kill the immortal flying knife

Chapter 10 Ground Crack

Mo clouds over the capital city, the cloud curtain whirlpool slowly turns, and the sky is majestic.


At this time, Liang Ziqiao's million army was as powerful as a rainbow, like a black frenzy, and finally began to attack the capital city from four directions.

For a moment, the arrows were like rain, the flint rushed to the sky, the iron horse trembled, and the drums trembled.

In a corner of the capital city, Xiao Zi suddenly exclaimed, "Dad, Liang Ziqiao has begun to attack the city."

"Good." Wang Renfeng only shouted in a low voice, and then Lei Mang sneered again.


Then he saw Wang Renfeng's face full of solemnity, two fingers with swords, and pointed to the thunder sculpture unicorn standing under the cloud curtain and roaring.


The unicorn holy beast suddenly looked up to the sky and roared, and its momentum overshadowed the explosion of armor in all directions.

Then the unicorn was full of thunder and burst, as if it was about to explode.

Li Xiaohe's heart suddenly trembled.

Then he heard Chang Fan say urgently, "Get back quickly."

"That monster is crazy••••••"

"not good••••••"


The two monks gathered around also exclaimed and retreated to all directions again in a blink of an eye.

Then the roaring hurricane between heaven and earth also became more violent, and the whole capital city was covered with cross-wood tiles rising to the sky and became mixed up.

This doomsday scene suppressed everyone's hearts and minds like a sinking stone, only made everyone's chest depressed.

The unicorn holy beast roared up to the sky, as if declaring war on the sky, which was extremely sad.

There were thunderstorms again in the cloud curtain whirlpool, and the thunderstorms rushed endlessly, as if the sky was full of anger and was about to bring down divine punishment to destroy the unicorn.

But then, everyone was stunned in an instant.

The Kirin was not fighting to the sky. After a long roar, Kirin once again turned his eyes to the nine-story demon building below.

Then he saw its four hooves pedalling in the sky and shaking the earth.

In a blink of an eye, the thunder-shaped unicorn has turned into a blue light, bringing a thunder pillar everywhere, and raised its head to hit the nine-story demon building below.

The thunder pillar is hundreds of feet in size, leaving a Taoist unicorn illusion in the middle.

When the unicorn hits the top of the nine-story demon building, the illusion is still unchanged, just like thousands of unicorn statues are still hitting down.


But when the unicorn hit the top of the nine-story demon building, there was already an explosion between heaven and earth, which made people almost deaf.

The red light of the nine-story demon building was released in an instant, like blood light infecting the world, and there were Taoist ghosts and illusions appeared out of thin air, roaring wildly.

But it is so strange that it does not stop the unicorn at all.

When the two corners on the top of the unicorn hit the nine-story demon building, the nine-story demon building was already shocked.

Then the red blood light only disappeared layer by layer, and large areas of ghosts and shadows continued to dissipate. The thunder sculpture unicorn went straight from the top of the nine-story demon building, all the way like a broken bamboo, destroying the nine-story demon building from top to bottom, layer by layer.

When the nine-story demon floor collapsed, in addition to the deafening roar, Li Xiaohe also heard a ghost howl, as if it came from ancient times. Although it was covered by the fierce roar, a slight in the ear made people feel sad, and it seemed that there was a bloody shadow flashing in front of him. More The ground is full of dead bones.

It was not until the end that the unicorn smashed the nine-story demon building into ash, and these illusions disappeared in front of Li Xiaohe's eyes.

But he is still worried in his heart, constantly thinking about those strange illusions.

The nine-story demon building has been destroyed, but the figure of the unicorn still does not stop at all. At this moment, the two corners of its top have been slightly damaged.

But it suddenly pierced the two corners straight into the foundation of the nine-story demon building.


A burst of crustal rupture sounded at this time, making people sound like a cracked head.

The earth also appeared a rift, rushing from where the nine-story demon building is located and attacking in all directions, like a spider web, but it is bottomless, just like the ghost's mouth in the secluded area to devour the whole capital.


Then the unicorn roared again.

The hundreds of thunder pillars that were all over the world began to tremble and rotate, and the remnants of the Taoist unicorns burst apart.

Then the hundreds of feet of strong thunder pillars were like a torrent, pouring into the thunder sculpture unicorn below.

The unicorn seems to have increased its power after being watered by the thunder column, and the two corners on the top pierced the foundation of the nine-story demon building.

The earth cracked again.

At this time, both demons have withdrawn thousands of feet away from the nine-story demon building. They can see that within thousands of feet centered on the nine-storey demon building, there is already a bottomless crack above the earth, as if the whole earth is about to collapse.

At this time, the whole body of the transparent unicorn seems to be on the edge of the explosion, and the surface of the unicorn statue has begun to crack.

Everyone felt that the thunder-shaped unicorn had come to disappear.


At this time, there was a sudden sound in the unicorn's body.

Then the foundation of the nine-story demon building finally burst and flew stone all over the sky.

The foundation of the nine-story demon building burst, and the unicorn was no longer blocked. It always entered from there and went straight to the bottom of the ground.

I only heard a "boom" muffled sound under the ground, and the unicorn did not know how many feet it had broken into the ground. There was already a hundred-foot-old deep hole where the nine-story demon building was located. The flying stone yellow dust kept rising from the mouth of the cave, and there were also ghosts roaring among them.

It took a long time before there was no sound from the ground.

All the people of the two paths are entangled and are about to move forward.

Li Xiaohe and others were also about to come out when they heard Chang Fan suddenly shout, "Slow down."

"hong•••long long•••••"

At this time, another sinking explosion came from the depths of the earth.

In the hundred-foot deep pit where the nine-story demon building was located, lightning suddenly rose.

The cracks on the earth are also full of thunder lights. On the earth, hundreds of feet of thunderstorms erupted, and the whole area instantly became a thunderstorm net, which brightened the whole capital city, and the dark cloud screen in the sky turned into a light blue.



Many practitioners who rushed into it first shouted and only resisted for a moment, and were stirred into ashes by the criscrossing thunder net.

and stopped their bodies, and the practitioners who did not enter it all took a cold breath. If they entered impulsively just now, they would also fly into ashes in an instant, and life and death were in one step.

But Lei Mang is only magnificent for a moment, and it has dissipated in a blink of an eye. At this moment, the whole area is sinking down.

Many of the previously cracked large mouths are filled with collapsed earth and stone again, and the hundred-foot pit where the nine-story demon building is located is also collapsed and filled.

For a moment, the yellow dust rolled, the flying stones broke through the air, and the world were full of fishy and stuffy, making people's chests and tongues bitter.

After a long time, the rolling yellow dust was swept out of the sky by the hurricane. At this time, everyone also saw that the earth thousands of feet centered on the nine-story demon building had collapsed and sunk several feet.

Although many previously cracked giant mouths have been buried by collapsed earth and rocks, there are still many cracks on the earth that are ferocious and dark.

The abnormal movement gradually subsided, and the heaven and the earth were quiet, and only the four soldiers were restless.

At this time, Ning Kun said, "Brother Chang, what should I do next?"

Chang Fan thought slightly and said, "Look again."

Li Xiaohe only meditated on these things in his heart, and his heart trembled for a moment.

But soon, the "road guide" in his arms began to breathe coldly.

Li Xiaohe felt the abnormal movement of the "road guide" and suddenly shook his heart. He only said to Chang Fan in a low voice, "Brother, I think the Qibao is under the ground. Let's find a crack."

"Hmm." Chang Fan only looked solemn when he heard this.

Ning Kun pondered at this time and said, "It must be true. The magic weapon must be in the depths of the earth."

In the pause of the crowd, there were already Taoist figures looking for a crack and going to the ground.

At this time, Chang Fan said, "Let's go."

Son all the people of the Qionghua faction rushed into the crack.

"Brother, what's going on now?" Looking at the crack where Qionghua sent everyone to disappear, Shangguan Lingru said urgently.

The people of the Sky Burning Tower also gathered around Yanqing at this moment, so they heard Yanqing's deep voice, "Keep up."

Then the people of the burning tower also went to the crack on the earth.

In a corner of Fengdu City, Xiao Zi said to Wang Renfeng in a blink of an eye, "Dad, these people have gone down to grab the treasure at this moment, we?"

Wang Renfeng smiled and only said, "Okay, when the twelve heavenly array starts, we will begin to condense the six-way ghost flag."