real person

Chapter 130 Big Storm

It was just a blink of an eye, and the weather suddenly changed greatly, giving everyone on the Crazy Shark warship a feeling of being in a different place.

Just now and now, it's simply two different worlds!

"Brother, this day has become too fast! I'm afraid there's something strange inside. Mu Zipeng and several people came up and said with a grim look.

"Hmm." Yang Heng sensed and nodded faintly. The scribes had a keen intuition. Mu Zipeng and others obviously felt a powerful crisis from this changing weather.

When there was fog just now, they could still attack the Pearl Island fleet from a long distance with strong bows and various weapons, but at this time, the whole sea was like a tsunami, not to mention attacking the enemy, under the wind and rain, whether they can keep these ten wild shark warships is a question.

"Mr. Qian, I'm afraid the big storm is coming. In such weather, we must connect ten warships together. Otherwise, even the wild shark warships will be overturned by the big storm." As the naval general in the Ding navy, Tan Yan has many experiences of going to sea. He is much more sensitive to various weather at sea than Yang Heng and Mu Zipeng who go to sea for the first time. Although he felt a little strange about the rapid change of the weather, Tan Yan still kindly reminded Yang Heng.

The power of the big storm can almost destroy the world. Even the mad shark warship can't resist the attack of the big storm.

"Mr. Qian, look at the current weather. This storm must not be small. After connecting ten warships, our crazy shark warships can be preserved. As for those small boats on Pearl Island, they must be overturned. We can win this battle without fighting." Looking at Yang Heng, who was closing his eyes and sensing around him, Tan Yan continued.

"Can you connect ten wild shark warships together? You can't do this! This change in the weather is not natural, but the magic power of the old man in Taiming!" Suddenly, Yang Heng, who was just closing his eyes and sensing, opened his eyes and said.

"What, the magic power of Taiming? How is this possible?" Not only Tan Yan, but all the people gathered around Yang Heng made an incredible exclamation after hearing Yang Heng's words.

"Brother, do you mean that this weather is the magical power of the Ming Dynasty, and we are already under the cover of his magical power? How is this possible? We didn't see Taiming take action just now? Mu Zipeng was moved and asked.

"Well, he deliberately hid his figure. These winds, dark clouds and huge waves are just illusions created by him. Humph, he thought he could hide it from me, but he didn't know that I had the help of the wild sharks and could clearly see the Pearl Island Fleet. Now, in the Pearl Island Fleet, the weather is still the same, with no dark clouds or strong winds and waves. The scope of the weather change just now is just two miles around us. Da Taiming deliberately created this illusion to deceive us into connecting ten warships and then netting them all. He is so naive. How can I be fooled? Yang Heng sneered repeatedly. Just now, he drove all the divine consciousness, and coupled with the information from the crazy sharks, Yang Heng immediately found that the change just now was definitely caused by Taiming.

Yang Heng's words were understated, but the people next to him were creepy and moved. They couldn't believe that Tan Taiming would have such magical power.

"Brother, we scribes all visualized magical powers from the classics, and visualized the gods of ancient sages. The most powerful scribes can only imagine statues that are hundreds of feet high. Can Taiming control the changes of the weather? Is this also magical power?" Mu Zipeng still couldn't believe it.

"Zipeng, you are wrong. There are thousands of magical powers in the world. The gods of ancient sages are just a kind of magical powers, and many incredible magical powers are not non-existent, but we have never seen them. My sense will never go wrong. Do you feel that in such weather, your mind has been affected? If your mind is affected, then this must be the ghost of Taiming. Because only when the enemy uses magic power can it affect the minds of our scribes.

Hearing Yang Heng's words, Mu Zipeng finally stopped doubting, because just when the weather changed, he had already felt his mind wavering.

Now, Mu Zipeng and others know that Yang Heng's guess will never be wrong.

"Brother, unconsciously, we have been shrouded in the magic power of Taiming. Our vision is only one or two hundred meters, and we can't see the shadow of Taiming at all. Now, what should we do?" Mu Zipeng lowered his voice and asked.

"Pull the anchor and set sail, and we will go to the position of the Pearl Island warship. When he got there, if Tan Taiming dared to use this magic power, it would be their fleet that would suffer first. After discovering our signs, Xingtai will not help but take action against us sooner or later. When he does, he will naturally show his figure. At that time, 80 scribes will fight together and kill him easily!"

Unconsciously, even Yang Heng did not find that more than 10,000 people on the whole ten crazy shark warships had been shrouded in the magic power of Taiming. After realizing this, Yang Heng was also shocked.

However, after a few flashes in his mind, Yang Heng already had an idea in his mind.

Although the magic power of Tandaming is incredible and a huge threat to the mad shark fleet, as long as the mad shark fleet drives to the Pearl Island fleet, the magic power of Tandai will be self-defeated.

Each of the ten battleships of the wild sharks is more than twice as big as the battleships of Pearl Island. If the big storm can overturn the battleships of the wild sharks, then the battleships of Pearl Island must be swept up without slag.

What a smart man Yang Heng is. Tang Taiming tried to visualze the storm to deal with him. He simply plotted and let Tang Taiming use his magic power to destroy his fleet.

Under Yang Heng's order, ten mad shark warships immediately pulled anchor and set sail, fiercely towards the enemy ship five nautical miles away.

Yang Heng gave the death order. This time, the Shark Battleship was sailing at full speed, with a distance of five nautical miles and a short time. As long as it hits the enemy array before the big storm comes out of the Taiming, the magic power of the Taiming will be broken without attack.

According to the continuous changes in the battle situation, Yang Heng is also constantly adjusting his tactics. Just now, he chose to anchor when he could use various means to attack the enemy. Now, the situation is different, Yang Heng ordered the whole army to attack.

Yang Heng's adaptability shows his accurate grasp of the battle situation. Being able to boldly order the whole army to attack shows the kind of decisive decision that the commander-in-chief should have.

"Mr. Mu Yiqian is really determined and qualified as a general. Whether it is judgment or his own strength, he is better than many generals in our navy. In the future, it will never be wrong to follow Mr. Mu Qian to fight the world." Hearing Yang Heng's words just now, although the people in the whole fleet realized that they were in extreme danger, strangely, when they saw Yang Heng, they were surprisingly calm without any fear. Ten warships, everyone worked together, and the speed of the Crazy Shark warship was so fast that it had rushed forward two nautical miles in the blink of an eye.


Under the continuous visuals of Taiming, the weather has become worse and worse. Around the Crazy Shark warship, huge waves raised dozens of feet high and slapped on the warship, making waves of roar.

The dark clouds in the sky are also getting thicker and thicker. When everyone suddenly raised their heads, they felt that today's sky suddenly sank a lot, and the thick clouds seemed to be within reach. Under the dark clouds, there was darkness around, as if it had come to night.

In such an atmosphere, everyone feels chest tightness and shortness of breath, and there is a feeling of dullness.


At this moment, a huge thunder suddenly cut through the sky, and the rumble sound resounded everywhere, bringing a violent shock to everyone's heart.

Tick, tick...

After the Thunderbolt, there was a rainstorm, and huge raindrops hit the deck, making a loud sound. Yang Heng stood motionless on the deck. The raindrop fell three feet away from him and immediately splashed away, which could not get close to Yang Heng's body at all.

"This magical power of Taiming is really amazing. Whether it's dark clouds or thunder, everything is the same as real. If there was no mad shark to send me a message just now, this time it must be the old man's way. His magical power seems to be able to transform all kinds of weather changes of wind, rain, thunder and lightning. If it is used on the battlefield, I'm afraid it can directly change the direction of a battle. The battlefield is about the right time and place, and his magical power can imagine various times according to the changes of the war situation, which is really wonderful. Is it that he cultivates the magic power of soldiers?

In the wind and waves, Yang Heng's body was like a nail to the ground and remained motionless. He sensed the changes around him and suddenly thought of it.


At this moment, a fierce wind blew, and the huge waves were hundreds of feet high. The huge waves hit the mad shark warship, causing bursts of exclamation.

"No, the big storm is coming!"

In the wind and rain, Tan Yan exclaimed, and everyone immediately found that in the sea in front of him, a huge tornado was spinning rapidly, rolling up a large area of sea water and rushing towards the shark battleship. This is not the only one. Soon the second and the third huge tornado also appeared in the eyes of everyone.

"Mr. Qian, isn't this the magic power of Taiming but a real big storm? Otherwise, how can a person's magical power be so strong? Even if he believed Yang Heng again, at this moment, after seeing this tornado of hundreds of large and small, Tan Yan had to be moved.