real person

Chapter 114 Attack

At dawn, the fish belly turned white in the east. A wisp of red light rose from the sea. Looking at the time, the sun was about to rise.

The soft sunlight is like a thin veil, covering the whole sea. This peaceful environment, with a faint sea breeze, gives people a very comfortable feeling. The plan of the day lies in the morning. At this time, it is the time when a person is refreshed.

However, there are dozens of people with dark eyes and look very depressed. It seems that they haven't slept for several days.

Ten huge shark warships galloped across the sea, forming ten powerful rear impulses in the sea behind the warship. On the general ship in the middle, dozens of people from the scribe camp, together with Miaoyun and Miaoke, stood anxiously on the deck, as if waiting for something.

These people are also led by Mu Zipeng, Zhao Jiuri and Miaoyun Miaoke.

"Miaike, it's been a night, and the prince hasn't come up yet. Isn't something wrong with him?" Miaoyun looked anxious and couldn't help walking around the deck, looking at Miaoke next to him and whispering.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Miaoke shouted coquettishly and scolded, "How skill the prince is? How can this small ocean get the prince? Moreover, when the prince went to sea, he told us to wait well. Let's just wait here. Miaoke's face is full of confidence.

Miaoyun didn't say anything, and her face seemed a little lack of confidence. She turned her head to Mu Zipeng and Zhao Jiuri: "Mr. Mu and Mr. Zhao, your cultivation is the highest. Why don't you two go down and look for it?"

The two immediately showed a Qiran look on their faces. Mu Zipeng touched his forehead and was a little embarrassed: "Although I was loved by my eldest brother, I swallowed two Hui Xuandan and just broke through to the realm of strength, but with my cultivation, I can only stay in this deep sea for two hours at most. Moreover, in the deep sea, my whole body can't exert five layers of cultivation, which is no different from yours. If you go down to look for it, I'm afraid you won't be able to come back.

Mu Zipeng looked embarrassed. It's not that he doesn't want to find it, but his ability is really limited.

In the deep sea, if there is no Xuangong protection like Yang Heng's crazy shark, even if he is a scribe, his cultivation will be greatly limited.

"Why don't I tie you with an oolong rope, and you jump down to look for it. Isn't there a lot of oolong rope on our warship?" Miaoyun grabbed Mu Zipeng tightly and said again.

"The oolong rope on our warship adds up to only 5,000 meters. If the eldest brother is within this range, we can see it with our naked eyes. Why wait here?"

Mu Zipeng turned his eyes and looked at Miaoyun with an idiotic eye.

Just as several people were discussing what to do, suddenly, there was a long sound of warning on the warship.

At the sound of this long sound, all the people on the ten warships were suddenly shocked. On the warship, everyone took action, but with a cup of tea, almost all the people were armored, holding blades, gathered on the deck and ready to go.

On the general ship, Mu Zipeng and others were also shocked. They all knew that such an alert would only be issued when the fleet detected a strong enemy. Mu Zipeng and others have just entered the navy, but they have no such experience.

"Tan Yan, what's going on?" Soon, Mu Zipeng calmed down and asked Tan Yan, who had just run over, with a solemn face.

"Mr. Mu, it's a group of wild sharks. We have met the group of wild sharks!" Tan Yan was just directing the direction of the warship when he ran to the deck with a cold sweat on his forehead.

"Crazy Sharks?" Mu Zipeng and others exclaimed, "How much is it? Can we cope with it?"

Although Mu Zipeng and others have never been to sea, the reputation of this group of mad sharks is also thunderous. How can he not know that this mad shark is the ocean hegemon known as the sea wolf.

He didn't expect that he would meet the wolf in the sea during Yang Heng's absence.

"There are about 1,000. I have been out of the sea several times and encountered attacks by wild sharks. However, it is the first time I have seen so many mad sharks like today. However, sir, you can rest assured that our mad shark warship is extremely strong. Even if a thousand mad sharks hit us together, the mad shark warship will not have any problems. Moreover, I have sounded the alarm, and the soldiers have been in position. When these wild sharks come, we can hunt and kill them. These mad sharks are not a threat to us. Tan Yan is also very respectful to Mu Zipeng.

"That's good!" After listening to Tan Yan's words, Mu Zipeng and others were silently relieved. Suddenly, Mu Zipeng frowned again and continued, "You just said hunting, are you sure that you can deal with so many crazy sharks?"

"Sir, these mad sharks are the most precious treasures. The mad shark scale armor I wear is taken from this mad shark. Such scale armor is the best scale armor in our navy. Usually, only the general's mad shark guard is qualified to wear it. The number of mad sharks we encountered this time is extremely large, and naturally it is impossible for us to completely eliminate them, but if we can catch 100 of them, we will return to the battalion of the Ding Navy and hand them over to the general in the future, which will be a great military achievement!" Tan Yan's eyes were shining, looking at the approaching wild sharks, and there was a feeling of seeing the treasure.

Set the rules in the navy and catch a mad shark is equivalent to killing five enemies on the battlefield. If you can really catch 100 mad sharks as Tan Yan said, it is indeed a great military achievement.

You know, this mad shark is full of treasures. A scale armor made by a mad shark can be equipped with 50 warriors, and the mad shark's full teeth can also be made into the sharpest weapon. The soup made from the meat of the mad shark has great tonic power, which is almost comparable to the Chinese elixir refined by Yundu Refining Pharmacy.

Every mad shark can be called a moving treasure in the ocean, but such a treasure can't be avoided by everyone. If it hadn't been for the tens of thousands of masters in the Crazy Shark Fleet this time, Tan Yan would not have had such an idea in his heart. After all, in the sea, a mad shark is enough to defeat five powerful masters.


At this moment, a group of fierce giants rushed over like drizzle. In the blink of an eye, they had hit less than 1,000 meters away from ten wild shark warships.

Mu Zipeng and others can see clearly that this group of wild sharks jumped out of the sea from time to time, setting off huge waves.

In the sea, a wild shark arrayed up in a formation and couldn't help but move. Although it was still a kilometer away, the battleship of the wild shark had shaken violently under the wind and waves set off by this group of wild sharks.

The storm patted the hull and made a roar. In the loud noise, everyone saw a piece of black pressure not far away, and the water was surging, which looked extremely scary. These mad sharks are getting closer and closer to the mad shark warship, and they are also getting more and more joyous. Sometimes they open their huge mouths out of the water and show a mouthful of fangs, which is daunting.

No one has seen such a large number of wild sharks, let alone such shocking scenes.

"Mr. Mu, I'm afraid we can't catch the mad sharks this time. There are too many of these mad sharks. I'm afraid there are not only a thousand, but four or five thousand. Even if we scatter the wire net, we will be broken by them." According to Tan Yan's previous prediction, there were only about a thousand of these wild sharks, but when he saw the battle at close range, Tan Yan found that his previous prediction was wrong. This group of wild sharks is simply countless, lined up and dense, giving people an irresistible feeling.

If there are only a thousand, he can still let people scatter the wire mesh and catch a few heads, but with so many, the steel wire mesh has no effect at all.

Moreover, long-range shooting is useless, because if this group of mad sharks smell the blood of their companions, they will not hesitate to divide their injured companions. As for jumping into the sea to catch it, it is even more whimsity. Therefore, Tan Yan and others have no way to do anything about these crazy sharks.

On the warship, all the soldiers who had the intention to catch a few mad sharks to make contributions were also stunned. Although they have weapons in their hands, they have nothing to do with these huge things.

The treasures you get can only watch them wander around. Moreover, we should pray that these mad sharks will not come to trouble their fleet.

Each mad shark warship can withstand the joint blow of a thousand mad sharks. If these 5,000 mad sharks concentrate their efforts together, then even this largest general ship will have to be sunk!

The wild sharks were getting closer and closer, and Mu Zipeng, Tan Yan and others had a solemn look on their faces again.

Everyone was shocked to see such a large number of mad sharks, and the idea of building military exploits just now disappeared.

"Mr. Mu, what should I do? There are too many crazy sharks. I'm afraid our warship will suffer a lot of damage!" Tan Yan asked Mu Zipeng with a solemn face.

"What else can we do? Let everyone open their firepower, don't ask to get this group of animals into the boat, hurt dozens of them first, and let the wild sharks kill each other!" Just then, a cold sound suddenly came from a warship next to him. Everyone turned their heads and saw Zhang Baili stepping over from another warship.

Behind Zhang Baili, 20 crazy shark guards followed closely with no expression on their faces.

Zhang Baili issued an order to Mu Zipeng and others.

ps: From today, there will be two updates a day, so the one after 11 p.m. is gone. There are instructions in the relevant chapters of the work. Let's take a look and understand. Happy reading O(∩_∩)Ohaha~