kill the immortal flying knife

Chapter 15 Downhill

The snow flew all over the sky, and the ground was covered with endless snow. Li Xiaohe stood outside the door of Liang's house, but this time his heart was more indifferent than the ice and snowy dream. He just looked at the back that had never looked back and slowly disappeared until it disappeared into his sight.

Until he turned back silently for a long time, he saw that the Liang Mansion was shrouded in a firelight. He did not exclaim and looked so quietly. He saw Liang Ziqiao, Mr. Liang, Lu Guang, and all struggled in the fire until finally turned into ashes with the huge Liang Mansion.

Then his body also burned, but he could not feel pain, and then heard the laughter of Nirvana. He found that he was being locked in the alchemy furnace of Nirvana and burned like this. He gritted his teeth and just stared at Nirvana and let him burn himself like this.

Li Xiaohe didn't know how many times he had such a dream this night. When he woke up, he found that he was lying in the hole in the wall. He only felt cold all over, and the burning fire beside him was no longer warm as before.

He slowly straightened up, got out of bed, bypassed the stove and walked to the front of the house. He saw Niburn sitting on the futon in front of the furnace as he did yesterday. He didn't make a sound, just looked at Nirvana indifferently, and then walked out of the door softly.

Under the sun, there were fluorescent spots in the herbs around the small building, but looking at the white fog covered on the herbs, I only felt that it was a layer of blood fog, and the whole medicine garden was stained red.

Until he stood in front of the door of the small building for so long that he suddenly heard a "squeak" cry behind the small building. When he walked to the small yard behind the building, he saw a little monkey jumping up and down there. He didn't know why he went over and hugged the monkey in his arms.

Looking at the little monkey with big eyes in his arms, Li Xiaohe suddenly felt that Lier was right. He was really not as good as this little monkey.

Then he untied the rope on the monkey's neck, put it down from his arms, and only said in his heart, "Xiao Huang, you are free. You can play everywhere. You can find Li'er, but my freedom. Where is my happiness? Can I find someone to tell the pain in my heart!"

The little monkey was untied by him, but he still stood there with both hands and did not escape. His eyes stared at him like this. Li Xiaohe ignored him and turned around and walked out of the medicine garden.

Walking out of the medicine garden and being blown by the breeze outside made him feel much more comfortable. He looked at the good wooden building in the north. At this time, it was time to go there for breakfast. Instead of walking there, he walked east. He knew that he could leave the Qiongyu Building in the east.

After walking out of Qiong Yulou for a while, there was a small square. He didn't meet anyone along the way. He thought that it was probably still early, so few people in the Qionghua school came out to live.

When you get to the small square, you will see a faint fog rising on the left. There is a long stone arch bridge in the fog, which is a long bridge. Under the long bridge is an endless abyss, and those clouds rise from the abyss.

Li Xiaohe walked from above. At this time, he seemed to see many disciples of the Qionghua School who were meditating and practicing in Yunyan Square behind the long bridge through the long bridge. It seemed that he could see the unhance and self-wei wei weiation of the Sanqing statue standing in the Sanqing Hall in the past of Yunyan Square.

And on the right side of this small square is the mountain gate of the Qionghua School. From the right, you can get out of the Qionghua School. If you go straight, it is the residence of ordinary disciples of the Qionghua School.

After thinking about it, he walked to the right. In a short time, he had already left the Longshou Pass. At this time, he saw a stone road down the mountain in front of him, and there was another road on the left that Chang Fan took him through last time, with a cliff at the end.

Li Xiaohe looked back at the Shoulong Pass again. Two stone peaks inserted into the clouds as if they were the pillar of the day, but in fact they were only two pillars of the Qionghua School.

Closing her eyes and thinking about the past few days in the Qionghua School, she suddenly seemed to have made a difficult decision and walked down the mountain along the stone road down the mountain in front of her.

He made up his mind to leave the Qionghua School from now on. Although this place can allow him to have extraordinary abilities in the future and many unimaginable benefits, he didn't want to experience the suffering last night again.

At first, he thought that Nirvana took him as an apprentice just to save his life, but now he knew that although Nirvana would save him, he would continue to experience more painful suffering than death. He saved himself just to try medicine.

I have practiced the "Six Key Tips" to the first level. Thinking that I have the power to protect myself in the mortal world, even if I go down the mountain, I can continue to practice. Although it will be much more difficult than practicing in this fairy gate, and I can't achieve much higher achievements, I want to avenge the Liang family in the secular world and find Master Lu Guang. The news with my parents is definitely enough.

After walking for a while, he suddenly heard a "squeak" cry behind him. When he turned around, he found that the little monkey was running down, and he stopped. The little monkey ran to him but jumped on his shoulder, and his claws kept dancing. I don't know what it meant.

Li Xiaohe only read that this Qionghua has been sent for so many days, but before leaving, this monkey, who had only seen him once, came to see him off, so he took the monkey down from his shoulder and put it on the ground and said, "Xiao Huang, I'm leaving. You go back, don't need to see me off."

The little monkey did not scream at this time, but just stared at him. After he finished speaking, he patted the monkey's head and turned around and continued to walk down the mountain, but the monkey had been following him not far behind him.

In this way, one monkey slowly went down on the stone road of the mountain, but the drifting clouds slowly buried the road they walked.

Until he walked for a long time, Li Xiaohe supported the guardrail beside the stone road and looked down, but he could only see the clouds and fog, and could not see the earth under the clouds at all. At this time, he turned around and found that he was not far behind him, and the little monkey was still following him.

He couldn't help showing a smile on his face and walked back to pick up the little monkey and said, "Don't you like Qionghuapai? Do you want to go down the mountain with me?"

Naturally, the little monkey would not answer his question, but suddenly there was a woman's smile in the clouds passing behind him, "Okay, it turns out that you are going to sneak down the mountain and abduct Xiao Huang."

Li Xiaohe was shocked when he heard the sound. Soon, he saw a girl in a blue dress coming out of the cloud, but she recognized Li Er.

Li'er slowly walked down the stairs in the clouds. Seeing that he was looking at himself in surprise with Xiao Huang in his arms, he smiled and said, "I heard a senior brother say that I saw Xiao Huang running down the mountain, so I came to look for it, but I didn't expect to catch you here, a nerd who wanted to escape from this school."

He heard Lier still talking to himself in such a disrespectful tone, but he turned around and wanted to continue to walk down the mountain.

Seeing that Li Xiaohe ignored that he was about to go down, Li'er snorted angrily and jumped up from his head and stopped him.

Li Xiaohe saw Li'er blocking his way but resented why this woman was so disgusting, so he stared straight at Li'er with his angry eyes.

didn't expect that the seemingly unreasonable Li'er was so horizontal but a little aggrieved and said, "Why are you so ignorant? You laughed with you the day before yesterday, but you left in anger. Today, you want to betray the master and sneak down the mountain, and I heard your disrespectful words to this door. You should have I took you back to the door to ask for guilt, but I didn't care about it with you. You didn't say a word and turned around and left as if you didn't see me. Now you still threaten me with such a look.

He never thought that Li'er would say such a thing. That's words did make some sense. Now that he thought it was wrong, and his eyebrows eased a lot, and he unconsciously felt a little guilty.

When Li'er saw that he was told by himself, his face was also buried, so she was happy but no longer used that aggrieved tone, just pretending to be old-fashioned and said, "It's only been a few days since I miss you. The day before yesterday, I knew that your self-esteem was so strong that you can't stand other people's cold eyes, but today I don't know that you are suffering. Who bullied and wanted to go down the mountain? If you say that I stand up for you, there is no need to wrong yourself like this.

Li Xiaohe heard Li'er's words again, which was even more unexpected. She was not familiar with her, so she wanted to speak for herself, but could she speak for herself? Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing at himself in a low voice.

Li'er heard Li Xiaohe's voice but thought that he didn't believe him. He patted his chest anxiously and said, "I grew up in this Qionghua School since I was a child. Who saw me not calling me, you just call me sister, and I will definitely ask for justice."

At this time, Li Xiaohe raised his head again, but it was very close to Li'er's face. He happened to see that Li'er's face was pink like a peach blossom. It was also the first time he was so close to the girl, so he turned his head with some embarrassment.

Li'er also found Li Xiaohe's strangeness at this time. Suddenly, she only felt a little embarrassed, so she pretended to be calm and carelessly stretched out her hand to pull him back on the way back. As she walked, she said to herself, "Senior sister will definitely stand out for you."

The vast clouds made their debut for them. In the quiet mountain road, two people walked up hand in hand, followed by a little monkey, and occasionally the "squeaky" monkey call echoed in the mountains.