Star of War

Chapter 51 Burning Star City 1

Leaving Haoqian's home, Haotian quickly ran out of the south gate of the Star City and ran to the Qinglong Acropolis.

Even if the collateral clan makes a mistake, it will be punished, and there has never been a precedent for being expelled from Star City. However, his father was not only broken by the six elders, but also removed from the position of managing the family restaurant. He was also driven out of the Star City and had to bend down to live in the slum of the Acropolis.

How not to make Haotian angry.

Although he was not clear about the inside story at this time, the person engaged in the hair was the sixth elder Hao Zhenxiong. He must have wanted to have an affair with his sister, and his father did not want to, which led to his leg being broken and driven away from Star City.

"Bastard, if there is any difference between father and sister... Hao Zhenxiong, prepare the coffin!"

Haotian's eyes glowed sharply, and there was a strong murderous atmosphere on his body. With the strength of his current nine-star warriors, he wiped out a seven-level warrior elder. If the patriarch and other elders dare to stop him, he doesn't mind killing the Hao family.

The four families, the strongest ones belong to the four patriarchs, all of whom are level 9 peak warriors. And the remaining elders and the senior generals in the Guard also have some nine-level warriors or nine-level magic guides. Integrated, there are about 50 nine-level strong men in the whole Star City, and there are almost eight to ten nine-level strong men in the Hao family.

Now there are only two points that can threaten him. One is that all the people of the Hao family join forces to fight against him, and the other is that 50 nine-level strong men join hands to deal with him.

However, Haotian is a son of the Hao family. He doesn't care much about the internal struggle of the Hao family and the other three families and other dependent strengths of the Star City.

Therefore, only all the people of the Hao family can pose a slight threat to him. However, a large number of people is not necessarily an advantage. Many people surround him but can't get close to him. There are only a dozen or twenty people who can fight with him. In this way, the threat of group attack does not exist. The rest is the joint efforts of ten nine-level strongmen of the Hao family. With the strength of his nine-war star warriors and the Kirin arm, which can increase its strength by ten times, it is not a problem to defeat.


Thinking about this, Haotian couldn't help snorting coldly and said to himself, "Just break my father's leg. I will kill Hao Zhenxiong. After killing Hao Zhenxiong, I will take my father and sister to settle in Maple Leaf City. At that time, I will ask Vice President Kalea to help me cure my father's broken leg.

Fifty miles passed quickly, and a huge green dragon acropolis stood on the vast plain in the south.

Silver armor, the helmet is printed with a green dragon star army, guarding the gate of the Acropolis.

Haotian came to the gate of the city, took out the cyan token only available to the family's direct descendants, and let him directly enter the Acropolis without any investigation.

The slums in the western part of the Acropolis are dirty if described in one word. Yes, in this area, dilapidated houses and random wooden huts and huts are everywhere. The streets are dirty and messy, with potholed mud pits, and the black mud smelly. If you accidentally step in, you will be sure to stink for three days.

The people who live here are some labor-lost people or childless elderly people who lead the meagre food distributed by the four families every month.

Basically, it is waiting for dawn to wait for dark and death after dark.

This kind of place has four Acropolis, which specializes in the abandoned elderly and disabled people.

Where there are people, there is right and wrong. Whether it is a country or a big family, there must be good people, and there must be people with bad intentions.

The Acropolis slum was established by some evil and indifferent people of the four families. Its slogan is very simple. If these lonely and disabled people live in the Star City and Acropolis, it will affect the reputation of the four families.

Because this group of dark hearts defeated the kind people, four slums appeared in the four Acropolises, so that those who have worked as cattle and horses for the four families all their lives can only wait quietly in the so-called slums to wait for the end of their lives.

Haotian looked at the place full of garbage and waiting for the end of life in front of him, and couldn't help taking a deep breath, and his face was difficult to see the extreme.

He couldn't imagine that his father and sister would live in this place. My father managed business for the Hao family for half his life and didn't know how much money he made for the Hao family. However, just because of a six elder, he was driven here.

Haotian, whose face was extremely cold, hurried into this dilapidated area, grabbed a middle-aged man who lacked a leg, and asked, "This uncle, ask you about a person. Is there a man named Hao Mingchen here?"

Hao Mingchen? But with a little girl, a man about the same age as me?"

This disabled middle-aged man, I think it is because he has been in the streets of the slums for many years and often see people coming in and out, so Haotian has an impression when he asks him.

"Yes, right!" Haotian nodded.

"The father and daughter live in the alley behind the birch tree inside, and there is a pile of straw at the door." The middle-aged person leaned slightly and pointed to the innermost part of the street.

"Thank you!" Haotian thanked him and quickly ran along this narrow and dilapidated street.

Come to the end of the street and turn left. A birch tree with difficult to grow and withered branches and leaves stands alone in a small open space. At the back, there is a dark alley that is so narrow that only one person can enter and exit, and the sun can hardly shine.

"Father..." When he came to the entrance of the alley, Haotian looked at a broken wooden door, and the door was half blocked by straw, and tears couldn't help flowing down.

"Crustling..." He walked into the alley, pushed open the door, and made an unpleasant creak.

"Is it Linger?" A low and hoarse voice came from the inner room. As soon as Haotian heard the sound, his heart ached for no reason, and tears flowed down.


He screamed and quickly ran into the inner room, a narrow and dark room, with no light at all. However, he still clearly saw the pieces of the wooden board. His father's face was pale, and a left leg was wrapped in thick linen, and blood stains penetrated out.

"Tian'er..." A pair of middle-aged eyes stared at Haotian at the door.

Looking at his father's miserable situation, Haotian's lips were bitten by himself. A pair of iron fists were clenched tightly, and his joints turned white. But except for the tears left on his face, he didn't leave a tear. He hugged his father and whispered, "Father... Alas..." His father's loyalty to the Hao family made him sigh.

Hao Mingchen has no ambition in his life. In addition to his great talent in business, he has only had the strength of a third-level warrior who has cultivated fighting spirit for many years. But he is extremely loyal to the Hao family and dedicates his life to the Hao family with a boldness.

His only hope is that a pair of children can be promising and make a difference in the Hao family in the future. Even Haotian failed to awaken the ultimate blood power and was ridiculed by the Su family for his withdrawal from marriage. He did not reduce his loyalty to the Hao family.

Then Haotian went to Dichen College to learn fighting spirit. He also taught Haotian to return to Hao's family to work hard for the Hao family.

However, he, who is dedicated to the Hao family, has come to such an end.

"Where is my sister? Find your sister and get out of here.

Haotian hid his anger in the depths and said with a strong smile. His father's foolish loyalty to the Hao family may make him angry again if he shows his dissatisfaction with the Hao family.

"Alas... God, if you want to be angry, just be angry! Father doesn't blame you. Thanks to my loyalty to the Hao family, this time I can see through the true face of the Hao family..." Hao Mingchen looked sideways at Haotian and sighed.

"Father, what's the truth?"

Although his neighbor Haoqian explained slightly in Star City, he didn't know much about the reason why his father was broken by the six elders and was kicked out of the slums of Star City.

My father has also saved some savings for the Hao family over the years. Even if he is kicked out of the Hao family, he doesn't have to live in a slum!

"Hao Zhenxiong's old bastard had a bad heart towards Linger. If I didn't agree, he asked someone to break my leg, sent someone to escort me and Linger to live here, and told the city guard star army. If we leave here, he will kill me and Linger... And, Linger's face... was disfigured..." Hao Ming Chen's eyes spewed anger, and he couldn't help trembling all over. As he continued intermittently, Haotian's face became more and more gloomy.