kill the immortal flying knife

Chapter 31 Sword

Li Xiaohe stood on the edge of the cliff in this way, and the gale blowing from the depths of the cliff blew his robe.

And his clenched fists also rattled softly with the sound of the wind, and a sense of anger kept emanating from him, but it was colder than the cold wind.

Until a long time, the yellow light emitted by the string of jade beads clenched in his fist became bigger and bigger, and finally the Buddha's truth in it also rushed out and revolved around him.

The anger was slowly pressed into his body by the yellow shining Buddha's truth, and then slowly floated into the jade beads in his hand, and then silent.

Li Xiaohe woke up at this time and couldn't help but feel a little cold when he remembered the situation just now. Then he opened his palm and looked at the string of jade beads, but it just emitted a faint yellow halo as usual.

He took a few breaths, and then there was a trace of blood on his face, and he dragged his tired body back to the mountain gate.

As soon as I entered the pharmacy garden, I heard the joy of the little monkey echoing behind the small building.

Li Xiaohe did not pay attention to it and went straight into the main entrance of the small building.

When I entered the door, I saw Nirvana sitting on the futon in front of the stove. Nirvana saw Li Xiaohe coming back and said lightly, "Is your body all right?"

Li Xiaohe silently just went to the futon, which was some distance away from Nirvana, and sat down calmly.

Niburn saw him like this, but he was not angry and continued: "In a few months, it will be 'Yunyan can speak sword'. It happens that your bones and meridians have been remade, and your cultivation has risen greatly. Now you can participate in it, just think of it as exercise."

Li Xiaohe listened to what Nie Fen said and just let himself exercise, so he thought that no one was optimistic about him. Although Nie Fen knew that he was talented now, he didn't take much attention to himself.

Thinking of this, I was even more unconvinced and couldn't help humming. Although it doesn't matter if you don't care about me, I didn't plan to do anything, but now I must let Lier see that I am no longer the little brother who could only hide behind her.

After saying that, Nirvana picked up a sword from his side and pulled out half of it. The cold light of the blade pierced Li Xiaohe's eyes. He suddenly came to his senses and heard that the sword body was still "buzzing" as if it was spiritual.

When I came in, I didn't find that there was a sword beside Niburn.

"This sword was given to me by the master. Now the name of the sword 'Huangyang' has been passed on to you, and I don't need it. It happens that you have a high understanding of the Hunyuan sword, and it is even more powerful with this sword." Niburn pulled out half of the sword, and a flash of cold light pushed it into the scabbard.

Li Xiaohe remembered that if he wanted to participate in the "Yunyan Sword", he needed a sword, because his most fierce move now was the mixed-yuan sword.

But he only glanced at the sword handed over by Nirvana and knew that this sword was already a spiritual sword, but because it was given by Nirvana, he turned his head and said, "Disciples can't afford such a sword."

Seeing him like this, Nie Fen had no choice but to take back the sword and sigh, turn around and go upstairs.

Nie Fen knew that Li Xiaohe was very stubborn. If he decided that no one could persuade him, not to mention the grudge he had in his heart because of the previous incident.

"Nishibo, come to see you in a few days, and now you will leave."

At this time, Li Xiaohe suddenly heard Li'er's voice from outside the small building. He looked through the crack of the door and saw that a fiery red back had left the pharmacy.

It turned out that Li'er was teasing the little monkey behind the small building just now. Li Xiaohe's laughter when Li Er and Xiaohuang played before appeared in his mind. At this time, he remembered it with bursts of heartache.

In the past few days, Li Xiaohe has been practicing more hard. He wants to break through six layers and reach seven layers before Yunyan's sword. He knows that only in this way he may have a place in the test.

Because Ning Kun had told him about the general cultivation of the young generation of the school last time, those elder disciples should at least be seven-level cultivation, and there are many disciples with *-layer cultivation. He knew that Ning Kun must have been eight-level cultivation.

It is impossible for me to surpass Chang Fan in a short time, because Chang Fan has already been the second realm of the Three Qing Realm. Now he can only let Lier know in this test that he is no longer the fool who can only hide behind her, and he has enough strength.

And why is he so eager to prove himself in front of Li'er? Li Xiaohe doesn't understand. He only knows that he wants Li'er to always be his senior sister without any other identity, but is it really just like this?

In a flash, Li Xiaohe finally practiced the "Six Keys" to the seventh level. He has also mastered the "Five elements", and the most important "Mix Yuan Yiqi Sword" is also the ultimate that he can achieve by him, which is now because he is now a "mixed body".

At this time, the "Yunyanhui Sword" also began as scheduled. In the morning of this day, most of the Qionghua faction, except for a few people, gathered in Yunyan Square in front of Sanqing Hall.

The light smoke and clouds on the huge cloud and smoke square are floating and sinking, and the twelve ringes are looming in between.

On the jade ladder in front of the Sanqing Hall, the head Yunyi is standing in the middle, with the gatekeepers standing on both sides, and then a group of elders and elders.

The young disciples all stood neatly in Yunyan Square. A total of 48 people in the front were the people who participated in the competition, 18 of whom were selected from Huayuan, and 10 were female disciples in the Bixiao Palace, and the other 20 were the personal disciples of the elders and those in charge of different places.

At this time, Yunyi looked up at the sun in the sky and took a step forward when he saw a good time, slowly glanced at the disciples below from left to right.

Yun Yi's glance suddenly felt that everyone below was suddenly very quiet. Yun Yi's eyes just swept over everyone so slowly, but everyone felt that they were looking at themselves.

Then I saw him nod and spread all over the Yunyan Square like a bell: "I, Qionghua, have created more than ten thousand years. Until today, I have been the largest faction in the world, orthodox, decent dragon head, and evil retreated. But it is also like a boat against the water. If you don't advance, you will retreat. I sent my ancestors to select good talents from among the disciples, take on the heavy responsibility of this school, and rejuvenate Qionghua, and specially passed on the prosperity of the 'Yunyan Sword' in 30 years. Many talented people have come out, so Qionghua has flourished and the right way has flourished.

As soon as Yun Yi said this, the disciples below were excited and hot-blooded, and Li Xiaohe's dull heart could not help but rise.

After saying that, Yun Yi nodded to Zhan Zhengming, the master of the Tian Xing Hall beside him, and saw Zhan Zhengming step out and continued, "Yunyan will have a total of 48 swords. In the first round, the two will fight against each other 24 people again. In this way, the remaining three will be the top three and will be ranked in the top three."

After Zhan Zhengming said that everyone began to draw lots. Li Xiaohe didn't have time to see the 48 people who participated in the sword. Ning Kun and Li Er were among them, but after looking for a long time, he did not see Chang Fan, and he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

At this time, Ning Kun patted his shoulder from behind and smiled, "Brother Xiaohe, I didn't expect you to be in the limelight when I left."

The disciples of Huayuan heard this and snorted coldly, but Li Xiaohe and Ning Kun did not put it in their hearts.

At this time, Li Xiaohe whispered to Ning Kun, "Brother Ning, why didn't you see Brother Changfan to attend?"

"Brother Changfan sent us back to the Qionghua School and went down the mountain again. With his cultivation of Yuqingjing, if he came, we would be better than anything." Ning Kun laughed.

"Oh." Li Xiaohe heard what he said, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

Ning Kun was a little surprised to see Li Xiaohe like this, but he patted him on the shoulder and smiled, "Is it possible that your boy wants to fight with Brother Chang Fan because of the recent rise in prestige? I admire him very much."

Li Xiaohe clenched his fist, and then immediately regained his expression and asked, "Brother Ning, what number are you? When will you fight? I'll cheer for you."

"What about you tomorrow morning?"

Li Xiaohe replied, "That's very good. I'll go to see you tomorrow afternoon."

This fight only began on the second day. The 12 arenas on Yunyan Square were 12 in the morning and 12 in the afternoon, and the first round was 24.

Then everyone has three days of recuperation time, and then start the second round of fighting.

The second round of the fight will still end in three days, and the rest of the people will start the third round of the fight, and then the fourth round.

The final top three ranking match began three days after the end of the fourth round of competition.

Each of the top three competed one game, and the final two winners won the first place.

After everyone drew lots to determine their own test time, they slowly began to leave Yunyan Square.

In the middle, Li'er greeted Li Xiaohe from afar, but Li Xiaohe didn't know why, but now he didn't want to face Li'er, just as if he had never seen him turn his head slightly and no longer look at her.

He came alone to the cliff in the pine forest and looked straight at the sun in the distance of the sea of clouds.

The gorgeous sunshine is as intoxicating as Li'er's smile.