambling

Xiao Gang looked at Zhao Qianyang with great interest, as if he had won.

Zhao Qianyang smiled and released the soul pressure. The huge soul pressure was like substance. Before this black lightning attacked Zhao Qianyang's body, it had automatically broken and disappeared like foam in the air.

The bat dragon, which just looked arrogant and arrogant, suddenly roared and was close to Zhao Qianyang and others, but the roar did not sound like the momentum just now. It was not like a roar, but like a grieving and begging for mercy. The strength of the bat dragon itself is too different from that of the master of the soul mansion. Zhao Qianyang's strong soul pressure directly hurt his soul.

Quan Yeliang was shocked. He didn't understand what was going on. The Batlong actually took the initiative to leave, and it wobbled when flying, and it seemed that it had been hurt to a certain extent.

Xiao Gang was unwilling and said, "Brother Yang, you cheated."

Zhao Qianyang smiled and said, "I don't have any. Have you said that you can't release soul pressure, haha." With that, he had already flown down first.

Xiao Gang shouted in the back, "Brother Yang, I'll give you this hundred jars of wine." He is still the same and willing to gamble and lose. What he said will never change, which is why Zhao Qianyang wanted to make friends with him at the beginning.

Zhao Qianyang saw more than 100 wine jars floating in the sky.

Xiao Gang actually threw it all out in one breath. He looked at Zhao Qianyang with an evil smile.

Zhao Qianyang sighed gently and instantly hit more than 100 virtual charm chains, easily grabbed this 100 jars of wine, and then received it in his own storage space.

Xiao Gang stared and sighed, "Grandma, it's getting more and more perverted."

Everyone penetrated layers of white clouds, and the white fog was daze in front of them. This feeling is very refreshing and makes people feel very chic. Of course, this makes Quan Ye feel exciting and exciting.

Under the white clouds, the sky suddenly clears. Zhao Qianyang can see the small veins under his feet. It is a wide river, like a grass blanket-like ground. It is a towering ancient tree, like a huge map, placed in front of Zhao Qianyang, and everything can be seen at a glance.

Quan Yeliang shouted excitedly, "Look! That's my town!" He must shout, otherwise his voice will be annihilated in the wind, and Zhao Qianyang and others may not hear anything.

Zhao Qianyang looked at the place of Quan Ye's cool fingers and saw that it was like a yellow-brown patch on the ground. It was small and pitiful, leaning behind it was a small mound. The mound in Zhao Qianyang's eyes is a hill more than 200 meters high.

Everyone flew to the town, and the town became bigger and bigger in sight. Zhao Qianyang felt that this was a town with at least 5,000 people.

In a short time, everyone fell on the path outside the town. This path is paved with brown stone, and the surface of the stone has been extremely polished. It can be seen that people often pass from here. The path winding forward, and Zhao Qianyang knew that after turning 15 small corners, he would come to Quanye Liang's town.

There is black soil on both sides of the road, with green moss and some plants that look like bamboo. The branches are very thin, but they grow very high and green, making a sprinkling sound under the breeze. There were also some animals jumping and marching in the forest, showing their sharp teeth to Zhao Qianyang and others.

Zhao Qianyang feels that these animals are cute and have no lethality.

Quan Yeliang also reluctantly walked down from the blanket. He found that his feet were a little unstable and staggered when he walked. However, he was very obsessed with the feeling of flying in the sky, even if the direction was not controlled by himself.

"Wow." Quan Yeliang took a long breath and said, "Come with me. Let's go to the mayor."

When Quan Yeliang walked forward, a small brown animal jumped towards him. Quan Yeliang stood on his shoulder, and the small animal opened its teeth and claws at Zhao Qianyang and others, which was very funny.

The Phantom said, "What a cute little thing, what's his name?"

Quan Yeliang said, "This is Daihu. They like to climb on people's shoulders very much, but they won't hurt others."

Zhao Qianyang looked at a glance. There were forty-six Dai foxes in the distance and nearby, but none of them climbed on the shoulders of Zhao Qianyang and others. They either grinned at Zhao Qianyang and others, opened their teeth and claws, or avoided Zhao Qianyang and others far away. They were afraid of Zhao Qianyang and others. Zhao Qianyang understood that they might only want to climb on the shoulders of ordinary people.

A burly man came towards him, holding a heavy steel knife in his right hand, carrying it on his shoulder, bright, as if it was going to hurt people's eyes, and a powerful breath came to his face. The big man is more than two meters tall. He looked down at Zhao Qianyang and others, and then said, "Quan Yeliang, is this the helper you are looking for in Jiugu?" His tone was a little sarcastic.

After Zhao Qianyang saw this big man, the first thing he thought of was the mountain, but he was not as tall as the mountain or the mountain was burly. At best, it can only catch up with the mountains. He smiled in his heart and said, "It turns out that there are big people everywhere, and there are contradictions everywhere." Thinking of this, he missed the short moments with those children, who were so innocent and simple.

Quan Ye Liang smiled coldly and said, "Quan Rulie, do you still want to compete with me? Let me see if your skills have grown a little in the past three months.

Quan was staring like a tiger, and his breath was like the gasp of an angry bull. Zhao Qianyang could hear the sound of grinding his teeth hard, his eyebrows raised, and shouted, "I'll kill you." With that, he held the knife in both hands and fiercely cut at Quan Yeliang.

Although Zhao Qianyang did not feel any fluctuation of soul power in his attack, when this knife came, it was very fierce. It seemed that even a two-meter-high stone could be cut in half with one knife. It's really good for ordinary people to cultivate to such an extent.

Quan Yeliang is not a stone, and he will not stand here and let Quan Rulie chop. His body moves, as agile as a rabbit. Zhao Qianyang praised in his heart that if there was no soul cultivation, he would definitely not be the opponent of this Quan Yeliang, but after he reached the soul mansion, the strength of the two was not at the same level at all. Even if Zhao Qianyang stands here and let him punch and kick, he can't hurt Zhao Qianyang, and he will only be hurt by the anti-shock power of Zhao Qianyang's body.

Xiao Gang smiled and said, "Hey, I like to fight, but this big man is too weak."


With a loud noise, Quan Ruqiang's huge body was thrown to the ground by Quan Yeliang, and the big knife in his hand threw an arc and flew towards Zhao Qianyang.

Zhao Qianyang smiled and stretched out a finger and gently flicked at the big knife. When the long knife was more than a meter away from Zhao Qianyang, it made a pleasant golden sound, and then threw it out high and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Quan Rulie got up from the ground and shouted, "My big knife." He looked at Zhao Qianyang in horror and didn't know what kind of magic Zhao Qianyang had just exerted.

Quan Yeliang said, "The hundred-cut sword is his own name, because he has killed more than 100 black leopards with that big knife. But it just can't kill me."

Quan Rulie scratched his long hair and roared, "Wow, I lost again. Are you soul practitioners?" He asked Zhao Qianyang and several people.

Quan Yeliang shouted, "Big, don't be rude. They are real masters." He was afraid that Quan Rulie's powerlessness would anger Zhao Qianyang and others.

"Hey." Quan Rulie said, "A few boss, can you give me something? I want to defeat him."

Quan Yeliang smiled and said, "He is my good friend since I was a child. He has been taller than me since I was a child, and he can't beat me since I was a child."

"Hmm." Quan Rulie snorted heavily. He looked very angry about his loss to Quan Yeliang, and turned to greet others like looking for money and others: "Sir bosses, can you teach me a few tricks so that I can win once."

Zhao Qianyang muttered, "It's very similar."

The Phantom asked, "What is very similar?" Well...it's very similar."

Xiao Gang was stunned there, looked left and right, and asked, "What's so similar?"

Nan Xichun also shouted, "It's very similar, second brother, he is really similar."

Quan Yeliang was stunned, and then reacted and said, "I think... is also very similar."

Quan Rulie's eyebrows condensed into a pimple, and his mind was full of doubts, and he asked, "What's so similar?"

Xiao Gang shouted, "Xiao Nan, tell me, what are you talking about?" He is only more powerful than Nancy Chun, and he doesn't ask who else he can ask.