Star of War

Chapter 123 Elemental Perception [!]

Being deceived by the spirit... It can't be regarded as cheating. It should be said that there is something hidden. After Haotian vented his stuffy emotions, it was about half a year before the three-year killing period of the plane battlefield, so he was ready to find a loop and return to the plane battlefield.

However, the words of the spirit made him angry again.

It turns out that this space is no longer the space of the plane battlefield, and it is impossible to go back. Only by fully understanding the mystery of the primary law can we leave.

"I tell you, this sun temple was created by the Lord God himself, which contains the supreme law. You practice here and realize the mystery of the law contained in the temple all the time, which is of great benefit to your strength. Besides, your current strength is so poor that if you don't practice hard, even if you leave here, you will be just a plate of other people's dishes outside, and you can't shake..."

After a narcissistic little day's kind advice and temptation, Haotian finally began to dive in this magnificent sun temple.

Haotian sat cross-legged on the small round table in the temple, raised his head and looked at a beautiful picture of stars on the vault of the temple.

According to Mr. Xiaori, this table is carved from the most rare ore in the kingdom of the gods. This rare ore is called Jinlan God Stone, which contains a strong divine power. Although Haotian is still just a small holy star master, he can't absorb the divine power in Jinlan God Stone at all. However, if you meditate and practice on this divine object for a long time, you can let the divine power transform and refine your body and achieve a constantly strong body. Benefits. And he raised his head and stared at the star map on the sky of the temple, which was to understand the mystery of the law contained in the star map.

"This star map contains the mystery of the whole series of laws, but... the inner law has formed a field, and it is too difficult to understand..."

Haotian stared at the star map and constantly analyzed the mystery of the wind system contained in the star map. However, this star map is a law field built by the fusion of the four main laws of earth, fire, water and wind, and the four sub-laws of light and darkness in time and space. It is extremely difficult to understand something from it.

The law is the original force between the universes and the foundation for building the operation of the entire universe. Human beings understand and borrow this power from the original power that makes up the universe and achieve the existence beyond ordinary people.

Whether it is the earth system, fire system... darkness, etc., as long as you can fully understand the mysterious power of one of the laws, you can override the mortals, achieve the supreme god level, and achieve immortality.

However, how mysterious and profound the law is. If you want to understand the mystery of the law, you need not only wisdom, but also the understanding power of the law.

Each law is divided into two basic and advanced mysteries. If you understand the primary mystery, you are the holy strong, and if you understand the advanced mysteries, you are the god-level strong.

Hao is a genius every day with extraordinary talent. In just a few years, he has realized the original power of one of the primary mysteries of the wind system in the space of Xingluo. However, because Xingluo space is a space created by man and does not belong to the real natural space, the power of the original wind he understands can only be regarded as half, semi-saint. Then he lost his beloved person, turning grief and anger into power, causing changes in the elements of heaven and earth in space. Venus absorbed the power of stars to evolve into the sun, driving 108 silver stars to emit strong star power, and then understanding the source of power and becoming a holy star master.

However, such an 'opportun' can no longer be used to understand the elemental mystery of one of the primary mysteries of the wind system. You can only rely on your own understanding and analysis of the elements to understand the mystery of the elements.

The elements in the star space are also created by man. If he understands the body of the elements in the space, he still can't be promoted to the holy star general, and he is still a star master.

It is good to hide the middle world in this space. The sun temple in the world is created for the goddess of the sun. The law is complete, and a star map field composed of the law is laid, from which you can feel the wind system law is mysterious.

It's just that it is more difficult to feel the mysterious power from the field of perfect laws.

The sky of the temple, a huge star map forms a field, and the eyes rotate, as if the soul is about to be swallowed up. However, Haotian has the main artifact of the sun. Although it cannot be used, the main artifact becomes an eye in the soul star map and completely suppresses its own soul. It can completely resist the devouring power of the soul brought by the field.

"The sky is full of stars. I can't all watch and analyze the perception, but should choose a star, analyze the star power emitted, and feel the mysterious power of the law carried in the star power."

Haotian blinked gently, abandoned the countless stars in the star map, and stared alone a bright silver star next to the sun in the center of the star map.

This bright silver star is brilliant. In countless rays, it is a star power, a strong and unparalleled star power, and in the star power, it contains countless mysterious powers.

The only main thing he did next was to constantly analyze the mystery contained in the star power and understand the mysterious power of the element.

Of course, if the divine mind escapes into the star power to feel the mysterious element, it will be thousands of times faster for analyzing and understanding the mysterious mysterious. However, he is just a holy star master, and his strength is far from resisting this star map field. If the mind escapes into the star power, it will be a devastating damage to his soul. Therefore, at present, he can only use his eyesight to observe the source of the star power and analyze the original most fundamental structural energy of the sensory element.

"The distribution of elements is regular and mysterious, with a mysterious power..."

Haotian stared at the star power emitted by the stars and constantly analyzed the mystery of the elements contained in the planetary force.

"The original force of the wind system is the fundamental use of the power of the wind law, and the wind element is the carrier of the original force to expand the power..."

Slowly, Haotian analyzes the elements in the star power, combines the original power, confirms the mystery of the law explained in detail in the Mysterious Preface of the Law, and the understanding of wind elements is becoming clearer and clearer...

In a blink of an eye, Haotian sat on the table carved by Jinlan in the temple, constantly analyzing and feeling the mystery of the wind element.

"Wow... it's really difficult. The original power of the primary mystery of the law is easy to understand, while the element is much more difficult.

After a month of continuous analysis and understanding of the mystery of the elements in the star force, I finally have a little understanding of the wind element.

Although this trace of understanding, this has played a decisive role in whether he can fully understand the mystery of the element.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. As long as there is a good beginning, it is a forttain to fully understand the wind element. I believe that it will not be long before you can fully understand the mystery of the wind element and become one of the holy stars. At that time, as long as it is integrated with the power of the source of full understanding, the primary mystery of the wind system will be fully understood and promoted to the Holy Star King.
