zhang the universe

Chapter 261 Skyman

In the middle of the night, everyone has rested. Only a few teams patrol outside. Zhao Qianyang released his consciousness. The higher his cultivation, the more cautious he is than before.

Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with this night.

When he woke up the next day, the scar's expression and look were extremely good, but Zhao Qianyang could see at a glance that he did not sleep and got a beloved knife. How could he sleep? With his order, the soldiers pulled out of the camp.

The brigade marched forward like a vast number of soldiers, crossing the poor mountains and rivers. The horse's hoofs sounded like thunder.

Unconsciously, it was noon, and everyone stopped to rest for a moment. The soldiers took out the bacon they carried with them and used it. They ate a lot. Everyone should eat at least three or five kilograms of meat at a meal.

The madness did not squat down to eat. He guided him a little uneasy: "Captain, I feel a little strange. There are too few beasts this time, and I haven't even seen a warcraft. Will something happen?"

Scar threw a bone and said, "Damn, what's going on? We have more people coming out this time. Warcraft has been scared away for a long time. Hey... After waiting to get to the depths of the plain, I will take care of monsters everywhere. What will I see in this night?

Zhao Qianyang said, "It's better to be vigilant." Along the way, he saw several rune arrays that had been destroyed, and those rune arrays may not be worth it even for the soul practitioners in the soul mansion.

Scar said disapprovingly, "It's okay... Brother Zhao, I have come out many times. Tonight, tomorrow morning at the latest, I will definitely meet a lot of monsters. Come on, sit down and eat meat."

Soon, it was evening, and Zhao Qianyang felt more and more strange. In this afternoon, not only the Warcraft did not see it, but also the ordinary animals did not see it. A pimple appeared in the forehead of the scar and muttered, "It's impossible. How could this happen?"

In the evening, Scar sent more soldiers to patrol, and at the same time, a small defensive battle array was arranged in the camp. Zhao Qianyang saw that his defensive charm array was very simple. If it was an ordinary warcraft, it might be able to defend it. If it was powerful, it would have no effect at all. After thinking about it, he understood that in fact, using this charm array was not defensive at all, but a reminder.

The next day, the scar seemed to be worried, and his mind was very uneasy. It was almost noon, but he still didn't see any monsters. He also felt that the situation was a little bad. He had never encountered such a situation before.

Zhao Qianyang felt that there was this forbidden power in the whole plain. It is estimated that it is very difficult for the soul practitioners of the soul realm to fly. Fortunately, Zhao Qianyang has practiced to the realm of soul change, and this forbidden power poses little threat to him.

The scar rushed to Zhao Qianyang for a hundred years and said, "It's strange that this is the first time I've seen such a thing. I don't even have a warcraft!"

Zhao Qianyang said, "Brother Scar, I think it's better to lead the brigade back. It gives me a strange feeling here."

Scar shook his head and said, "No, Brother Zhao, I still have to continue to look inside." If he is allowed to go back in this way, his face will be thrown in, and he will be directly scared back without fighting with Warcraft. I guess he will have no face to stay in the barracks in the future.

Under the persistence of the scar, everyone moved forward for another two days. This time, the speed of progress was much slower. The scar kept sending people to the front to inquire, and his face was always low. He had already felt bad, and the long night knife only grabbed it in his hand to prevent any accidents.

In the past two days, the soldiers relaxed, and the whole team became talkative and laughing. Only the officers were full of caution and melancholy on their faces. My heart is getting heavier and heavier.

At this time, Zhao Qianyang suddenly stopped.

The scar immediately saw Zhao Qianyang's strangeness. He rode over and asked, "Brother Zhao, what's wrong?"

Zhao Qianyang stretched out his hand to stop Scar from speaking. He turned his head and didn't know what he was listening to. When Scar saw Zhao Qianyang's appearance, he felt more and more nervous.

Zhao Qianyang shot two lights in his eyes and said loudly, "Everyone took out their weapons. There are monsters coming!"

Scar was a little relaxed. He felt that if Warcraft came, things would be normal.

All the idle soldiers held the weapons in their hands one after another. At this time, a pair of soldiers and horses in front of them rushed back quickly. They were the people who went to explore the way. The leader was the tanning madness and saw him shouting in the distance, "Skybat Man! Skybat Man!" The rapid voice was full of panic. Then, a howling came from behind, which was a scream from the soldier who fell behind.

Zhao Qianyang shouted, "I'll go and have a look!" After saying that, he shook the reins, and the horse roared and rushed out to the front.

When Scar heard the name, his body trembled. If he came to Warcraft, he would not feel scared, but this time he came to the Man. Fortunately, he has been on the battlefield for a long time and soon stabilized his mood. He pulled out the big knife and roared loudly, so that the team would quickly gather together, and there was no time to arrange any defensive rune array.

Zhao Qianyang soon came to the front of the madness.

He shouted crazily, "Brother Zhao, don't go there! Don't go there."

Zhao Qianyang's calm voice floated, "Come back to the team quickly. I'll go and have a look."

He shouted loudly, "Be careful!" He quickly returned to the team and admired Zhao Qianyang in his heart.

In front of him was a sparse forest. As soon as Zhao Qianyang rushed over, he had seen several fallen soldiers galloping forward like crazy. Zhao Qianyang's horse suddenly stopped moving forward. It seemed to be under infinite pressure. If Zhao Qianyang hadn's hand grasped the reins, it would have been estimated that the horse would have quickly rushed into the team at this time.

Zhao Qianyang flew up from the horse, and the ** horse immediately ran back. Only Zhao Qianyang was left hanging alone in mid-air.

The scar saw that Zhao Qianyang's mount ran back alone, and his face was covered with dark clouds in an instant. He said to the teething madness and broken eggs, "You guys are here. I'll go to the front and have a look." With that, he galloped over. In the distance, he saw Zhao Qianyang hanging in mid-air. The fierce horse retreated unobediently. In his eyes, Zhao Qianyang's figure seemed to become extremely tall. He muttered, "Is it possible that... Brother Zhao is a master of soul cultivation in the soul mansion?" At this time, he saw the Skyman flying fast in the sky, and their flight speed was as fast as lightning. The scar with a reins and galloped back. He couldn't help here. After thinking that Zhao Qianyang was a master of soul cultivation, he felt much more relieved.

Zhao Qianyang finally saw what the so-called Skybat Man looked like. Their bodies were covered with a layer of earthy brown scales, some of which were like wolves' heads, but their bodies were still human forms. Between the movements of their limbs, there was a layer of soft film that wanted to come to you, which looked like a bat. And there are long columns on the limbs, and the cold light shines. Each bat man is five meters tall. They smell the fragrance of people and fly here. Before they flew, their voices had changed, and their voices were sharp and unpleasant. Zhao Qianyang also heard that the horses behind him had hissing in horror.

Several soldiers had not escaped, and their horses had fled alone, scaring them like dirt. The Skybat Man spread directly towards these people, and the sharp claws flashed.

The speed of the Skybat Man is fast, and Zhao Qianyang is faster. He snorted coldly and has been in front of the Skybat Man. There is already a long black and gold sword in his hand. The light flow in simplified Chinese is powerful and extraordinary.

"Get out!" Zhao Qianyang shouted angrily.

These days, the Batman naturally kept Zhao Qianyang's, and only heard a sharp cry. The sound was very sharp, and even the air was shaken by a violent fluctuation. The soldiers below could not stand such an impact at all. His eyes were white and fainted, and a backward soldier had been bleed to death.

Zhao Qianyang was caught off guard and did not protect these soldiers, which made his heart furious. The sword in his hand suddenly became more than six meters long. When Zhao Qianyang waved, it was like waving a small stick with no weight at all. He cut off the Batman.