kill the immortal flying knife

Chapter 5 Old

Tianlao easily said that Xiao Zi was the person of the True God Pavilion, and Li Xiaohe and Xiao Zi were shocked.

Then he saw Tianlao suddenly frown, his face was gloomy, and he said like thunder, "What you want to do is hurt."

Hearing this, Li Xiaohe's heart trembled again. Seeing Tianlao's cautious appearance as if he was talking about something, he couldn't help wondering what Xiaozi was going to do on this trip. Tianlao actually said that it was hurting the sky.

However, Xiao Zi was stiff in an instant, her eyes were open angrily, and she stared straight at the sky.

At this moment, the sunset has completely fallen to the ground and the sky is dim.

In the corner of the tea pavilion, there were only Li Xiaohe and the three of them at this table. At this time, the three of them calmed down in an instant and had no more words. Suddenly, there was silence in this corner and the needle could be heard.

Li Xiaohe only looked at Xiao Zi's sudden coldness and anger, and his eyes stared at the old man.

And Tianlao also looked gloomy and looked straight at Xiao Zi.

The two suddenly became so abnormal that Li Xiaohe was angry and depressed.

After a long time, he was afraid that Xiao Zi would suddenly be in trouble with Tian Lao and would open his mouth to break this silence.

At this time, Xiao Zi grabbed him and said in a low voice, "Who are you?"

Xiao Zi opened his mouth, but his face was gloomy. Fu'er smiled and said, "I'm just a shrely warlock who is proficient in fortune-telling."

"Do you know that what you just said will cause murder?" Xiao Zi's body is getting stronger and stronger.

"This gambling was provoked by the girl, but now the girl dares not continue." Tianlao smiled meaningfully at Xiao Zi and said, "What the girl has done is harmful to the sky, and I'm afraid there will be great difficulties."

"Bad Taoist priest, nonsense!" Xiao Zi only shouted angrily when she heard this.

Li Xiaohe tightened his heart and said that it was not good.

Before we met, the cold light suddenly came together, and the white light was connected.


The cracking sound of tables, chairs and wooden columns sounded.

With a bang, the roof of the tea pavilion collapsed in an instant.

Li Xiaohe jumped away with a flash, and his heart was trembling.

Xiao Zi also followed him and jumped out.

At this time, the roof of the tea pavilion had collapsed, and a burst of dust rolled, and the people who could not escape inside screamed.

Look at Xiao Zi again, the short sword in her hand is already out of its sheath, and the cold light swallows.

Li Xiaohe couldn't help sinking in his heart and turned to look around, but there was a skyless figure.

Then he heard Xiao Zi say in a low voice, "Let the stinky Taoist priest escape."

Li Xiaohe was shocked. He didn't feel the true element fluctuation in Tianlao's body just now, but under the sudden action of Xiao Zi, Tianlao suddenly disappeared.

"This•••••" Li Xiaohe couldn't figure out how Tianlao suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

"This stinky Taoist priest is really not easy. Be careful when you see him again in the future." Xiaozi put away her dagger and turned to Li Xiaohe.

Li Xiaohe was angry and said, "Heaven has never offended you. How can you suddenly kill him?"

"Ha ha, you mean my snake and scorpion's heart, right? I'm originally a demon girl, and I can only do evil. Xiao Zi looked at Li Xiaohe with an angry face, but sneered.

"What on earth do you have to do? God always says that what you have done is harmful." Li Xiaohe asked in a low voice.

The huge tea pavilion suddenly collapsed, and officers and soldiers suddenly came from the gate.

Xiao Zi looked at the gate of the city and only said, "It's not easy to go to this Jiange City. Let's leave here first."

"Hmm!" Li Xiaohe only snorted coldly, but had no intention of leaving.

"You're not leaving, are you?" Xiao Zi asked coldly.

Li Xiaohe only turned his head.

"Then let's break up." Xiao Zi snorted coldly, but went far away.

Li Xiaohe turned his head and hesitated. Seeing that Xiao Zi's figure was about to disappear in the night, he sighed and got up and chased after him.

The two of them only went one after the other.

Xiaozi was extremely fast all the way. Li Xiaohe only chased after him in a hurry, and his heart was anxious.

This road ran until a village and town appeared again in front of her, and Xiao Zi stopped and turned to look behind her.

When Li Xiaohe saw that Xiaozi finally stopped, he accelerated his speed and came to Xiaozi's side in a blink of an eye. He didn't know how many miles he had run all the way, and suddenly gasped slightly.

"Since you think I'm very vicious, why do you catch up with me?" Xiao Zi said angrily.

Li Xiaohe was also furious at this time and said, "I'm just worried about you."

"Ha, what do I have to worry about? I saved your life, but you came to worry about me." Xiao Zi sneered.

Li Xiaohe stopped gasping and said seriously, "God always said that what you have done will hurt the sky, and I'm afraid there will be great trouble."

"Hmm! The stinky Taoist priest is already insurable. If I find him again, he will have no way to live. Xiao Zi said coldly.

"Think about it carefully, I didn't believe what God counted for me at first, but then it really came true. And today he can say who you are, so you can't beware of what he said in the end. Li Xiaohe said anxiously.

Xiaozi buried her head and thought for a moment. Fuer raised her head again. Her face was calm and she only whispered, "It seems that you are really worried about me."

"Of course I'm worried about your safety, and I won't ask you what you're doing, but you need to be careful. Besides, it's hurtful. It's better not to behave. Li Xiaohe said slowly.

"This is a secret matter in my door. Even the people in my door know very little about it. I can't tell you, but you don't have to worry about my safety. The stinky Taoist priest can know this matter by no means calculated by him. If he can find out this matter, he is by no means an ordinary person, but I have never heard of this person's name. It seems that this man is very deep. You really need to be wary of him if you meet him again in the future. Xiao Zi said in a low voice.

"You can easily avoid your raid. I think his strength is also extraordinary, but he just runs away and doesn't fight with you. I don't think he is malicious. He just reminds you, but you are too reckless." Li Xiaohe saw that Xiaozi was no longer angry, just smiled, and then said, "Didn't you also say that you met the nine-tailed fox demon the day before yesterday? Demons are not all evil. Since demons are like this, let alone human beings."

"You stupid boy actually learned to teach me a lesson. I just hope that there is no malice as you said that day, but you have to remember that you have to guard against others." Xiao Zi also smiled.

"It's getting late at this time, let's go to the village and town in front to find a place to stay first." Li Xiaohe looked at Xiao Zidao.

The two went to the village in front of them together.

As soon as I entered the village, I saw that there was a house at the entrance of the village that was dilapidated and collapsed, and traces of blood could be faintly seen at the broken wall. It looked like yesterday.

Li Xiaohe remembered that it was a chaotic time and only sighed, "Together with this beacon fire, it was the people who suffered."

When Xiao Zi heard this, she also looked at the scene of the broken wall.

At this time, a villager happened to pass by. Hearing Li Xiaohe's words, he immediately stopped and said, "The prince just came from the outside, but he didn't know that this is not the cause of the military disaster."

"Oh?" Li Xiaohe heard the villager's words and turned his head with doubts.

"To talk about this southwest mutiny, although King Liang rebelled, he was rigorous in governing the army and never disturbed the people by officers and soldiers. Even after the uprising of King Liang, those former corrupt officials or profiteers and bullies who harmed one side were punished as they deserved, which was very happy. Therefore, the people also said that the royal family was mediocre, but the king of Liang raised an army, but rebelled against Zhou. The villager talked about it.

Li Xiaohe always thought that Liang Ziqiao's uprising was just to avenge his family. He came to the southwest this time to find Liang Ziqiao to prevent him from killing again and do more evil.

But now after listening to the villager's words, I feel that maybe Liang Ziqiao has not changed. He is still the former Liang Ziqiao.

Li Xiaohe asked, "I think it's like a tragic disaster just happened yesterday, but I don't know what else can cause such a situation except a military disaster."

"Well, it really happened yesterday, and I still have it in my mind." The villager sighed and said sadly, "Maybe you don't believe it. Yesterday, a demon wolf suddenly came out. The demon wolf was taller than the house. As soon as it arrived at the entrance of the village, the wolf kept howling. These houses were collapsed by the demon wolf, and many people were buried under the claws of the demon wolf."

"Oh!" Li Xiaohe was shocked and didn't expect that it was a monster to harm the world. Isn't that a piece of death or injury?

The villager continued: "For fortunately, a young hero suddenly appeared, but the young hero was holding a golden stick in his hand and fought against the demon wolf. The demon wolf ate in pain and only cried. If the young hero hadn't blocked the demon wolf at the entrance of the village and later killed the demon wolf, I'm afraid that our whole village and town would have been razed to the ground.

"The young man still lives in the town's inn to avoid demons coming to revenge."

After saying the details, the villager turned around and left.

Li Xiaohe and Xiaozi were surprised when they heard the details.