cover the sky

Chapter 941 Pombo of the Earth

Pang Pobo did not leave the earth!

When he learned the news, Ye Fan was motionless like a clay sculpture, and his whole body was completely petrified, looking at the sky in a sway.

Over the years, who has shared joys and sorrows with him? Who is fighting side by side with him? Who is crossing the world with him? Who is living with him?

Ye Fan's body was cold. How could such a friend who took care of each other be fake? If so, who else can he believe in the world?

His heart was empty. How terrible and amazing it would be if Pang Bo had not left the earth and had not crossed the starry sky with him!

If so, then who went with him in Jiulong to pull the coffin? It existed as early as Mount Tai. Did he set out from this world?

"One more person..." Ye Fan muttered to himself.

So far, he still clearly remembers that scene. When he counts the number of people, there was one more person in the bronze coffin, which scared everyone at that time, but he was the first to agree with Pang Bo.

There is no other reason. He believed in Pang Bo, believed in the feeling at that time, and did not notice the falsehood.

, "Who the hell has he been for so many years, and what's the benefit of playing?"

Ye Fan felt the cold in his bones, all of which made it difficult for him to accept. How can a good brother who lives together today become false? There is a problem.

"I don't believe that he doesn't mean anything to me, and he knows everything about me. How can he know so much if he's not the real body?"

Ye Fan suddenly got rid of the sadness, tightened his whole body, and clenched his fist. Although I returned to the earth, I couldn't relax and needed to break through the fog.

He broke away from the shadow of his parents' death, and his eyes looked into the distance, as if he were in Beidou, and his heart was promoted to the realm of battle!

Ye Fan will go all the way south to uncover the truth and see which is true. From the bottom of his heart, he doesn't want to believe that there is a Pang Bo on the earth." Otherwise, no one in the world can believe it.

Pang Bo's address has changed a long time ago, otherwise why do you need Xu Qiong's help to find it? He has been a guest for a long time. It has changed a lot in more than 20 years, and they have moved out of the original city.

Ye Fan came to N City and found the destination according to the information he got not long ago. He stood on the roof of a building and felt silently. After exploring the powerful consciousness and entering the building, he suddenly shook his expression and saw Pang Bo's parents.

His father is burly. Although he is almost eighty years old and old, he can see how powerful he will be when he is young. Pang Bo inherited from him. He is a body shape, two heads taller than ordinary people.

His mother has white hair and is not in good health. She looks very weak, and there is some depression on her face.

Only Pang Bo has not seen. There are only two old people in the room, but it can be seen that there should be a couple living there. In addition, there should be a young man.

, "That's Pang Bo's brother and sister-in-law." He is two or three years older than him. The other should be his nephew. He is not at home at this time. Why doesn't he have his own room?" Ye Fan showed suspicion.

He secretly said that he was offended, and then turned into a light into the living room, hid his figure, and searched carefully. "But there was no trace of Pang Bo's life.

Sudgingly, he looked shocked. "I saw a photo frame, which was specially used for the dead." It was Pang Bo's black and white photo!

Ye Fanru was struck by lightning, how could this be possible! Pombo did not leave the earth, but he was dead.

This is his best friend. No matter where he is, he doesn't want it to be bad.

He stayed on the spot at once and couldn't accept this fact. His body was trembling, his parents passed away, and even his best friend died?

, "1 Bubo's death anniversary is coming again. It's so fast. It's been ten years in a flash." Pombo's father sighed.

Ye Fan was stunned. Pang Bo has been dead for ten years. How on earth did he die? He couldn't believe that the two of them had the best physique when they went to school, and how could they die young?

, "More than 20 years ago, Xiaobo didn't go to Mount Tai and escaped a disaster, but he didn't expect that God had made up his mind and couldn't hide, alas!" His mother wiped her tears and came over to wipe the frame. The tenth anniversary of her death was approaching.

, "This naughty child," Pang Bo's father whispered, and then stopped talking and sat there smoking silently.

"I'm offended." Ye Fan whispered, and he explored his mind and entered the sea of knowledge of the two old people to find out everything.

After half a quarter of an hour, he left and stood on the roof of the building. He was distracted and didn't believe all this.

Pang Bo's death was very strange. He was killed by lightning, and it was in the wilderness. No wonder his mother lamented and escaped Mount Tai, but God refused to let it go.

Ye Fan was completely stunned. All this was beyond his expectation. He said to himself, "What's wrong with you, God? Even if Pang Bo is really on the earth and doesn't take Jiulong to pull the coffin, you can't be so cruel."

He didn't know how to get out of here. Unconsciously, he saw the cemetery in N City. Looking at the rows of stele forest, he felt that his feet were very heavy.

Now, he is really afraid of entering such a place. The most painful thing in the world is life and death. It has only been many days, and he has encountered it again.

In a place of pines and cypresses, Ye Fan found Pang Bo's tombstone. He stood silently for a long time, and then put down the big white huā in his hand.

"I really don't believe you're leaving..."

Ye Fan sat on the ground, took out a bottle of wine, poured it all on the ground, and then lit a few cigarettes, all of which took a sip first, and then put it in front of the monument.

How come, everything is like a dream. I often wonder if everything in the Big Dipper is true, but now when I wake up, it is so cruel.

Ye Fan sat in front of the grave and lit a cigarette for himself. After leaving the earth for so long, more than 20 years later, he once again experienced the emptiness of smoke.

He was very silent. He sat here for a long time, smoked a whole pack of cigarettes, and then said to himself, "To be honest, I don't believe you're dead."

Then, there was another silence. He was thinking about it very seriously, as if he had figured it out. Huo stood up and threw a cigarette butt on the ground heavily.

, "Exactly, I don't believe you are the real Pombo. My friend is still alive and hasn't come back!"

Ye Fan's eyes are sharp, and his whole spirit is boiling, as if he is preparing for a big war, which is very different from the decadence these days.

, "This is a battle, and I will find you out!"

Let's not talk about Pang Bo's true temperament in the Big Dipper Star Domain, and he is also able to see a few doubts from his parents' sea of knowledge just now.

First, he died so strangely. How could he be killed by lightning? When he died, his face was ferocious and completely out of shape. Ten years ago, he scared many people.

The second is that his temperament is different. According to what his parents have seen in the sea of knowledge, Pang Bo's behavior is a little strange. Even the two old people have been confused.

Third, why did he quit his job? He went to the historical sites and mountains all over the year round, but he used endless money.

Fourth, why was he so persistent? He asked the two old people what their blood relatives were, and they visited one by one. Even if they hadn't contacted each other for many years, they all came to the door.

In a word, many of his words and deeds made the two old people doubtful. I don't know why. I only remember once that he seemed to be drunk and said that there was demon blood in their family.

Of course, he was slapped by the old man that time, woke him up, and scolded him for talking nonsense.

"The earth is far more complicated than I thought..."

Ye Fan returned to Pang Bo's home again. "Seriously, I saw that the blood in this big old man [body] was very strong, better than ordinary people.

, "No wonder Pang Bo is so burly. He has two heads, and his arms are thicker than other people's legs. Is there really ancient demon blood in the [body]? No wonder the descendants of the Qing Emperor want to give up."

Ye Fan said to himself, "Pang Bo's father and brother are a little vigorous, but it is not enough to surprise him. I think this is also different. Maybe only a person can return to his ancestors.

, "Pang Bo can practice the ancient scriptures of the Qing Emperor. Is it that the blood in his [body] has recovered?"

Ye Fan stayed in N City for a few days and learned enough about the situation to help Pang Bo's parents improve their physique. He washed his flesh, blood and bones with elixir many times, but he did not show up.

This time he went south, he did not collect enough evidence, and he was not 100% sure that it was a fake Pombo who died, so he began to use all his strength to verify it after leaving.

"Did he go to Mount Tai in those years?"

It is undoubtedly impossible to go to Mount Tai for verification. After so many years, who can remember it?

He made a curve investigation and found the company where Pang Bo worked in those years. He wanted to find some of his colleagues in those years and asked for a clue. Unfortunately, the official left early.

I have to say that if ordinary people can't find it at all, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack, but Ye Fan is not an extraordinary person. Although it took a lot of effort, he finally found it.

He secretly watched their dusty memories and finally found out that Pang Bo went to Mount Tai that year, and a colleague booked the ticket for him.

At the beginning, there was something wrong with Pang Bo's family. Pang Bo had said this, but the dead Pang Bo returned home on the day of the Taishan incident and said that he had not gone.

The colleague who helped Pang Bo book tickets is another memory. When Pang Bo got off the plane and transferred to the long-distance bus to the foot of Mount Tai, he also called him to express his gratitude.

Ye Fan smiled. Although the process was very troublesome and tortuous, he finally found out that the dead Pang Boduo was half fake, which was of great significance to him and today's good news.

, "Are there any ancient demons in the world? I'm going to see what you want to do."

Not long after Ye Fan returned to City B, he received a phone call from Yang Xiao. He said something there, which was actually related to Little Stone Buddha.

According to him, those ancient characters greatly shocked the authority of the ancient Sanskrit last time, and he specially asked his teacher. As a result, he somehow shocked several mysterious masters.

, "They came to City B and wanted to see you no matter what they said. I really can't excuse it." Yang Xiao is very embarrassed.

"Isn't it just a few ancient Sanskrit characters, as for leading them here from India?" Ye Fan said.

, "A few old monks came. The people who accompanied them simply regarded several people as living Buddhas, so they just knelt there to worship, as if they showed some miracles, but what age it is, even if there is faith, it should not be so." Yang Xiao is a learned person, so he naturally doesn't believe this.

Ye Fan's heart moved, and Hinduism is respected on the other side of the mountain. Buddhism has long been in decline in the place of origin. How can there be masters coming thousands of miles away? Is there anyone in the world who can practice?

Well, he is about to investigate everything about the fake Pangbo. If he is really a hidden man, he can just follow the way and understand everything on the earth today.

Ask the emperors for the next monthly ticket. After the first half of the month and the middle of the month, please check the ticket warehouse. The chase is very fierce. Please support me.
