True King

Chapter 49 Impact

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Jiandan flew up!

When Yang Suxun squatted there and was looking at the sword elixir, he never expected such a thing to happen! The sword elixir suddenly flew up and rushed to his head without any warning.

At this moment, he has no defense and has no time to dodge!

Jiandan is "many" and the speed is very fast! Yang Suxun's reaction speed is also very fast, but compared with the speed of Jiandan, it is simply a small witch, which can't be said on the same day!

Xianger saw the sword elixir flying towards Yang Suxun in the blink of an eye, but she didn't react. The speed was so fast that even she couldn't react and couldn't keep up!

At this time, the sword elixir unexpectedly hit his forehead under Yang Suxun's frightened eyes and got in! However, his scalp was not damaged at all, just like what had happened, and there was no gap in his forehead!

Yang Suxun sweated coldly and almost fainted. He touched his forehead. Fortunately, his head was still good. Without blood, he did not die. At this moment, his mood is very complicated. It is fortunate that he did not die. He is very happy, but he is inevitably a little worried. Because just now, the sword elixir obviously entered his skull. In this way, can he not worry?

At this time, Xiang'er next to her suddenly said, "It doesn't make sense! Prince, the sword elixir flew into your body just now. This is impossible. Unless this sword elixir has something to do with you, it is absolutely impossible to enter your body and get into your head like this!"

Yang Suxun is also puzzled. Why is this situation so strange?

A good sword elixir is an aggressive elixir, which actually penetrated directly into your own head!

Who would have thought of this at ordinary times!

It's incredible that he met him today!

Yang Suxun stood there and heard Xiang'er's words and asked, "Yes, Xiang'er, you were in a daze just now, looking at the sword elixir. What did you see? I think you are looking at the inside of the sword elixir? Unfortunately, I don't have the ability to see the situation inside at all. Can you tell me what you just saw? "

"This is not difficult!" Xianger pointed casually, and there was an extra light in her hand, which was combined into a mirror-like thing.

Everything Xianger saw just now suddenly appeared in the "mirror".

"This is a spell called round light!" Xiang'er explained.

Round light?

Yang Suxun seems to have heard of it!

Then, Yang Su looked at the image that appeared in the "mirror" carefully.

The scene inside the mirror formed by circular light is as if it happened in front of you, as if it were immersive, making people feel extremely real.

The scenes are extremely coherent, just like what Xianger saw, without any change. This is the brilliance of round light.

When Yang Suxun saw the internal changes of Jiandan, he didn't know what he was thinking. No one could expect his mood at this time!

The scene Xiang'er saw before was replayed at this time. When Yang Suxun looked at it, his eyes seemed to become unprecedentedly bright and clear. Images seemed to be imprinted into his eyes, which were reflected by his eyes, which was extremely sharp!


After Jiandan flew into Yang Suxun's forehead, it did not collide inside, but the internal array was constantly stimulated to achieve illusory, a gas-like existence.

The fact, Xiang'er didn't see clearly. Just now, Jiandan entered Yang Suxun's body, one in ten thousandth of the blinking time was also stimulated by the array. It suddenly became illusory and fell into Yang Suxun's forehead. Otherwise, Yang Suxun was not beaten by diamond iron. Can his body hardness collide with a sword elixir? The real collision is like hitting a stone with a egg. It must be Yang Suxun's head!

At this moment, Yang Suxun stood there intact, without even a trace of skin damage!

The sword elixir seems to have seen something and seems to be attracted by something!

One toss and turns, circled a few times, and immediately rushed in one direction.

In that direction, the place is the mud and tile palace.

In the mud and tile palace, the purple light flashed, and the purple thing floated in the sky. The light was shrouded, surrounded by layers of ripples, slowly fluctuating, as if it were making a sound wave, and it was like a summoning rune, with an inexplicable force, attracting something.

The sword elixir, the sword elixir outside, seems to fly rapidly towards this place.

Obviously, it is extremely close to this place, but it seems to be very far away, but it seems to be far away in front of the sky. Jiandan's flight is so fast that it has reached the speed of sound. It has taken a lot of time. It still only advanced a small inch. The closer it is to the location of the mud palace, every step is very sleepy. Difficult.

A square inch away, thousands of miles away!


In the outside world, Yang Suxun was very happy and excited at this time, because the scene he just saw found that it had a lot to do with him.

After the gathering of purple consciousness, the child formed was not recognized by others, but Yang Suxun was extremely familiar with it. Finally, Yang Suxun recalled his childhood and suddenly found that the child was very similar to his childhood appearance. After looking at it for a moment, he found that it was himself, his own child. In the end, he was very sure that the child formed by this consciousness group was himself!

That's what he looked like when he was six or seven years old!

Now Yang Suxun is 12 years old. Of course, there are great changes, but Yang Suxun's memory is very good and his memory is very strong, so as soon as he recalls it, he remembers and finds his appearance at that time in the ocean of memory.

Of course, Yang Suxun did not tell Xianger about these, but he couldn't help but be very excited. This is really related to him. These scenes are very important to him. If he doesn't know these scenes, he will be worried and anxious, because no one can guarantee that this sword elixir will make it. What? However, the image of consciousness formed in the sword elixir was actually the same as when he was a child, so he was naturally relieved. Instinctively, he could be sure that the sword elixir would not pose any threat to himself. He was very safe. More than that, he felt that the sword elixir might still have anything to him. The benefits of poverty!

However, there was a roar at this time!

This sound is enough to make a person unconscious, stir the air and produce a whirlpool, and a ripples around it are formed out of thin air, scattering circles of shadow and waves, circled around.

Yang Suxun felt the roar, but at this time, except for the feeling, his thinking was frozen and he couldn't think about it!

Xiang'er looked at it, but she estimated that this situation was not dangerous for Yang Suxun, because it was probably a precursor to Jiandan's entry into the mud tile palace!


At this moment, there was another loud noise outside the mud and tile palace.

Yang Suxun felt it clearly!

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