Supreme Ghost Flame

Chapter 12 Level 4 Spell

After getting up in the morning, Yun Chengtian looked at the situation of his Reiki. After a night's rest, although Reiki had not returned to its original state, it had already recovered seven or eight times.

"With these, it should be okay." Yun Chengtian jumped up from ** and came to the courtyard to move the muscles and bones of his whole body.

Gather a trace of aura in the right hand, and then hit it out in the air. A wave flew to the sky and exploded in mid-air.

"Yes, that's good. Let's go." A sword light flew up, and Yuncheng flew his wooden sword to the heaven.

Landing outside the Tianji faction, Yun Chengtian decided to walk in.

"Eh? It seems to be early?" In the huge square, only a few disciples are cleaning the fallen leaves on the square.

"Brother, did you come early today?" Tianjun's real voice appeared behind Yun Chengtian.

"Ah, that's natural. You can't just come late. How embarrassing it is." Yun Chengtian said with a smile.

Tianjun smiled and didn't say anything.

"Well, I said, elder, what kind of state are you now?" Yun Chengtian stared at Tianjun with a pair of big eyes.

"Didn't your brother tell you?" Tianjun looked at Yun Chengtian.

"No, I asked him about his state. He didn't tell me, elder, just tell me." Yun said hee all day.

"You don't have to call me elder. Although you are small and late to get started, our generation is the same. Just call me brother." Tianjun said lightly.

"Ah, this is okay. Tell me where you are now."

Tianjun didn't say anything.

"Brother, good brother... "Please?" The old way has come out again.

Tianjun, a real man who has been practicing truth for many years, has never heard such words, and soon he can't stand it.

"Okay, I've reached the disaster period." Tianjun Zhenren brushed his beard.

"Oh, what about my brother?" Yun Chengtian looked at Tianjun's real man brushing his beard and felt funny. He also stretched out his hand and brushed Tianjun's real man's beard.

"Ah." Tianjun Zhenren looked at the clouds all over the sky.

Yun Chengtian was holding a long beard in his hand and was laughing there.

"Look." Yun Chengtian stretched his beard to Tianjun's human nostrils.

"Go, child, don't mess up, ask him yourself." Tianjun hit Yun Chengtian's hand and walked away angrily.

It is also true. As an elder of a faction, who dares to pluck hair from the tiger's mouth is only daring.

Looking at Tianjun's real person leaving, Yun Chengtian secretly had fun for a long time.

"The old man's beard is still funny. I have to play when I have time." Yun Chengtian strode away with his hands behind his back.

and Elder Tianjun are so chaotic, Yun Chengtian is certainly very happy, and time passes quickly.

The number of people in the square is gradually increasing.

There is no place to go. If you want to find the iron pillar, you don't know where the iron pillar is. You have to sit by the dry table and look at the Tianji faction people coming and going.

"How are you, uncle?" A young Xuanji disciple came over.

"Ah, hello." Yun Chengtian answered casually.

"Uncle, today, we may be opponents."

This sentence attracted the attention of Yun Chengtian.

The clouds began to look at the people carefully all day.

The visitor is about 1.8 meters tall, and his face is not beautiful, but he looks very capable. A pair of big eyes are staring at the clouds all day.

"Ah, well, don't worry, I won't use all my strength and won't hurt you." Yun Chengtian rushed to the man and waved his hand.

A trace of light flashed in the man's eyes.

"I won't beg for mercy. If I really have a chance to meet you on the stage, I will do my best to deal with it. I hope my uncle will do the same."

After saying this, the man turned his body and wanted to leave.

This sentence obviously deceived Yun Chengtian.

"What's your name?" The sound of the clouds gradually fell.

"Xuan Jin."

Looking at Xuan Jin's back slowly disappearing, Yun seemed to be a little dazed all day.

"Ky, you can meet your opponent this time." Yutian appeared beside Yun Chengtian, which seemed to be a little mocking.

"Well, I will be afraid of him. Who are we?" Yun Chengtian's mouth pouted.

"Okay, let me see how you beat him." After Yutian said this, his figure faded and disappeared.

For this phenomenon, Yun has been surprised all day long, and there is no indication of it.

In a while, it was dawn and there were more and more people in the square.

Tianjun said: "Each disciple should stand according to his position. Today, we will compete for two places in the finals. Please draw lots.

Yun Chengtian squinted and saw Xuan Jin. Xuan Jin seemed to notice that Yun Chengtian was looking at him. He didn't care and went forward to draw lots.

The cloud draws dry all day and slowly walks to the dry field.

Elder Tianjun announced the two sides of the game: "Today, in the dry field, Yun Chengtian vs. Xuan Jin, Xuan Shang vs. Xuan Yin."

After listening to Elder Tianjun's announcement, Yun Chengtian's heart tightened.

"Well, it's really that Xuan Jin, or it looks quite powerful, so that let me try my falling sky."

Yun Tiantian stepped on the test platform, and Xuan Jin had already waited there.

Yun Chengtian took a look at Elder Tianjun and found that Elder Tianjun's smile was quite meaningful, as if to say, "You boy, ask me to pull out my beard. It depends on how you spend this time."

"This old man, that smile looks strange and not very good."

"The test begins." Elder Tianjun announced.

"I take the liberty to start attacking first." Xuan Jin said.

"Ah, okay." Clouds respond to the sky.

Maybe the careless appearance of Yun Chengtian aroused Xuan Jin's fighting spirit.

"Fire Snake Art." Xuan Jin opened his hand and released fireballs to attack the clouds all over the sky. When the fireballs flew in mid-air, they turned into snakes with long tongues and flew to the clouds into the sky.

"Look, that's the original spell created by Brother Xuan Jin. It's a quasi-four-level spell."

"I don't know what spells my uncle will use. I can feast my eyes today."


There is a lot of discussion about the fire snake technique released by Xuan Jin.

Listening to the comments under the stage, Yun Chengtian muttered in his heart, "How do I feel that it's right to play monkeys in our village?"

But there was a trace of negligence on the battlefield. In an instant, the countless fire snakes had all hit Yun Chengtian.

"Bum." The clouds were quickly surrounded by countless fire snakes all day.

Yun Chengtian saw that there was already a fire burning a hole in his clothes. He was anxious, and the aura in Dantian gushed out, flowing through the whole body and extinguishing the flames.

Everyone only saw a light bursting out of the body surrounded by countless flames, protecting the body and extinguishing the flames around the body.

A flash of light in Xuan Jin's eyes

"It's over. My clothes were burned. It's strange that I didn't kill my mother when I went back." Yun Chengtian looked at the holes burned by the fire snake skill and was very depressed.

The more Yun thinks about it, the more angry he becomes. The main reason is that he has no clothes to wear this. He can't wear clothes that have been burned into holes outside every day. It's too shameful.

"You accompany me with my clothes!" Yuncheng shouted at Xuan Jin, gathered the aura between his hands, raised his hand and made a wave of air.

"Win me." Xuan Jin answered, looked at the attacking air wave, smiled, and released a small fireball to meet the air wave.

"Bum!" The small fireball collided with the air wave. As soon as the small fireball hit the air wave, it was divided into two by the air wave and disappeared without a trace.

The air wave flew towards Xuan Jin.

Xuan Jin seemed to be a little surprised. He had no time to release the spell to resist the air wave, so he put his hands together and said, "The Clothes of Flame."

A powerful flame emerged from the ground and quickly surrounded Xuan Jin to form an armored look.

The air wave has hit the clothes of flames head-on.

Xuan Jin only felt a powerful force hitting his flame clothes, and he was constantly retreated by the impact of that powerful force.

"Let me tell you, the uncle is still powerful and attacks with aura. Our Tianji faction can only teach real people and a few elders to do it. I think uncle will win this."

"Ye, I feel the same way."

Tianji Zhenren and several elders were paying attention to the situation in the field. Tianji elder shook his head and said, "How can it be? How can he only enter? How can he attack with Reiki? You should know that this loss of Reiki is huge."

Tianji Zhenren nodded slightly: "Well, yes, attacking with aura is dozens of times the loss of aura by ordinary spells."

"Then why doesn't he attack with magic?"

"Who knows."

Elder Tianjun looked motionless at the situation on the scene and looked very nervous.

Because Xuan Jin is his eldest disciple.

In the Tianqian Hall.

"If I put you two into a group, are you sure to beat that boy?" Tianjun asked.

"Please rest assured that you dare to be rude to your master, and your disciples will definitely teach him a lesson."

"Hm, I'm relieved. Go ahead and get ready. The test is about to begin."

"Yes, my disciple quit."

Xuan Jin felt that his flame clothes had been torn open by the powerful impact. He was very angry and roared loudly to push the air wave away.

"Return my clothes quickly." As soon as the cloud raised his hand all day, there was another air wave.

"It's not good." Xuan Jin has been blown out.

Yun Chengtian watched Xuan Jin fly out and was still very angry.

"Who told you to burn my clothes? You deserve it."

Xuan Jin struggled to stand up and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth.

Suddenly, the voice of Master Tianjun came to my ears.

"Xuan Jin, don't hold on. If it doesn't work, forget it."

"No!" Xuanjin looked at Tianjun and said softly.

Tianjun shook his head gently.

"Uncle, please pick me up the next move."

As Xuan Jin's hands kept changing his gestures, many flames appeared in the air, and these flames kept gathering, and finally formed a huge fire dragon.

"Ah, fire dragon magic, this is a four-level spell. Brother Xuan Jin has already mastered four spells?" The voice of doubt and exclamation came one after another.

Because, even the elders of the Tianji School can only release five-level spells at most, and only the real person in charge of the whole school can release six-level spells once, and after release, they must be closed for 749 days to restore their aura.

And now, Xuan Jin has released a four-level spell.

"Xuan Jin is good. He can do four-level spells." Tianji Zhenren said to Tianjun Zhenren.

And Tianjun Zhenren only answered because of nervousness and did not speak too much language.

In a voice of admiration, the fire dragon of the suff has taken shape.