True King

Chapter 181 Snowy Mountains

Yang Suxun suddenly released a burst of light, and the flame was suddenly involved in the mirror image of the Yuan Emperor. Soon, he saw a mirror image. The mirror image just now suddenly changed. Yang Suxun's powerful means, who would have thought of it.

"Yes, Brother Tong's Yuanhuang Dharma is so powerful. We have seen it. In those years, he was surrounded and killed by the four masters and released the Danding Yuanshen, which had been cultivated for many years, but failed to hurt him at all. Instead, he killed all the four masters. We can't imagine that it's so powerful, and this boy is powerful, but I'm afraid he can't Enough to compare with those four masters!" That's right! Well said, the siege of the four masters and the death of the last four masters made Brother Wei famous in one fell swoop!" Not bad, not bad! Uh-huh! That's true!" It's true!" Well, we all know what happened back then." I was there in those years, but I was seriously injured. That battle was earth-shaking! It's really thrilling. At that time, I could see it clearly. If it hadn't been for my brother, I would have died long ago. That kind of scene is really unforgettable for a lifetime.

"Yes, I also feel at this moment that if this guy really meets Brother Tongyang, I'm afraid he can't stand it for several rounds. It must be well known about the strength of Brother. Everyone knows the degree of power. I'm afraid that few masters in the world can compete with Brother Tongyang!" Yes, there is only one ordinary monk in the Danding realm, while the senior brother is different, so how many people in the world can beat him? It is also extremely rare in the realm of Danding, which can be said to be unique! There are very few people like this. I'm afraid they haven't been born.

"Yes, I'm afraid it's true. This is true at all. How can the boy compare with the ability of the senior brother? I don't even look at the boy's appearance. At first glance, he is weaker than his brother. This is the gap. The absolute gap!" Well, that's true! This guy has also been fighting with Brother Xiao Ying for so long. It seems that he really overestimated him just now, at least not as powerful as I thought. He hasn't won or lost after fighting for so long. If I had known that, I would have gone up and played. That's good." Save it! Why didn't you go just now? You have to go. Maybe you have been thrown off the stage or smashed to pieces! There is not even scum left!" There is not even scum left. Just now, you said so well, why didn't you go up just now?" I..., by the way, Brother Xiao rushed up just now, and I gave it to him." Damn, this is an excuse. It's just an excuse. It's just an excuse. If you want to go up, you have to go up early. What's the excuse? Don't be here if you don't dare to go up. Don't laugh a hundred steps with fifty steps. Isn't it enough to be ashamed enough?

"Hmm! You are awesome. You still talk about it here. What's the use of saying it no matter how nice it is? You have the guts to wait. After Brother Xiao comes down, you can go up and fight with that boy. Let's see how to be ashamed!" Damn, what's the quarrel between you two? It's not that you two are fighting, but they are fighting here, fighting to the death, so that people can't live? Ah!" Damn, what's the matter with you?" Yes, it has nothing to do with you. What a fart!" These guys almost got into a fight! There is really nothing we can do about them. Fortunately, at this moment, he opened his mouth to stop it: "Don't quarrel. You are all fellow brothers. That boy is really not easy to quarrel about such a thing!" Tong Yang was really majestic. With this, those disciples immediately stopped, stopped quarreling, didn't say anything, quietly, and quickly turned their eyes to the stage. At this time, Xiao Ying suddenly appeared on the stage. He was very confused. He looked beside him and his opponent disappeared for a long time, which made him have to appear and look for his opponent. However, not long after he appeared and was doubting in his heart, at this time, twelve figures suddenly appeared, which were very fast and rushed to him violently. All of this was a moment. In a very short time, Xiao Ying just found it, he felt bad and shouted "bad!" Then, I saw that these figures were the image of Yang Suxun. He said in his heart, "No, I'm tricked!"

has a sword shape and has five colors and five colors. He didn't get such a rare sword seed, and even the sword shape was refined and condensed by him. How can he not be excited? You know, this war is about whether he can get out or not. In case he fails and loses this duel, he may be trapped here all his life and can't get out and can't go back to the original world of Xuanyuan! This is an ending that he and Xiang'er don't want to see!! Therefore, it is very important to improve one point of strength, and every strength is precious!!! Sword elixir, the seed of the sword in the elixir, forms a sword shape. More and more sword shapes, and more and more sword shapes appear in the elixir. You know, after the sword is formed, you can emit sword spirit between waves. The sword spirit is like a real flying sword, cutting iron like mud, which is very powerful. Thinking about it, you will know that ordinary masters can only use swords to emit sword spirit, and no matter how powerful the sword spirit in Yang Suxun's sword elixir can be directly released. The two are not of the same level at all. How can the sword spirit emitted by ordinary sword weapons be compared with this kind of perverted sword spirit? It is more powerful than a substantial sword. If it is upgraded to a certain level, it will be ever-changing and amorphous. Sword spirit can be more convenient than fish and dragons, which is not what ordinary people can imagine. This degree is definitely between actions and the enemy between life and death. Then, Yang Suxun saw that the density of this sword became higher and higher, and it was many times more solid.

After a try, he waved a few swordsmanships, roaring, unexpectedly directly away the aura and forming a fire tail, emitting all kinds of sparks. It crackled and loud! The sword spirit suddenly became like a line of fire, and the shells shot out, very fast and lightning-like. This impact is very powerful. Yang Suxun feels that if this force is used on his fist, he can break through a meter-thick iron plate at once, which is extremely powerful!!! Ordinary masters are unimaginable and incredible. At this time, Yang Suxun felt that his energy was extremely powerful, but he had to continue to work hard. Pa!!! The purple jade charm was broken all of a sudden. It became smashed, and the little jade charm became smashed. A large piece of smashing turned into purple **. Suddenly, the waves flashed. Yang Suxun saw these changes, and such a scene suddenly appeared in front of him. It was very strange and strange. Why did this break at once? The purple jade charm was broken all of a sudden. What's going on? It was fine just now, and it was still a complete purple jade charm!! Now it has become purple** and liquid. Yang Suxun said.

Hua! Hula! These purple jade charms are gone. Although they are gone, they form something new, a space, a space that doesn't look small but doesn't look small. But the space is very deep! Yang Suxun felt as if he could put something in it, but he hadn't tried it yet, but he just felt it inexplicably. Yang Suxun tried, turned his hands, took out the Jiuyang Golden Tower and put it on his hand to look at. However, after looking at it, Yang Suxun thought again and disappeared the Jiuyang Golden Pagoda into the empty-hand Jiuyang Golden Pagoda transformed by the purple jade charm in a blink of an eye, and suddenly entered the small purple space. A few days, Yang Suxun found that this small space was very small, but it seemed to be able to put in a lot of things. Squeaky! Yang Suxun felt that the Jiuyang Golden Tower suddenly shook, and a lot of golden light flew out of it.

This soft golden light, shining, circled in the purple space. However, Yang Suxun saw the purple little jade charm inside, which also emitted a purple glow, and then merged together. The space actually became bigger and bigger, forming a golden tower in it. A virtual shadow is like the projection of the magic cicada at that time. This virtual shadow is exactly the same as the body of the Golden Tower. It looks almost carved in a mold! Huh?" Yang Suxun's eyes were strange, and there was a trace of surprise in his heart. Why did this golden tower suddenly emit golden light when it touched this small purple space, and then Yang Suxun's consciousness actually unfolded one by one in the purple space. Shit, I went away like a demon and fell into the devil's way. No, no!!!" Yang Suxun shouted and knew that it was not good. The situation was very bad. What should I do, what should I do!" Yang Suxun was anxious. Looking outside, his forehead was sweating coldly! You look very tired. Are you so tired?" Ah." Yang Suxun felt that his head suddenly went blank. Not good. Yang Suxun actually turned over several heels and then lay on the ground, feeling uncomfortable all over. Sweat all over, a lot of sweat, Yang Suxun felt very tired, very tired. Trembling all over, he actually went crazy. He was already exhausted. He had sweated all over. It was too exaggerated. I guess some people will think it's too exaggerated. After a long time, Yang Suxun woke up and recovered with the help of the magic cicada.

If it hadn't been for the old monster, Yang Suxun might have finished it. He is very happy and lucky!!! Fortunately, there is this old monster, and the old man is here! It's not difficult to be embarrassed. After Yang Su found it, he recovered and took a rest. He was no longer in such a hurry. It's not good to be too anxious. Then Yang Suxun took back the Jiuyang Golden Tower and then entered the interior of the Jiuyang Golden Tower to see those arrays. However, this Jiuyang Golden Pagoda is very strange. Yang Suxun didn't find anything after looking at it for several days. He didn't find anything. He didn't know what was going on. This thing is so deep!!! However, Yang Suxun has not given up. Anyway, there are still so many days, and it can't be wasted in vain!! How can Yang Suxun be wasted? In the following days, Yang Suxun ate a few star fruits, and then swallowed the imperial elixir, of course, only a small one. This is enough. Then, Yang Suxun looked at those things and suddenly thought about them. Those formations were slowly understood by him. A person who looks at this thing without understanding may be confused, inexplicable, and can't understand it. It looks like flowers in the fog, but once it is clear and figured it out, it will immediately become clear, and everything in front of it will be unmasked!!