array repair

195, countercurrent

When Peng Cong was killed, He Chen only felt that a huge wave of information had reached his mind. He Chen already knew everything about the blood thunder array. He Chen couldn't help but smile and muttered, "After all, the blood thunder array was obtained by me, and Fang Bin will be your death soon. In the early days of foundation-building, he was also one of the 13 talented foundation-building monks. Would it be fun to die in the hands of a little late monk?

After saying that, He Chen turned around and looked at Xia Wei faintly. Xia Wei stared at He Chen's mouth but took a deep breath and said, "You are so bold that even the only son of the owner of Xingyuan City dares to move." He Chen said lightly, "Why don't you dare? I'm just sending Peng Cong a journey in advance." As soon as the words fell, He Chen approached Xia Wei step by step, and then he said, "Miss Xia Wei... Have a good sleep. No, maybe when you wake up, you will look like the owner of Xingyuan City.

A hand knife hit Xia Wei's neck without any hesitation, and Xia Wei only felt dizzy and fell into a coma. Xia Wei's biggest question before she fell into a coma was: "Who is he?" What's the purpose?" At first, Xia Wei felt that this strange man wearing half a silver dragon mask was her admirer. After all, Xia Wei knew how attractive her blown and broken face was to men. If it hadn't been for Xia Wei's trouble among the princes, I'm afraid that her little woman would have been innocent.

But Xia Wei did not see a trace of admiration in He Chen's eyes, but saw deep indifference in his eyes. This man is determined to be a cruel person, and Xia Wei felt this at the first sight of He Chen. He Chen looked at Xia Wei lying on the ground and couldn't help saying, "This really looks like a dead body. I can't plan to have more of Peng Cong's storage ring. If I guess correctly, once I take away Peng Cong's storage ring, I'm afraid I will have to die.

There is no factual basis, but He Chen's intuition can only tell himself. His figure turned into a blue smoke again, and then He Chen quietly left Xiaoxiang Courtyard, the most famous brothel in Xingyuan City. When Lan Heng and the three of them were anxiously waiting for He Chen's return, "Cqueak..." The sound of pushing the door slowly sounded. After that, Lan Heng and the other two saw the returned He Chen. Except for the intentional injury, He Chen was almost unharmed.

He Chen stretched out and sat down, and he smiled and said, "Xingyuan City... It's going to be lively. Hahaha, I'm afraid the owner of Xingyuan City will go crazy. Within his own strength, his son was killed, which was simply a slap in the face. Lan Wan smiled and said, "I really don't know what deep hatred you have with the owner of Xingyuan City. You should know that the owner of Xingyuan City is quite powerful. I heard that... It is related to one of his magical power that the owner of Xingyuan City has such a position in Moshu. But few people know exactly what the magic power is.

Just as He Chen chatted with Lan Heng, the whole Xingyuan City showed the feeling that the mountain rain was coming and the building was full of wind. That's right, the arrival of He Chen will definitely make Xingyuan City, which has been calm for many years, no longer calm. A rainy night is destined to be a sleepless night. A terrible sound bursting in the raindrops suddenly sounded, and the man's speed was already extremely fast. And from this broken sound, you can still hear bursts of anger, and almost in an instant, people have arrived at Xiaoxiangyuan.

Look at the big "Xiaoxiang Courtyard!" With three words, Peng Yang is not angry. With a wave, he wrote "Xiaoxiangyuan!" The three-character plaque instantly turned into powder. Peng Yang walked on the accumulated water, and almost every step drove a huge momentum and anger. As He Chen expected, the general visitor was Peng Yuan, the owner of Xingyuan City. If He Chen greedily took away Peng Cong's storage ring, what awaits He Chen was Peng Yuan's endless pursuit.

He directly kicked open the door of the "Xiaoxiang Courtyard" and saw two guards holding beautiful women as soon as he entered the hall. As if the cold words from the nine secluded hell slowly sounded: "Okay! OK! OK! Let you protect Master Peng, but you are so happy here. Hearing the harsh but familiar voice, the two guards almost subconsciously turned around. However, after turning around, their bodies did not move as if they had been performed a "steading technique". Three seconds later, the two guards almost knelt directly to the ground.

Their heads kept hitting the ground, and the bright red blood had already stained their foreheads, but they had not stopped this crazy self-harm. While kowtowed, he shouted, "My lord, spare my life! Lord, spare my life!" But Peng Yang laughed angrily and said, "Let Master Peng know everything that happened here without saying a word, or I will die!" The middle-aged beautiful woman has already been attracted by this huge movement. As the owner of Xiaoxiangyuan, her network is extremely wide.

When she saw Peng Yang, her face became extremely pale almost instantly, and she muttered in her heart, "I hope... I hope Master Peng Cong is still alive?" When the two guards made everything clear, the sound of two people falling to the ground slowly sounded, and the strong smell of blood spread wildly around. Peng Yang looked at the middle-aged woman with a sneer and said, "Xia Wei's room is there... Show me the way!"

Naturally, the middle-aged beautiful woman did not dare to refute Peng Yang and walked directly to Xia Wei's room. When the middle-aged beautiful woman smelled a smell of blood, she sensed something bad. Peng Yang kicked Xia Wei's door directly, and the door was kicked into powder almost instantly. Looking at Peng Cong, who could not die on the ground, Peng Yang, who was extremely cold-blooded, also shed tears. Peng Yang waved a terrible energy directly into Xia Wei's body, but Xia Wei, who was originally unconscious, woke up directly.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a man with cold eyes and horrible murder. Peng Yang suppressed the anger in his heart and asked coldly, "Who is it... Kill my son?" Xia Wei only felt a tremor all over her body. She almost used all her strength and said slowly, "One... A mysterious man wearing a silver dragon mask, I don't know anything about the rest. Peng Yang immediately sneered and said, "Get out of here... I want to be alone!"

The middle-aged beautiful woman quickly took Xia Wei's hand and left the room. She clearly knew what kind of tsunami Xingyuan City would usher in tomorrow. It was an unprecedented tsunami! At this time, Peng Yang said like thunder, "Everyone in Xiaoxiangyuan get out of me, as long as there is one person in three minutes. No matter what your identity is, I will kill you!" Hearing "Peng Yang!" Two words, some of the princes didn't even have time to wear clothes, so they hurried out of Xiaoxiangyuan.

For a minute and a half, there was only Peng Yang in the courtyard of Nuoda Xiaoxiang. Peng Yang stroked Peng Cong's face with his right hand and said, "It's even destroyed my son's soul, and he is really cruel. Cong'er... Don't worry, the person who killed you will come to accompany you soon. After saying that, Peng Yang exuded an extremely cold breath. At this moment, he said coldly, "It's magical! Against the current!" Suddenly, the big light curtain appeared in the void, and then He Chen, who turned into a blue smoke, appeared on the light curtain.

On the light curtain, I saw He Chen attracting a silent array and then abruptly killing Peng Cong with a thunder attack. Fortunately, He Chen's voice is disguised, otherwise once he meets Peng Yang, I'm afraid he will be recognized face to face. Peng Yang frowned and said coldly, "Blood thunder? Is this guy for this formation? But I haven't even heard of this method. How can my son, a dage, have this method? And... I have never seen such an arrogant person. Even I dare not kill Fang Bin. I even have to be respectful when I see Fang Bin. Once Fang Bin wins the battle with 12 other talented foundation monks, it is really equivalent to one step to the sky.

Speaking of this, Peng Yang felt for the first time that it was so troublesome to hunt down a little monk in the later stage. He couldn't help saying, "The combat skills are simply extremely strong, and even the combat skills of the monks in the foundation period can't be compared with this guy. The strange sword and folding fan magic weapon, is this still a late monk? Peng Yang almost sat on the ground and looked at Peng Cong's body without saying a word for a long time. Finally, Peng Yang sighed and said, "If my magic power is "agaond the current!" Cultivation to the highest level, even if people die... I can also resurrect my son against the current!"

If He Chen saw this scene, he would definitely be shocked. A very magical owner is Peng Yang. Peng Yang made it clear what happened to He Chen today with only a magical power of "countercurrent!" Although Peng Yang only "agas the current!" Cultivated to the initial level, but it can reverse the events that have happened, and the whole event is screened like a movie.

He Chen's every move was all known by Peng Yang. If He Chen knew this, it would be a question whether he would dare to take action against Peng Cong. Peng Yang looked at the picture of He Chen killing Peng Cong on the light curtain over and over again, and every time he saw it, he felt extremely guilty. In particular, the sentence He Chen said made him extremely sad. If he forced Peng Cong to bring a four magic weapon, He Chen would definitely die without a complete body!

When he saw it for the 16th time, Peng Yang said coldly, "Silent array of beads... Do you want to say that he is a repairer, or do you deliberately spread suspicions to distract me? And is it true or false that he wants the other party to do it? If his strength is as shown on the light curtain, he will not even take Fang Bin's move! Or... Is his strength hidden?

For the first time, Peng Yang felt that his wisdom was a little insufficient. The only thing he could find He Chen as evidence was his half face that was not covered by a mask. Peng Yang, who had been silent for a long time in Xia Wei's boudoir, stood up slowly and said lightly, "It seems that he hasn't killed anyone for a long time... Everyone dares to bully me. Blood thunder array... It seems to be the key to the problem. From the light curtain, that guy definitely doesn't look like a lie. Even if he is a deserter, few people know my magic power "againversion!" I have two magical power, and the magic power "countercurrent" is one of my biggest cards.

If He Chen knew that Peng Yang was really terrible, he would definitely look up to the sky and curse: "Xu Ling array ball system... You bastard!" A small blood thunder array... But it made He Chen "agaon the current!" with a terrible magic power. The horror monk. Calculate... He Chen really suffered a big loss.