Star of War

Chapter 134 Epiphany

(Roar again! Do you have a collection? Do you have a red ticket? Come on! Collect it and vote!)

The sky is dark, but the stars above the sky are bright, shining the whole land very clear.

Under the leadership of Moyan, the members of the Mo family withdrew the banquet in the main hall and went to bed. And Cooper and others did not dare to disturb when they saw Haotian in epiphany. Under the arrangement of the Mo clan, they all went back to the guest room to rest.

In the night, in the square halfway up the mountain where the Mo family was located, two figures were shrouded in the night. Under the bright starlight, it could be faintly seen that the two of them were as motionless as a mountain, their weapons in their hands were held high, and their eyes were tightly closed.

The power from the heavy sword, there is a mysterious frequency beating on the big brother's blade, like the power of internal shock... This high-frequency vibration is extremely fast and has a unique law...

Speed, frequency...

The general speed of lightning is the speed of the wind, and the vibration frequency of the mysterious law... is... Yes, it is the power of the mysterious wind, the mysterious law of the wind system, and the rhythm of the advanced mysterious wind! No... not only the rhythm of the wind, but also the mysterious speed...

The rhythm of the wind, the rhythm of the wind... The vibration of the ordered elements, the mysterious elements in the primary mystery, pay attention to the order of the elements, while the rhythm of the advanced mysterious wind is to add regular vibrations in the order of element arrangement...

The speed is mysterious, fast and slow. Fast to the extreme is slow, the same, slow to the extreme is fast... If you want to understand the mystery of speed, you need to separate the two mysteries of speed and slow.

Hmm! Then I will first feel the advanced mystery of the rhythm of the wind.

The rhythm of the wind produces an orderly rhythm with the help of the original power of the wind...

Immersed in the power of the knife skill of Mogang's supreme combat skills, Haotian closed his eyes, and the combat skills that Mogang used constantly flashed in his mind. The speed of cutting everything, the sharp power, everything shows the speed and rhythm of the mysterious wind contained in this move.

The rhythm and speed of the wind are all advanced mysteries in the law of wind. These two mysteries, the rhythm of the wind, pay attention to the dynamic perception of the wind and the understanding of the law of the original power of the elements of the wind. The mysterious speed pays attention to the source speed of fast and slow elements. Fast, so that you can feel a kind of slowness, which is the ultimate hysteresis speed force. Slow, it is the first to start, and there is no way to dodge and resist.

Nowadays, Haotian only fully understands the power of the primary mystery and the small half element mystery. There is no clue about the two advanced mysteries of the rhythm and speed of the wind. Although I learned the mysterious power of the law from the secret book of the Mysterious Preface of the Law on Venus, it is extremely difficult to feel it. At this time, the killing skills exerted by Mo Gang happened to contain the advanced mystery of the two wind laws of wind rhythm and speed mystery, which was a great inspiration for him to understand the advanced mystery.

Then, he began to think about the shortcomings of the killing skill used by his eldest brother Mogang.

This combat skill created by the eldest brother is obviously very thoughtful in speed. However, what the eldest brother feels is the mysterious law of the earth system. The earth is calm and heavy, and what he pays attention to is stable and calm. But the eldest brother has made little effort in calmness, and his moves focus on speed. He has gone against it and lost the real power of his combat skills.

If the killing skill is less windy and more stable and heavy... This move will be flawless and increase its power by at least ten times.

Similarly, Mo Gang is also immersed in Haotian's Lei Yun's unique move.

The second brother's sword is fierce and domineering, full of heavy power, explosive power, like landslides and ground cracking... Yes, the moves contain the power of the earth, which is the earth is angry, roaring and cracking...

Wrong, I integrated the seven masterpieces and seven moves into one, created the final kill, the calm explosive power decreased, and the speed increased... This is wrong. What I feel is the law of the earth, not the mystery of the law of wind. When creating this move, I have gone astray and realized that it is in the wrong direction. I should increase the calm and heavy power of the earth.

Also, the second brother's move also contains the trend of collapse. Is this... another mystery in the law of the earth?

Mogang's mind is constantly thinking about the thunder cloud-killing moves exerted by Haotian, constantly feeling the mysterious power of the law contained in it, combined with his own understanding, and constantly confirms it.

However, after all, he relies on his talent to understand the mystery of the law, so that he can be promoted to the holy star master. For the mystery of the law, he does not have a book of the mystery of the law to understand the mystery of the law like Haotian. Therefore, I have no clue about the next law.

Haotian Sword's move contains the trend of the collapse of the earth. Although it gave him an inspiration, he did not understand the next direction of the law of the earth system. At this time, it was even more difficult and clueless.

At this moment, the two opened their eyes at the same time and looked at each other, with a touch of joy and doubt in their eyes.

Then, the two nodded at the same time, and their bodies suddenly flew into the sky and flew away to the west.

The territory of chaos is located in the northwest of Qiyuan, and then there is a boundless sea. The two flew as fast as lightning to the far west, flew out of the continent, and flew to the ocean.

The two flew thousands of miles out of the sea, and then the void stopped on the sea, 100 meters away. The waves rolled and sounded below, and the waves like long snakes rolled forward and smashed on the coast, banging.

But the two were not affected by this, and their eyes flashed with boundless fighting spirit.

"Second brother, come on!" Mogang roared, danced the sword, and shouted.

"Come on." Haotian was also full of energy, and the golden heavy sword in his hand stood up horizontally.

In an instant, the two turned into a virtual shadow and collided in the air.


The sword spewed golden brilliance, and the blade flashed silver cold light. In the air, the swords and shadows kept flashing, and a crisp collision sound broke the waves of the sea, broke through the night sky, and shook the sky.

The next day, the Mo clan got up early in the morning, and many young people rushed to the square to see if their patriarchs had understood.

However, when they came to the square, they disappeared the patriarch Mogang and Haotian, and couldn't help rushing to report to the old patriarch, the elder Moyan.

Moyan got up from ** Shanshan and scolded the younger people in this group for not knowing the importance, and then began to wash slowly, eat breakfast, and then go to retreat.

Last night, Mo Gang and Haotian had an epiphany in the square, and the figure disappeared overnight. They either went to rest or went somewhere to fight again to confirm their understanding. Therefore, he is not worried about his son and his son's sworn brothers.

Peacock Dongfei and Vito Liancheng woke up early in the morning and disappeared from Haotian and Mogang. After thinking a little, they naturally knew the internal reason, so they said goodbye to the elder Moyan to prepare their apology.

And Cooper and other people were puzzled about the disappearance of Haotian. After asking the Mo clan, they got the result that the old patriarch was not worried about. Although there were still some worries, they could only wait for Haotian to come back under the Mo clan. Under the leadership of some young people, they had time to wander around the Peacock City.

(There is another update, which is estimated to be late, about 12 o'clock. If everyone can't wait to have sex with your one in the room... Ha ha! Let's watch it tomorrow!)