True King

Chapter 83 The Power of the Second Body

After a mass of gas involved the pulp of the small yin and yang split fruit into Yang Suxun's mouth, after a while, under the control of Yang Suxun, the mass of gas became extremely soft and suddenly wrapped the pulp and rolled down the stomach.

In his stomach, Yang Suxun saw that the fruit was stimulated by an invisible stimulus and produced an incredible change. The periphery of the qi was all kinds of flesh and blood in Yang Suxun's body, which suddenly washed down.

The gas is wrapped, but at this moment, according to Xianger, you have to let go of the gas, or the blood gas washes down, and the various gases in the stomach are washed down, and these gas will generally be released and retreated.

However, Yang Suxun noticed that this gas had no intention of retreating at this time.

Do you want to control yourself to let go of the gas, let the blood gas be injected into the interior and washed through?

Yang Su thought about it, and it's true. Maybe his physique is relatively special, so it's not the same. As the saying goes, everyone's physique is similar, that is to say, everyone's body is different. Yang Su thought for a while, and after thinking about it slightly, he had an idea to control the gas by himself.

However, just when he just wanted to take back these gas, Xianger seemed to find out and reminded him that he was almost wrong again, but the gas could not be removed, otherwise the fruit may suddenly disappear and can't be found again.

Fortunately, Xiang'er reminded him in time that he did not take back these gas, and still let the gas wrap the pulp.

After a while, Xiang'er reminded him to wrap the pulp and sweep away the flesh and blood, so that he could accelerate the cultivation of the split and let the split form as soon as possible.

Yang Suxun knew that Xiang'er was knowledgeable and lacked his own experience, so he didn't think much about it. Soon, according to Xianger's words, he swept away the flesh and blood with the baby-shaped pulp in it.

It turned out that there was a benefit. Originally, the gas of flesh and blood slowly penetrated into the fruit, but now it is different. Now the fruit is released and floats around in Yang Suxun's stomach, absorbing these flesh and blood gas much faster, which can make these things penetrate into it as soon as possible, so that a split can sprout as soon as possible. Body, then everything will be fine.

At first, Yang Suxun didn't feel anything, and he didn't feel anything special. A strange flashed in his eyes. Slowly, he felt a trace of strangeness, but it was just a trace, very subtle. This feeling was not too strong.

Then, slowly after a period of time, the feeling became stronger and stronger. He couldn't say what the feeling was, but the most important thing was that this feeling was very painful and difficult. He had never encountered it before.

Moreover, he has to survive now, otherwise he will not only lose, but also lose more, and lose his wife and lose his troops.

This feeling became stronger and stronger, until the end, he had a very wonderful feeling that the soul body seemed to be tearing apart. But this feeling has only lasted for a short period of time. Even for this short period of time, it is extremely painful and can't be tolerated by ordinary people at all. Fortunately, after all, he was born from martial arts. In terms of perseverance, he is still relatively strong, and a tough nature is enriched in his bones, which is innate. He gritted his teeth and shed a lot of sweat on his forehead, each of which was the size of a pearl.

Even so, he persisted. Suddenly, his body shook, which was very strange. His body was sometimes dim. After a bolt, it was suddenly black, sometimes bright and dazzling. When lightning came, his whole body was illuminated. After a long time, another body came out of his body, but he looked like a baby. He looked ordinary, but after he came out and flew into the air, there was a burst of illusion, and then slowly became bigger and changed his appearance. The next moment, he became a teenager, exactly like Yang Suxun's original, ordinary.

The breath on the body seems to be the same as the original, even stronger than the original. But this body seems to have an independent mind.

He can think about things, but this body is also Yang Suxun's. Everything is subject to Yang Suxun. He does whatever he says. He is very obedient, and Yang Suxun does not need to say, because this is originally his body. However, after he ate this mysterious little yin and yang split fruit, his soul body was divided into two. Not only the soul of his original soul, but also the body of the elixir soul he had just refined turned into two bodies, and with the soul of his original soul was sent into two bodies.

This small yin and yang split is very powerful, and it has a function that can divide souls. In this way, Yang Suxun now has two lives, which is more powerful than far away. No matter who he is, he will probably be happy and smile for a long time. Yang Suxun is no exception. Of course, he is happy to have such two bodies.

He touched the dotch, and he felt a sense of flesh, completely made of meat, no different from touching his own flesh, and felt that the skin of the body seemed to be more delicate, which was very wonderful. Yang Suxun was even more happy and excited this time. At this time, it would be strange if he was not happy or excited. After all, Yang Suxun's young heart has got so many benefits this time, and with such a real split, he will have two lives in the future.

"This is my split. It's almost the same as my body. It's full of flesh and strong blood. It's very good. This little yin and yang split is really wonderful. This split is simply the second one. It's so wonderful. I didn't expect that there was still a strong blood. Since then, I have had a second life, two lives, which I have never thought about before!" Yang Suxun controlled the newly achieved split and suddenly opened his mouth.

Tianmoying was shocked when he saw it. Fortunately, it was Yang Suxun's face, but he didn't understand why Yang Suxun suddenly became two people.

Slowly Xianger communicated with Tianmoying and explained it. Then Tianmoying pouted and nodded, indicating that he knew that he knew that this was also Yang Suxun, not changed, not fake. That's called a split. Although he doesn't know what a split is, he can still understand that the Yang Suxun (the original) he saw before is Yang Suxun, and the Yang Suxun (the split) he sees now is also Yang Suxun himself. It's good to understand this. After all, he looks only two or three years old now, and his wisdom is only two or three years old. Just a baby, no matter how powerful he is, he knows nothing.

Yang Suxun tried the power of the second body. This split is simply amazing. There are many wonderful abilities that can be invisible. In a flash, no one can see it. It can be earthy or wooden escape, and it is very powerful to make escape. He is not only good at this body. Long five-line escape, even some sword escape, shadow escape, space escape, and have super ability.

is very powerful. Yang Suxun has strength and qi. He also has it, which is naturally accompanied. However, due to the special nature of this small yin and yang split fruit, he uses qi to be more talented than his body, and the effect is much better. Moreover, this body is extremely hard. The ordinary flying sword can't hurt at all. It's as soft as cotton. The flying sword can bounce off when shot. It's simply unfavorable. It's so powerful that there's nothing to say.