cover the sky

Chapter 11 Light Source

"Where on earth have we come to? I want to go home..." Some female classmates couldn't help crying.

"It's another five-color altar..." Pang Bo and Ye Fan stood together. The two looked at each other, and then shook their heads. They were best friends in college, and they often met each other after graduation. They know each other best. Now both of them feel that the situation is not good, and everyone is in a worrying situation. At this moment, they are full of unknowns and variables.

At this time, others also withdrew their eyes from the empty desert and looked at the situation around anxiously and in a panic.

The huge bronze coffin fell behind them, and under the copper coffin is a magnificent five-color stone altar, which is very similar to the giant altar seen in Mount Tai, made of five different colors of boulders.

The five-color stone altar covers an extremely wide area. It can be imagined that it must have been a huge project when it was built, but it has been invaded by the wind and sand for many years. The huge altar, which should have stood high on the ground, has almost completely submerged in the ground. Now it is flush with the land covered with red-

Today, Jiulong pulled the coffin and hit the ground heavily before shaking the surrounding sand and gravel, revealing a general outline of the altar. Not only is the huge bronze coffin lying on the altar, but also nine huge dragon corpses are pressed on it. You can imagine the grandeur of the five-color stone altar.

"We... are lost and can't find the circuit." A fragile female classmate cried and shook her body. If it hadn't been for someone holding her, she would have fallen softly to the ground.

Many people are pale. At this moment, everyone thought of all kinds of possibilities, and the scene in front of them was like a strange world. No one wants to accept this fact, but Mount Tai is gone, and the empty desert is in front of us, making people have to be silent.

"Don't panic, don't be afraid, there will be a solution." Ye Fan shouted loudly.

"How to solve it, how can we go back, how... get out of this strange world?" Even some male students' voices at this moment have trembled, full of strong fear and uneasiness.

Unknown will make some people full of awe and fear, and at the same time, it will make another part of the life have the desire to explore.

Ye Fan and Pang Bo avoided the nine huge dragon corpses and walked forward to see the situation nearby.

Li Xiaoman is not far away. He seems to be a little cold. With his arms in his arms, his beautiful face is a little pale, but he still looks very calm, like a beautiful lotus flower blooming in the dark. When Ye Fan passed by, she took off her coat and handed it over, but she just said thank you, and then shook her head and refused.

Ye Fan didn't say much. He didn't want to save anything. He put on his coat and continued to walk forward with Pang Bo. Bypassing the huge dragon corpse and bronze coffin, they saw that Li Xiaoman's American classmate Kaide was also observing the situation nearby, and the exclamation of "god" appeared in their mouths from time to time.

There is a huge rock not far from the five-color stone altar, lying there, which is more than 20 meters high, but the slope is not very steep and can be climbed up.

Ye Fan is about 1.79 meters tall. Although he looks quiet, he is actually very healthy. At that time, he was the main player of the school football team and was often called a barbarian on the court.

And Pang Bo, like his name, is quite "magnificent", but he is not fat, but really strong. He is a burly man, and his arms are almost as thick as ordinary people's legs.

Both of them were in super good physique. They ran quickly in front of the boulder. They didn't climb carefully at all, so they rushed up directly. Standing on the boulder and looking into the distance, he saw a faint light coming out of the dark, which surprised the two of them.

"We probably can't go back." There is nothing unspeakable about his best friend. Ye Fan directly said his speculation and judgment, "This is definitely not the time and space we are in."

"This is really not the time and space we are in." Although Pang Bo is usually careless, he never jokes when he encounters serious things. He stared at the faint halo in the distance and frowned, "Do you think there is really a god in this world?"

Ye Fan also stared at the looming light in the distance and said, "We have even seen the dragon corpse. I don't think even if a living god appears in front of us, I will be surprised."

"What would it be like for a living god to appear in front of you?" Pang Bo whispered.

There was a noise behind him. Cade, who was 1.9 meters tall, also climbed the boulder. When he saw the light in the distance, he immediately exclaimed.

"Praise... merciful God, I... see the light." He said in less fluent Chinese, then turned around and waved back hard, shouting at Li Xiaoman in the crowd, "I saw... light!" Then he climbed down from the boulder and rushed to Li Xiaoman.

Cade's shout suddenly made people confused, and many people came here.

Pang Bo looked at Li Xiaoman and Kai De, who were standing together not far away, and said to Ye Fan, "Is that foreign devil Li Xiaoman's boyfriend?"

"How do I know?"

"Really give up like this?" Pang Bo squinted at him.

"Some things are difficult to get back to the original point even if you start all over again. Even if it is the same path, life can pass by twice, and it will no longer have the original feeling. Those are all things of the past. People have to move forward. Ye Fan shook his head, and then seemed to remember something. He smiled and said, "You are still a handsome guy with colorful nightlife."

"I despise you, where is your life rich." Pang Bo looked at Ye Fan, and then at Li Xiaoman not far away, and said, "With the man's intuition, I always feel that something else will happen between you two."

"Less ruin my reputation." Ye Fan smiled and said, "Do you also have a sixth sense like a woman?"

At this moment, I'm afraid only the two of them can laugh. Neither of them is a pessimistic person, and it is difficult to be sad at any time.

In a short time, many people climbed up the huge rock and looked into the distance. The faint light flashed like a firefly, penetrating the dark space and entering everyone's eyes. Although the light source was not bright, it seemed to ignite everyone's hope, and the girl's classmates cheered.

There is a faint light ahead. Although it is still full of unknowns, everyone wants to move forward. Perhaps, this is human nature, afraid of darkness and yearning for light.

"Don't let us down."

"I hope a miracle will happen."

Everyone climbed down the boulder one after another and came to the five-color altar to discuss countermeasures.

"Everything here is strange to us. Even if there is light ahead, we should be careful." Wang Ziwen was more cautious and put forward such a suggestion.

Zhou Yi has always been very calm. Hearing this, he nodded and said, "Yes, let's send a few people to explore the way first. Anyway, the light doesn't seem to be very far away, just in case."

Everyone else agreed. No one can predict the unknown future. It's better to be careful in a strange environment.


Suddenly, a violent vibration came, and the copper coffin on the five-color altar made a metal trill.

"What happened?"

"I feel like the sound from the inside of the copper coffin." A female classmate closest to the copper coffin said with a pale face.

Hearing this, everyone changed color. You know, there is a small copper coffin inside the giant coffin.