zhang the universe

Chapter 296 Heavy City

The remaining three Puno guards were stunned and killed in one chapter. Such strength is not what they can live at a low level.

Zhao Qianyang turned around and faced the three guards. He could see the anger and fear in their eyes. With a faint smile, he would untie the ban.

The three Puno guards did not attack Zhao Qianyang. They ran directly to Chongdu. After they entered Chongdu, they immediately opened the rune ban and closed many close exits in Chongdu. At the same time, they also issued a warning like the supreme ruler of Chongdu, which was suffering from a strong enemy in Chongdu. It was only then that it was allowed to be sent out. Such a thing has not happened for thousands of years.

Zhao Qianyang silently looked at the ban. The reason why he let go of the three Puno guards was that they wanted to attract the masters here, so that Zhao Qianyang would not have to bother to find them by himself.

This ban is much stronger than the ban in Polynesia, and there is a violent fluctuation in the whole sky. If someone approaches the ban at this time, he will definitely be strongly attacked. He said to himself, "It's a good ban." Then, there was a prohibition on doing nothing.

After about ten minutes, countless shadows appeared behind the ban, quickly approaching the entrance and exit. Their bodies were very tall, and they were a group of Puno guards. There are as many as 500.

Zhao Qianyang smiled faintly. No matter how many such Puduo guards came, there was no threat to him. In his eyes, this is a group of native chickens and dogs.

Pno guards gathered together, and more and more Pno guards rushed over behind. They seemed to be discussing something and glanced at Zhao Qianyang from time to time. Because of the prohibition, Zhao Qianyang could not hear what they were talking about.

Zhao Qianyang continued to stand there calmly. He did not intend to leave or break the prohibition. He wanted to give the owners of this heavy capital city enough time to see what powerful means they could take out. Since he practiced to this level, he also has great doubts about his strength. He doesn't know what kind of strength he has, because he has never used all means to fight. At this time, he has some expectations in his heart. Seeing that these Puno guards were still not listening to the discussion, Zhao Qianyang continued to study the ban on the rune array above.

Just as Zhao Qianyang sorted out his clues, the ban suddenly disappeared.

Eight Puno guards walked neatly, holding a dark long gun in their hands, slowly approaching. At every step, I felt a violent tremor followed by the whole earth.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

Zhao Qianyang couldn't help but be a little disappointed. Unexpectedly, only Punuo's guard came out, and he was about to get out of the fight. He waved his hand, and a force of space spread out.

More than 800 Puno guards stared at each other. They found that they could not move and screamed one by one. Suddenly, all the calls disappeared, and Zhao Qianyang sent them into his soul charm world.

Then, hundreds of Puno guards came out of the passage, but their pace was no longer neat and messy. The black gun in their hands was only held, and the gray fog on it was thicker and thicker. They looked more cautious after seeing Zhao Qianyang's strange ability.

Zhao Qianyang sighed helplessly. Just as he wanted to throw these hundreds of Puno guards into the soul rune world and let them die, his divine consciousness found that a practitioner behind him who seemed to be very weak was slowly approaching from a distance thousands of meters behind him. Zhao Qianyang shook his head and smiled. He knew that this man had hidden his cultivation. It seemed that he was going to sneak up. At this time, Zhao Qianyang found that there were practitioners slowly approaching on the left and side.

Now, Zhao Qianyang is not in a hurry to send all these Puno guards to the soul charm world. He wants to see what kind of surprise the guy behind him who is trying to hide his whereabouts step by step can bring him.


When the front row of Puno guards came less than 300 meters in front of Zhao Qianyang, they finally couldn't stand the pressure and roared. At the same time, they also rushed to Zhao Qianyang like crazy. Shouting and roaring earth-shaking.

Zhao Qianyang rubbed his ears, and their shouts were so loud that they were deafening. It was unbearable for him to hear and shouted, "Stop!"

With Zhao Qianyang's explosion, a strong wind suddenly formed in the air, which fluctuated outward, like a hurricane. The more than 100-meter-high Puno guards standing in front of him only felt their ears bang, and nothing could be heard, and then flew backwards.


Various noises recalled that they were blown upside down by this hurricane. Many black long guns are inserted into their bodies. Zhao Qianyang saw that these Punuo guards looked painful after being inserted by a black long gun. The black flame burned in their wounds, but it didn't take long for the flame to go out, because they had this natural immunity to this, but it could also cause them a lot of damage. . Many Puno guards got up and shouted and screamed. They really hated Zhao Qianyang.

At this time, there were bursts of whistling sounds everywhere. This sound penetrated the sky and passed through the earth. The vibrating earth was trembling violently, and the clouds rolled violently in the sky. Purple angry thunder split through the clouds in the sky.

This huge cloud is just above Zhao Qianyang.

Zhao Qianyang smiled faintly and said, "You finally appeared."

As soon as he finished his words, a sharp rune flashed around him. Zhao Qianyang smiled. It turned out that they were just arraying. Now that the formation has been completed, Zhao Qianyang is standing in the center of this formation.

The light gradually dissipated, and three people have appeared around Zhao Qianyang.

Zhao Qianyang looked at it and was not sure whether they fell to the ground as human beings, but Zhang looked like human beings, but it was surprisingly ugly. Three men, two men and one woman, one by one, thin wood, and the skin on their faces is like rubbing. The rubbed kraft paper is pasted, and it is full of crissscrossing gullies. The two eyes are two very uneven holes. Another man is fat like a meatball. He is not tall, with short and thick limbs and no neck. His head is like a small meatball superimposed on a big meatball, which is very funny.

As for that woman, her appearance is really flattering and very rough. Standing there is like a big man without a beard. Let people not have a mentality of pity.

These three people are wearing some strange armors. I don't know what material they are made of. There are many strange runes engraved on the seal, shining with a faint light. Although they don't look good, they are absolutely hard.

At this time, the fat man in front of Zhao Qianyang spoke. His two thick lips were like two sausages, and his eyes narrowed a narrow gap. In these two narrow gaps, it emitted a finging light. He asked, "Bastard, why did you attack us?"

Zhao Qianyang did not answer him and asked, "What are you?"

The fat man said, "I'm nothing. I advise you to surrender quickly, surrender to us for life, and hand over the source of energy in your body, and you can spare you to die."

Zhao Qianyang knew that the source of energy was the meaning of the soul yuan. After handing over the mixed yuan, it was impossible for people to live. Seeing that these people's attitude was also friendly, he was angry and scolded, "Dude, you are really nothing. How dare you bully me and look for death!" Born like a Thunderbolt. While talking, Zhao Qianyang's body revealed a strong and unparalleled power. Although his current body is only more than 100 meters high, it feels like a huge mountain that blocks all the light outside.