zhang the universe

Chapter 299 Vadasson

Zhao Qianyang hit a series of spells again and saw a golden flame on his palm again, and the air was as hot and cold.

Many guards only feel that the skin is like cooking in boiling water, which is extremely painful. But the loyal ministers in their hearts did not allow them to escape and were afraid of the fear in their hearts, and they kept scolding Zhao Qianyang.

Zhao Qianyang asked, "I'm saying it again, let your master come to see me!"

Still, no one answered Zhao Qianyang, but their roar and scolding became more intense.

"Look for death!" Zhao Qianyang shouted angrily, and the flame in his hand turned into a hundred, a hundred into thousands, and thousands into ten thousand in the air. The sky is full of flying flames.


Many guards were afraid of the pressure of the flames and sat down on the mountain. Their bodies trembled, and their heavy gasps came one after another.

Zhao Qianyang stroked his finger, and these tens of thousands of sparks rushed towards many guards.

" Stop it!" A voice exploded like thunder. Where the sound passed, there suddenly appeared a strong wind and waves, and the flames hit by Zhao Qianyang actually paused for a moment.

Zhao Qianyang said coldly, "It's too late!" With his fingers pressed down, the ground suddenly became a sea of fire, and countless Puno guards and flying guards were burned to ashes.

"You want to die!" The voice said angrily.

Zhao Qianyang smiled and thought that there was finally a stronger one.

At this time, a huge palm appeared in the sky. Where the palm passed, the black wind raged and the lightning suddenly flashed. The hot air instantly turned into a cold, and this palm was more than 100 meters long. His intention was like grabbing Zhao Qianyang in the palm of his hand.

Zhao Qianyang stood there calmly, and an invisible barrier had protected him. At this time, the huge palm touched the barrier outside Zhao Qianyang's body. In an instant, the lightning flashed, and the collision of Mars was particularly dazzling, as if there was a white sun in the sky for no reason.

"Hey!" Zhao Qianyang said with a smile. As his voice fell, the barrier outside his body expanded sharply in vain. The huge palm of the resistor trembled crazily two seconds later. At this time, Zhao Qianyang smiled strangely and said faintly, "Bang!"

As the sound passed, the barrier instantly cracked into bits of debris and splashed everywhere, and the huge palm was immediately blown into countless fragments. Become a spot of light and dissipate in heaven and earth. The wind and waves generated at the time of the explosion affected the buildings within a radius of 1,000 meters, and only all

Zhao Qianyang smiled and said, "Ha ha, come again!"

There was no sound to refuse Zhao Qianyang. Zhao Qianyang released a divine investigation, and all the scenes of tens of thousands of square kilometers were clearly displayed in Zhao Qianyang's eyes. He found that there were no masters within 10,000 meters on Monday. After this person sneaked up Zhao Qianyang, he actually moved out directly.

"Damn, he ran away." Zhao Qianyang scolded, and his consciousness continued to investigate the whole city. At this time, he locked in a practitioner with the highest cultivation, who was probably in the later stage of the soul change. After Zhao Qianyang locked his consciousness to where he was, he immediately moved over.

There is a tower-like building in the center of Chongdu. Like the city wall, there is a huge white stone ball floating on the top of the tower, shining brightly in the void. This is a superb soul stone about three meters in diameter.

The tower is more than 6,000 meters high, with a total of 23 floors.

The rule of Chongdu is Vadasson, a middle-aged man about four meters tall, but he can't be called a human, because he has a sharp corner on his head and grows in the middle of his forehead. Moreover, his head was also flat and pointed, with a wide mouth and nose, growing very strangely. At this time, he was busy turning around. At the beginning, he didn't care that he was attacked, but later, a series of news made him eat a lot. After his three bodyguards were defeated, he quietly attacked him. This mysterious middle-aged man, the tight blow was enough to make him tremble. This powerful existence is not something he can resist.

At this time, Zhao Qianyang suddenly appeared in front of him and asked, "Are you the big favor here?"

Vadasson was very angry, but more about fear. He didn't know how Zhao Qianyang came in at all. Just now, he was lucky to escape Zhao Qianyang. The other party came too quickly. You know, there were guards around this heavy step. He squeezed his mouth, swallowed his saliva with difficulty, and asked calmly, "I'm the big one here, Enwadasson, are you?"

Zhao Qianyang smiled and said, "My name is Zhao Qianyang. I just came here to play."

Vadasson felt a little want to cry without tears. He shouted in his heart, "Is there any mistake? Come and play and kill so many of my men." He hated Zhao Qianyang to death, but he was not his opponent at all, so he could only bear it.

Zhao Qianyang asked, "Can you introduce the situation here?"

Vadasson asked, "What's going on?" He looked depressed and looked worse than crying.

Zhao Qianyang took a look and shouted quickly, "Don't cry!" If such a big man cried in front of him, he really didn't know what to do.

Vadasson twitched the corners of his mouth, squeezed out a smile and said, "Your excellency, what kind of situation do you want to know?"

Zhao Qianyang felt that he didn't cry well. He sighed helplessly and said, "Do you have a map, introduce the situation around you, and tell me where there are any powerful monsters."

Vadasson couldn't help asking curiously, "Your Excellency, why are you looking for those things?"

"Research." Zhao Qianyang said lightly.

Hearing these two words, Vadason couldn't help but feel creepy. This man was really horrible. He actually wanted to find some powerful warcraft research and secretly breathed a cold breath. He would scold Zhao Qianyang like himself no matter what, otherwise he would be in trouble if he took himself to study, because he was not a human, but a warcraft. Practice to a certain level and become like this. There are not many monsters that can be transformed. He is one of them.

After a while, Vadason ordered people to bring a map and said, "Your Excellency, this is a map I got. Please have a look."

This map material is very special. It doesn't seem to have any weight in your hand. It is very thin, but it is very large when it is spread out, more than 20 meters long and more than 8 meters wide. It was drawn with runes and was extremely delicate. When Zhao Qianyang swept through it with his divine consciousness, everything in the map clearly appeared in his mind.

"Well, that's good." Zhao Qianyang nodded with satisfaction. If he could find a master, the speed of obtaining resources would be fast. He asked, "Vadason, what's the most dangerous place? Show me."

Vadasson said, "Here, 300 million square kilometers away from us."

Zhao Qianyang kept this place in mind and said, "Okay, I went to this place. Have you ever been here? Have you found anything?"

Vadasson shook his head and said, "I haven't been here. It's just a legend that the practitioners who came to this place did not come back, so we call him a place of no return."

"That sounds good." Zhao Qianyang smiled and said, "Do you have any other specialties here?"

"What specialty? There are Lanno crystal, ice thunder fruit, purple fire wood..." Vadasson said for a long time.

Zhao Qianyang said, "Stop it. Bring these things to me and let me see. I have something to exchange for you."

Vadason was a little unhappy. He was not sure what good things Zhao Qianyang could give him. When he wanted to exchange with others, he usually did not exchange, but wanted to blackmail. However, Zhao Qianyang's strength was much stronger than him, and he did not dare to offend Zhao Qianyang and stood there hesitantly.

Zhao Qianyang saw Vadason without any action and urged, "What's wrong? Don't you want to take these things out?"

"No... No, my lord, I'll send my men to bring up the things." Vadason said flatteringly, and I have to say that he still looked very ugly when he smiled.