kill the immortal flying knife

Chapter 13 Wonderland

Li Xiaohe and Lin Mengyao walked side by side and walked up step by step from the spiraling stone ladder.

Soon the two reached the seventh floor. There were many fights on the seventh floor, and the two of them ignored it. They only went up the stone ladder to the eighth floor.

At this time, the pressure in the tower has exceeded Li Xiaohe's imagination. They can only go up step by step. If they want to step up quickly, it will be very exhausting.

And when he came, he also heard Wang Shouyi say that the pressure in the tower is still secondary, and the most dangerous is the eighth floor of the Tongtian Tower.

There will be a fantasy on the eighth floor of the Tongtian Tower. If you can't wake up quickly, you will be surpassed by others or be attacked by others when you are in the fantasy.

And it is also very dangerous in the fantasy. Injury in the fantasy may cause damage to their own mind, but it is extremely dangerous to fall into the fantasy.

As soon as he entered the eighth floor, Li Xiaohe felt a shock in his mind, as if something had rushed into his mind. He immediately stood still in shock.

But after a long time, nothing other strange happened, so he turned his head and looked at Lin Mengyao beside him with doubt, and Lin Mengyao also looked at him with doubt at this time.

"Sister, do you feel anything unusual?" Li Xiaohe asked.

Lin Mengyao looked around and said cautiously, "I don't know. It's better to be careful."

When he came, Wang Shouyi had told them that this eighth-layer fantasy is not an ordinary fantasy, but a difficult to distinguish between true and false based on people's hidden intentions, and there is no specific way to get out of the fantasy, which can only rely on each person's opportunity.

Although the two saw that there was no one around, they still carefully went to the middle ladder.

When it came to the eighth floor, the 108 spiral ladders were already twisted together and went straight up to the ninth floor. Looking at the twisted spiral staircase crisscrossed like a maze, it made people a little dizzy.

But Li Xiaohe and Lin Mengyao kept going up, but they could reach the ninth floor all the way up.

They kept walking in the entangled spiral ladder until a long time but still failed to enter the ninth floor.

"Sister, we have been walking up this spiral ladder for a long time, but it is still so far from the top." Li Xiaohe stopped and said in shock.

Lin Mengyao said deeply in her eyes, "Maybe we have already entered the fantasy world."

Li Xiaohe suddenly woke up when he heard this, and he also instantly understood that maybe he was really in a fantasy now.

Then he looked at Lin Mengyao with deep thought and said, "If this is a fantasy, is it your fantasy or my fantasy?"

"Hmm?" Lin Mengyao was also deeply shocked when she heard what he said, and then said lightly, "Why must it be one of you and me?"

"This fantasy is based on people's hidden meaning. Now everything you see is true or false, but it is difficult to judge. It is likely that even you are false. If we continue to go up, there will definitely be other things."

Li Xiaohe buried his head when he heard Lin Mengyao say so and only followed her step by step, but fell into meditation.

If this is an illusion, then everything is fake, and Lin Mengyao in front of her is also fake. How can she jump out?

It is also possible that all this is true, but this spiral ladder is born in a fantasy, making himself and Lin Mengyao look like they are going up, but actually going around in it.

But what is true and what is false?

"Sister, let's jump down first and go up again." Thinking of this, Li Xiaohe looked up and said to Lin Mengyao in front of him.

"What did you think of?" Lin Mengyao turned around and asked.

Li Xiaohe thought for a moment and said, "Maybe it's the problem of this spiral ladder, just like a ghost hitting a wall in the mortal world. After a while, I'll go up. You look down and see if I'm going up or circling in it.

"Good." Lin Mengyao also knew what he thought.

Li Xiaohe wants to confirm whether this is full of illusions or only the spiral staircase that affects his way forward.

Then both of them jumped down from the spiral staircase and returned to the bottom of the spiral staircase.

"Sister, I'm going up."

After saying that, Li Xiaohe went up the spiral ladder, but at this moment, he closed his eyes, closed all six divine consciousnesses, and slowly jumped up with a weak feeling.

He only thought that now that his six divine consciousnesses are closed and will not be affected by the illusion in this spiral ladder, he will definitely reach the top if he keeps jumping up.

And if it still can't reach the top at that time, it proves that it is not the problem of the spiral ladder, but all of it is a fantasy.

Li Xiaohe jumped up step by step. Not long after he opened his eyes, he saw that the entrance to the ninth floor was in front of him. Looking down, Lin Mengyao was below.

But he did not enter the ninth floor, but retreated.

"Senior sister, how's it going? Did I reach the top just now?" Li Xiaohe jumped down the spiral staircase and came to Lin Mengyao's side.

Lin Mengyao thought for a moment and said, "I saw that you have indeed been going up and reaching the top. But how can I prove that what I saw was not an illusion?

Li Xiaohe thought slightly before saying, "It seems that it is indeed the problem of the spiral ladder. You can close the six divine consciousnesses with me. After all, you can go to the ninth level."

Li Xiaohe was happy and finally found a way to hurt the ninth floor, so he wanted to go up the spiral staircase. Suddenly, his heart was shocked.

It suddenly occurred to him that if Lin Mengyao in front of him was just an illusion, she was just lying.

Thinking of this, he suddenly turned around and stared deeply at Lin Mengyao.

Lin Mengyao looked at him but said coldly, "Are you doubting me?"

Li Xiaohe did not answer. After thinking about it, he said, "No matter how much, as I just said, let's go up together."

Although he said so, he was somewhat alert to Lin Mengyao in front of him.

He didn't know how to prove whether Lin Mengyao was true or false, so he had to go up according to the method just now to see if he could get to the ninth floor. At that time, everything will know whether it is true or false.

The two were about to go up the spiral ladder, but at this time, the entrance behind them suddenly banged, and a figure exploded up.

Li Xiaohe turned around when he heard the sound, but at this time, he saw that the figure rushing up from below was Li'er, and he suddenly frowned.

Li Er shot away from the entrance. She turned around and saw Li Xiaohe beside her. She suddenly pulled out the soft sword from her waist and attacked Li Xiaohe.

Li Xiaohe was shocked and had to raise his sword to meet him. He blocked Li'er's attack and said in surprise, "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

"You still asked me what's wrong. Why didn't you escort Brother Chang out of the tower?" Li'er snorted coldly, and his attack did not diminish.

Seeing Li'er's face full of tears, Li Xiaohe asked urgently, "What's wrong with Brother Chang?"

"He was killed before he came out of the tower. He is now dead."

Li'er roared, and the attack on his hand became more and more fierce.

Li Xiaohe kept dealing with Li'er's attack, but his heart was shocked, constantly thinking about whether this Li'er was true or false.

What's going on? Is it an illusion?

He thought a lot about this in his heart, but he didn't dare to use too much fear of hurting Li Er.

Unexpectedly, Lier attacked him more and more fiercely, and soon he had been hit by two swords.

Seeing that if it goes on like this, he is afraid that he will die under the sword of Li'er, he suddenly thought that even if she is fake, after all, he is still the sister he loves deeply.

Well, if you can die under her sword, maybe all this is just an illusion. Even if you are killed by her, it's just an illusion.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaohe shed two lines of tears on his face and said lightly, "If you want to vent your anger, come."

After he said this, he opened his arms and let Li'er stab him.

But Li'er said angrily, "What are you pretending? Sister Lin has already told me that your brother Liang Ziqiao is an evil demon. It's not a pity for you to die with him."

After saying that, Li Er raised his sword and stabbed Li Xiaohe, but Li Xiaohe closed his eyes and couldn't resist.

At this moment, Lin Mengyao, who had been watching all this quietly, suddenly pulled out the magic sword behind her.

Xuanling came out of the sheath, and a blue sword light flashed. Li Er, who was swinging his sword at Li Xiaohe, suddenly stopped. There was a surge in his abdomen, and then blood clung out, and his eyes were gray.

Li Xiaohe opened his eyes and saw that Li'er had been suddenly killed by Lin Mengyao, and his body was falling back to the sky.

His heart suddenly trembled, and there was a roar in his head. He wanted to roar loudly, but it was sweet in his throat.


Li Xiaohe's body trembled and suddenly opened his eyes, but found that there was no longer a figure in front of him.

Ah? It turns out that they are all illusions, all illusions.

At this time, he woke up. It turned out that everything had just been an illusion, but he still remembered that scene. At this time, his back was cold and there were two lines of tears on his cheeks.

"You're awake." At this time, Lin Mengyao, who was beside her, suddenly said.

Li Xiaohe heard Lin Mengyao's voice, so he raised his head and looked around. Then he looked at Lin Mengyao and said, "Sister, just now..."

Lin Mengyao saw him like this, but she turned her face and said, "You fell into a fantasy just now. I broke away from the fantasy early and have been guarding you."

Hearing what Lin Mengyao said, Li Xiaohe breathed a sigh of relief and said that he was the only one in the fantasy just now.

He didn't know that after Lin Mengyao turned her back, her eyes were full of sadness, her chest was constantly ups and down, and her slender hands trembled slightly.