zhang the universe

Chapter 243 The Return of the Soul

As Zhao Qianyang became more and more familiar with the runes on the wall and his seal engraving became faster and faster, Zhao Qianyang felt more and more that the runes on the whole wall were integrated. His whole mind was like listening to a very beautiful music, slowly immersed in it.

The fog woman woke up several times and wandered boringly in the room. From time to time, she stopped and stared at Rune and looked at it. But she is not as interested as Zhao Qianyang. Finally, she chose to turn into a fog and float in the room. The change of shape has nothing to do with her own. In this way, she can also clearly feel the changes around her.

Xiao Gang and the Phantom also woke up several times during practice. There is no sun and moon here, and they don't know the change of time. No one can notice how long it has been. Zhao Qianyang seems to have settled down. If you carefully observe Zhao Qianyang's skin, you will find that there are as few and meticulous runes on it.

When Zhao Qianyang was halfway through the seal engraving, his spirit began to feel tired, but he felt that these runes should be engraved in one breath, and he gritted his teeth and survived, but the speed of the seal engraving also began to turn full, and it took a long time for each rune later.

On this day, Nancy sat idle in the mayor's house, and the mayor of the town stood beside him. The old mayor comes to ask him some questions almost every day. The old mayor knew in his heart that if he could not enter the mixed realm, he would not be far from death.

Nan Xichun felt that his head was about to grow big, but he really admired the old mayor. Unexpectedly, he broke into the late stage of the condensed soul with his perseverance, and almost died in practice several times.

At this time, a red light flashed, and Nancy grabbed it in her hand, and she was very surprised, because this was sent by Duan Soul. Then, Nancy took out the letter and went back.

The next second, the soul appeared in the room. His appearance was silent, as if he had been standing there all the time.

Nanxi said in surprise, "Senior, you're here."

The old mayor looked puzzled, and when he turned his head doubtfully, he was shocked. Wow! You...how did you get here?!"

Duan Soul said lightly, "It's a fuss. Where are my apprentices? Where are they?" When he arrived, he had spread his consciousness all over the whole town a hundred miles outside the town, and Zhao Qianyang and his figure was not found.

Nanxi said, "They went to Jiugu."

"Jiu Gu?" Duan Soul asked, "Where is Jiugu? Take me there."

The mayor heard that Nancy is purely called Elder Duan Soul. Naturally, his identity is unusual, not to mention that he can enter this place silently, and he has never heard of it. So he explained it now: "Jiu Gu is a very mysterious place..." He said with great interest.

Duan Soul waved his hand and said, "Stop talking, take me there."

The mayor said weakly, "Senior... If we want to enter Jiugu here, we need a ceremony." With that, he looked at Duan Soul with seeking eyes.

Duan Soul shook his head gently and said, "I'm not from you. Just take me in."

The mayor still wanted to say something more. He had been grabbed by Duan Soul's shoulder and moved out, leaving only one sentence.

"Wait for me here."

The mayor suddenly appeared in the mid-air more than 1,000 meters high. Looking down, the mountains and rivers were at his feet, which scared him to death at this moment. I was so trembling that I couldn't speak.

Duan Soul asked, "Where is the nine valley you are talking about, but where is it?" He pointed to the mountains as continuous as spikes in the distance.

"Yes...Yes, that's it." The mayor was surprised how he could know. However, this surprise was replaced by shock in a blink of an eye. He only felt a golden light in front of him, and he had come to the front of the mountains. There are huge waves in my heart. Is this still a human ability?

After Duan's soul released his consciousness, he said faintly, "What a big illusion array. The person who can put out this illusion array is very amazing."

"What...what fantasy array?" The mayor's mouth was stunned, and he didn't listen to half of Duan's words just now. Senior, if you want to enter this illusion, you have to enter from here. He pointed his old fingers to a mountain and said.

"No." Duan Hun said faintly, "I have found the entrance."

In a blink of an eye, the two have appeared in a cave. Although the mayor has never been to this cave, he knows very well that this must be the entrance. He was very excited and said, "I didn't expect that I... I still have a chance to come to Jiugu."

Duanhun walked to the rock wall, and the rock wall suddenly changed like a ripple and slowly flowed. His body slowly walked into the rock wall and disappeared.

The mayor was excited, and he quickly followed Duan Soul in. In a way, the people in their town think the same thing. Only with powerful people can they ensure safety. However, the mayor's heart was uneasy, because of the invisible pressure released by Duan's breathing.

What you see is a decaying mountain range without any other color.

"This...what is this place?" There was a burst of doubt in the mayor's heart, and Jiugu was not as good as he imagined.

Duan's soul slowly closed his eyes. After a moment, he slowly opened his eyes and said, "It's a good illusion, but after a long time, it doesn't have much effect." While talking, he waved a chapter lightly. Suddenly, the wind and clouds changed.

The mayor was so scared that he sat on the ground. He had never seen such a scene, just like Duan Soul waved his hand and transformed the world and sat on the stone floor, trembling.

Looking at the world in front of us, the sky is clear and the sky is clear. The scenery on all sides is as charming as in the painting, with green mountains and blue stones. There is also a stream of water.

"Let's go down and have a look." Duan Soul said, leading the mayor to move directly to the mountain forest below.

"Mayor... Mayor, why are you here?" A voice sounded from behind.

The mayor was shocked and turned his head, "Quan...Ye Liang, how are you here? Have you found anything?"

Quan Yeliang lost his head in frustration, sighed and said, "It's all dead!"

"What! Make it clear." The mayor frowned. When he saw Quan Ye's cool look, he knew that something was going to happen, and he couldn't help but feel nervous.

Duan Soul is not worried, because he knows that this illusion is no longer complete and cannot threaten Zhao Qianyang's safety.

Quan Ye raised his head slowly. His slow movements killed the mayor and took a long breath. Quan Yeliang said, "In our town, these people who came out to explore Jiugu all died here." With that, he pointed to the skeletons around.

The mayor shook his head and sighed, looking like he was more than ten years old. Although these townspeople have never returned, there is always some hope in the hearts of the townspeople. Now, a skeleton in the distance is placed in front of them, and there is no hope.

Duanhun said faintly, "I'll go to the illusion array inside. You two should wait here. It's not a place where you ordinary people can go." After saying that, his body disappeared directly.

Quan Yeliang looked at the place where Duan's soul disappeared in shock. After a long time, he asked, "This...is this?"

The mayor said, "It seems to be the master of the soul practitioner in the soul mansion." Now that Duan Soul has left, he feels extremely comfortable in his heart. When he is with Duan Soul, it seems that there is a big mountain pressing on his heart, making him breathless.

"Soul Mansion...Master?!" Quan Yeliang's mouth twitched and said, "This won't make people live."

When Duan Soul appeared again, he came to the cave. The illusion array appeared. Those fog spirits seemed to disappear. They felt the powerful pressure of Duan Soul and did not dare to emerge at all. Fortunately, Duan Soul appeared quickly and left quickly.

After Duan's soul left, the fog spirits in the illusion array gathered together.

"Who was that just now? It's terrible..."

"I don't know how to fight... It's better for such a person not to appear. I'm almost suffocating..."

"Will we breathe?"
