kill the immortal flying knife

Chapter 37 Vulse

Yuzhou City faces Tianshuimen.

The river outside Chaotian Shuimen is connected with the sky, and there is only a breeze and fog on the river.

At this time, the king of Pingnan and Chang Fan stood on the tower of Chaotianshuimen, and soon the killings in other parts of Yuzhou City had reached their ears.

"It seems that the rebels are indeed powerful this time. I couldn't hear such a loud shout when I came here the day before yesterday." Chang Fan said lightly.

Pingnan Wang frowned and thought for a moment before saying, "If the momentum is not strong, how can it be believed?"

"Is the prince still sure that there are bluffs everywhere else?" Chang Fan smiled.

"It must be so, otherwise there can't be such a big movement." The king of Pingnan made up his way.

At this time, the sound of the waves suddenly rang, and after a moment, the sound of breaking the waves came.

The king of Pingnan suddenly raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice, "I'm coming."

The roar of breaking waves became louder and louder, and as expected, countless huge shadows appeared in the white fog on the surface of the river slowly coming towards the water gate.

The King of Pingnan and others can only see the outline of the countless warships, but Chang Fan can see the scene of this warship clearly at this time.

When he saw the situation on these warships, he couldn't help whispering.

The king of Pingnan heard Chang Fan's confusion and immediately asked, "Xianchang, what did you see?"

"hehe." Chang Fan just smiled and said, "Now that they have come, they are also very powerful. How should the prince deal with it?"

"Haha•••••" The king of Pingnan heard Chang Fan's questions, smiled and said, "I have already set up countless fine iron dark piles in this river. As long as they go further, the warship will hit these dark piles and be firmly held in place by these fine iron dark piles. And there are large barrels of fire oil under each dark pile. As soon as the dark pile moves, these oil barrels will break. At that time, only the rockets need to be released together, and the river will suddenly become a sea of fire. None of these warships can escape, so they can only be burned.

"Water fire attack, the prince is really a wonderful god." Chang Fan heard the words of the King of Pingnan and just smiled softly.

"The crossbow is winding."

When the king of Pingnan heard Chang Fan's praise, he immediately shouted behind him.

Then there was a "squeak" sound, and the large crossbows on the tower tightened the long bow in their palms.

"Let it go."

The king of Pingnan shouted again.

Then he heard a burst of shock, and the arrow rain was already attacking a warship on the river.

But with this arrow attack, the warship still moved forward without delay, and there was no scream from the soldiers on the ship.

"Oh!" The king of Pingnan suddenly doubted.

But Chang Fan smiled and said, "Why doesn't the prince use rockets?"

The king of Pingnan stopped his doubts and said to Chang Fan, "I'll give him two arrows first. After some killing and injury, the warship will definitely speed up. When they get close, they can't escape. I will attack with fire again, which is called tempting the enemy to go deep."

"Oh, lure the enemy deep!" Chang Fan only smiled strangely.

Seeing that Chang Fan looked different, the king of Pingnan suddenly asked, "I don't know what Xianchang has found?"

"Nothing, go on." Chang Fan only said lightly.

The king of Pingnan saw that Chang Fan's face was different. Although he was suspicious, when he heard Chang Fan say so, he still issued an order behind him.

A burst of arrow rain only hit the large warships that were slowly approaching, but it was still the same as before. There was only the sound of breaking the wind, the sound of falling into the water, and the sound of nailing on the board, and there was no scream.

At this time, the warship is getting closer and closer to the Chaotianshuimen Tower.

After all, the king of Pingnan's heart became heavier and heavier, and he felt that the fog on the river was like sinking in his heart.

At this time, soldiers have traveled to the king of Pingnan and said, "Your Majesty has passed dozens of arrows now. Do you want to launch rockets directly?"

"Well, it's been dozens?" King Pingnan suddenly had a deep lock between his eyebrows and muttered, "It's impossible..."

"Bad!" Finally, the king of Pingnan shouted, and his face turned pale.

Chang Fan only smiled on the sidelines.

But the general asked, "What's the matter, prince?"

"Quickly, quickly back to guard against the other three gates." The king of Pingnan shouted.

After a test of arrow rain, the king of Pingnan finally saw that the warships in front of him were bluffing.

But he was puzzled. The previous detective clearly found the 200,000 reinforcements all the way down the boat, so why did the 200,000 reinforcements suddenly disappear?

But it was too late for him to find out that he had been tricked by Liang Ziqiao.

Just as he wanted to return to support the other three gates, several soldiers rushed to him with scars and worshipped him.

"Your Majesty, Ximen has broken•••••"

"My South Gate is also••••••"

"My North Gate city is broken, and countless deaths and injuries••••••"

This sound of failure is like a sinking thunder in the brain of King Pingnan.

Pingnan Wangli's body was shocked, and there was no trace of blood on his face. He was even more stuffy in his chest, and a blood arrow spewed out.


A group of soldiers couldn't help screaming in unison when they saw the sudden bleeding from the mouth of King Pingnan.

King Pingnan spewed out a blood arrow, but it seemed to be relieved and only stopped the words of the soldiers.

Fu'er turned his head and said to Chang Fan, "Xian Chang found something strange early, didn't he?"

Chang Fan said lightly, "Yes, I have already been clear that this battleship has up to 30,000 armor control."

"Ha ha•••••Is it just 30,000?" The king of Pingnan smiled bitterly and only said, "I think I have never been defeated in my life. After all, I am too conceited and I can't complain."

"Your Majesty, what should we do now?" A group of generals suddenly asked.

The king of Pingnan only thought slightly and said, "Side people quickly to dismantle the hidden piles in the river. In addition, you go to prepare the warship. The three armies are ready to get out of the city, and General Wang, you lead 100,000 soldiers and horses to resist the rebels who came to Chaotianshuimen. Before the three armies board the ship, you must not let them attack here."

The king of Pingnan is indeed worthy of being a man of half his life. After the great change, he had a way to deal with it as soon as he thought about it.

A group of generals and soldiers hurried away after the order of the king of Pingnan.

At this time, Chang Fan said again, "This Yuzhou City has been lost. How is the prince going to deal with it next?"

"Now I can only take a boat down the river, wait to meet the reinforcements behind me, and then try to recapture Yuzhou City. The rebels do not put more soldiers and horses in this morning, which also means to let me out. After all, if they dare to fight to the death with me at this time, even if they win, they will never be much better. King Pingnan said in a low voice.

"Well, did the prince ever think that only 30,000 of the 200,000 reinforcements are here now, and where are the other 100,000 people?" Chang Fan continued.

"I didn't expect this, but I can't take care of this much at present. It's the first thing to leave Yuzhou City as soon as possible." The king of Pingnan lamented.

At the Tianshui Gate, the king of Pingnan is urgently rectifying the soldiers and horses and preparing to escape from the city.

The other three gates of Yuzhou City have been broken, and Liang Ziqiao's armor is black, pouring into the city from the three gates like a frenzy.

And Li Xiaohe and Liang Ziqiao have also arrived in Yuzhou at this time.

"Haha, let's go and see the King of Pingnan." Liang Ziqiao laughed as soon as he entered the city.

He went to the gate with Li Xiaohe.

The two went all the way to the Tianmen Gate, looked for a high platform, and went upstairs.

Standing on this is to see the Tianmen clearly.

At this moment, some of Liang Ziqiao's army have also reached the side of Chaotianmen, but the king of Pingnan has arranged everything early, and a group of soldiers blocked these black armored soldiers who attacked Chaotianmen.

More soldiers of King Pingnan are in a hurry to board the prepared warships at this time.

At this moment, the 10,000-jin fine iron gate of Shuimen also roared and slowly rose up.

Li Xiaohe and Liang Ziqiao also saw the king of Pingnan on the tower, and Chang Fan also stood beside the king of Pingnan.

It was not until a long time later that the 10,000-jin fine iron gate of Chaotian Water Gate was finally opened unimpeded.

At this moment, a warship full of soldiers slowly came out of the water gate.

Li Xiaohe finally saw that Chang Fan boarded a warship with the king of Pingnan and went out of the city.

"Where do you think they will escape?" Li Xiaohe turned his head and looked at Liang Ziqiao beside him and asked.

Liang Ziqiao just smiled and said, "I have already arranged their place to go. Next, I will also lead the whole army there, and the reinforcements behind the King of Pingnan will also gather there, and I will be there to annihilate his whole army."

"Oh." Li Xiaohe couldn't help but be shocked. Hearing what Liang Ziqiao said, it was more tragic than the war in Yuzhou City.

At this time, Liang Ziqiao continued to say, "Next, you can also go with me. Isn't your brother also with the king of Pingnan?"

"Well, I'll let you do this last battle, but you haven't told me where this battle is." Li Xiaohe laughed softly.

Liang Ziqiao's face darkened and only whispered, "Next battle, capital."