kill the immortal flying knife

Chapter 9 Tower Fighting

The far east of the Central Plains is "Longmen Valley". Outside the mouth of the valley in the east of Longmen Valley, the East China Sea is boundless and boundless.

The valley is full of clouds and fog, and there are heavy troops guarding outside the valley for many years, so that mortals do not know the details of the valley.

Qianjiang rolls through the Dragon Gate Valley and flows into the East China Sea. The fish leaps over the Dragon Gate and enters the boundless East China Sea. If people can enter the Dragon Gate, they will have the opportunity to escape from the mortal world and enter the world of cultivation to become the son of immortals. It is also like a golden carp turning a dragon.

However, only a few big forces in the world can know the "Tongtian Conference" in Longmen Valley. Every mortal force that knows the details will select excellent children in the clan and some talented people to come to Longmen Valley on this day.

The time limit of Yijiazi may not be very long for the people of Xianmen, but it is a lifetime for mortals. The power that can enter Longmen Valley this time may have disappeared by his family by the next Jiazi.

However, the major immortals will naturally inform the newly born power "Tongtian Conference", because on the day of each Tongtian Conference, many major forces will come to Longmen Valley with selected excellent children.

These people only said that if someone in their family could enter the fairy gate, they would also be protected by the fairy gate in the future, but they don't know that those disciples may not go down the mountain for decades as soon as they enter the fairy gate. When they go down the mountain, how can their relatives in the world have been in the world for a long time and how can they care about the mortal world?

If you enter the immortal gate again, you will know that you will have a chance to get rid of the mortal life, old age and death, so you put a heart on practice and no longer waste time on the life and death of the mortal world.

And most of the people who have entered the fairy gate, even if they have the intention to help their relatives in the mortal world, they are afraid that they will come under the order of the mountain gate, and the mortal world has already died in the struggle of cultivation.

But these are unknown to the mortal world, so there are still major forces who hope to send their talented children to Longmen Valley.

In the Longmen Valley, half of the more than 1,000-foot-high Tongtian Tower on the north bank of the Qianjiang River sank into the clouds above, and there are large figures on the opposite bank at this moment.

There are more than 10,000 people in the mortal world who come to Longmen Valley, and there are more than 1,000 people in many fairy gates. Those mortal people are all standing behind the major immortal gates, which is the beginning of the Tongtian Conference.

Wang Shouyi and Hui Yin and Xing Mang, the elder of the Tian Burning Tower who had just arrived the day before yesterday, stood side by side and were talking to everyone with their backs facing the Tongtian Tower.

"Can we start?" Wang Shouyi.

Hearing Wang Shouyi's words, Hui Yin and Xing Mang nodded slightly.

Then Wang Shouyi turned around and his voice spread to more than half of the Longmen Valley: "This 'tower fight' starts now."

Hearing Wang Shouyi's words, the outstanding disciples of the young generation of all factions rose up and went to the towering Tongtian Tower on the other side of the Qianjiang River.

They saw many figures jumping over the river like flying locusts, and the people standing quietly behind them opened their eyes. For them, the stunt of these young disciples in the fairy sect was already beyond the top masters in the mortal martial arts.

Li Xiaohe also knew the details of the Tongtian Conference before.

The first item of the Tongtian Conference is the "tower fight". Each faction has five disciples into the Tongtian Tower, and finally ranks each immortal gate in the order in which each group's disciples climb to the top of the Tongtian Tower.

But the second item is the "Ta Li", which will be selected by those children from the world to climb the tower and judge their qualifications by their height.

Finally, it is to select disciples. In the tower fight, the order of each school is determined by ranking. Naturally, the top Xianmen can give priority to the selection of qualified disciples, while the Xianmen at the back can only select the rest.

However, every time the people of Guanghua Temple do not participate in the tower fight, but they are the first to select disciples. Guanghua Temple does not look at the qualifications of the roots and bones, but only depends on whether they are related to Buddhism. Therefore, with the strength of Guanghua Temple as one of the three holy places of the right path, other immortals have no objection.

Natong Sky Tower has nine floors, each of which is nearly 100 feet high, of which 108 spiral stone stairs lead directly to the top of the tower.

It seems that climbing the tower is extremely simple, but in fact, there are holes in the tower because of various formations.

As soon as he entered the tower, Li Xiaohe felt a pressure coming at him and couldn't help slowing down.

It turns out that the pressure in this tower is so great that Wang Shouyi has told them before that each layer of pressure on the sky tower is aggravated by one point, and it is impossible to fly with the cultivation of Yuqingjing.

At this time, he could only see one stone pillar, which were all on the top of the tower on the first floor, and the stone stairs circled up along the stone pillar.

In a blink of an eye, she saw that Lin Mengyao's figure had followed the stone ladder. She entered the second floor with only a few taps of her toes, and Li Xiaohe did not neglect to step up immediately.

As soon as I entered the second floor, I heard the roar and the sound of swords. It seemed that many people were fighting.

When entering the tower, everyone entered from the 108 entrances at the bottom of the tower, so he could not see the other four people of Qionghua's faction at this time.

When he arrived at the second floor, he also followed the spiraling stone ladder directly up. He did not have anything to do with anyone all the way, but he soon reached the fourth floor.

At this time, he looked out from the gap on the edge of the Tongtian Tower. He could only see the clouds and fog outside, and the space in the tower was obviously reduced a little, and the space in the back tower became smaller and smaller.

Wang Shouyi said that the distance between the last 108 stone ladders is not far away, almost like 108 coiled coils straight to the top of the tower.

As soon as he entered the fourth floor, Li Xiaohe obviously felt that the pressure in the tower had increased a lot, and he could no longer jump to the upper floor as before, and at this time he also ushered in his first opponent.

Li Xiaohe was walking on the stone ladder and suddenly heard a gas explosion under his feet. Looking down, he saw that a blazing fire rushed up from his feet.

At the speed of the flame, it was impossible for him to enter the upper layer when the flame burned him, and he had no time to use Taoism to block it, so he could only jump down the stone ladder to the side.

As soon as he fell down the stone ladder, another fire came from behind him as soon as he stepped on the ground. He had to hum coldly and roll on the ground and dodged aside.

Flashed to a corner, and then jumped up. When he stood up, he saw a person opposite looking at him with a mocking face.

Looking at the man in a brocade robe and controlling fire with one hand, he knew that he was a disciple of the Heavenly Burning Tower, but the man's cultivation was obviously not as high as him.

The man saw him stand up and only smiled at him, and then his palms danced. He saw a burning flame rising in the palm of his hand. Li Xiaohe saw clearly that the flame was not Taoism and did not know where it came from. It seemed that the fire control technique of the Sky Burning Tower was really good.

Then that day, the burning tower disciple put the flame between his palms between his fingers and bounced on Li Xiaohe. Suddenly, the wind sounded, and the flame rose against the wind and turned into a wave of fire hitting him.

Just now, he attacked Li Xiaohe and naturally had no choice but to dodge, but at this time, he was not afraid to fight head-on with his current Yuqing realm.

He hit a formula in his hand, and then the free fire power between heaven and earth gathered in front of him crazily.

Three huge fireballs took shape in front of him in an instant, and then he pushed forward with one palm. One fireball went straight to the fire wave, while the other two fireballs bypassed the fire wave and went to the disciple of the burning tower behind.

The man saw that Li Xiaohe released such a powerful fire Taoism in an instant and attacked himself with fire. Only then did he know that he had made a blind eye. The cultivation in front of him was obviously far higher than him, otherwise how could he attack him with fire?

That day, the burning tower disciple wanted to turn around and escape. When Li Xiaohe saw that he was going to escape, he was in a hurry and pinched a formula in his hand. The speed of the two fireballs rushing towards him suddenly accelerated.

With a loud explosion, the two fireballs collided with each other, and at the moment of the explosion, the disciples of the burning tower were sandwiched between the two huge fireballs.

Seeing that the Taoism worked, Li Xiaohe ignored the man and continued to go up the stone ladder.

It was not until he was about to enter the upper floor that he turned his head and looked down, but he saw that the man just now was black at this time, and he didn't know when a disciple of the Skyburning Tower was treating his luck.

He didn't care about these and went to the fifth floor.

As soon as you go up to the fifth floor, you can hear the sound of roaring fighting in the whole space. The distance between the small people in this space is getting closer and closer. Once you meet, you will inevitably have to fight, so the fight is getting more and more fierce.

Li Xiaohe did not take the initiative to attack others, so he continued to go up the stone ladder.

Many people in Xianmen watched Li Xiaohe break through to Yuqing the day before yesterday, so no one took the initiative to provoke him after recognizing him.