Supreme Ghost Flame

Chapter 59 The Bet of the Holy Beast

"Where did you two go?" The meteorite saw Yun Chengtian and Dongfang Ruoyan coming out of the path hand in hand, and quickly asked.

"It's okay. We just wandered around." Yun Chengtian said with a smile.

The meteorite muttered a few words and didn't say anything.

Yun saw that it was almost noon all day, and said to everyone, "Let's take a break and wait for the afternoon to work."

"Good." The meteorite was the first to shout, then withdrew the aura, ran to Zhu Bing and said, "Look, I'm about to finish it. Don't forget our bet."

"I can't forget it." He said coldly.

Dongfang Ruoyan looked at the two curiously and said, "I'll call Liu Hongwu and Yuan Jie. You go to the hall."

Dong Ruoyan nodded, but shook her head again and said, "I'll go with you."

"No, you go first. It's not a big deal. You've gone so far, you should take a break first." Yun Chengtian stroked Dongfang Ruoyan's beautiful hair: "Good boy, go ahead."

Dongfang Ruoyan nodded obediently and saw the meteorite. Zhubing and the white leopard had walked into the hall and followed them into the Tianji Hall.

Yun Chengtian looked at Dongfang Ruoyan's back and thought about it. He still went to Liu Hongwu first.

"Hong Wu, it's noon. Take a break and get ready for dinner." Yun slowly approached Liu Hongwu all day.

"No, I have to punish these little bastards." Liu Hongwu looked at the three people in the distance and said.

"Ha ha, you take it seriously." Clouds are very funny all day.

"Of course, the military order is like a mountain. How can it be changed day and night?" Liu Hongwu's voice is very serious.

As soon as Yun Chengtian heard this, he knew that Liu Hongwu was serious and ignored Liu Hongwu.

"The food is all in the Heavenly Hall. If you finish eating, you can go by yourself." Yun Chengtian said to Liu Hongwu.

"Okay, they are all practitioners. They can't die if they don't eat one or two meals." Liu Hongwu said confidently.

Yun smiled helplessly and turned to find Yuan Jie.

When Yun Chengtian saw Yuan Jie, Yuan Jie's body was slowly falling from the air.

"Yuan Jie, thank you for your hard work." Yun Chengtian greeted him.

"It doesn't matter. After half a day of repair, this archway is much better." Yuan Jie stroked the archway and said.

"Yes, thanks to you. Let's go and have a rest first." Yun Chengtian patted Yuan Jie on the shoulder, turned around and left.

Yuan Jie followed silently.

"Yuan Jie, I have thought about what you said makes sense. After the repair of the sect, let's discuss it together to see which one is more suitable." Yun didn't look back all day, just said softly.

"I just said my personal thoughts, and I didn't mean anything else." Yuan Jie was stunned for a moment and then said.

"I know and understand that you are really worried about this sect, so I want to ask for everyone's opinion." Yun Chengtian stopped and looked back at Yuan Jie and said.

"Good." Yuan Jie nodded.

Lunch is simple, but Yun Chengtian, Liu Hongwu and Yuan Jie, it is essential to drink a little wine. Of course, the three knew that there was still work to do in the afternoon, but drinking a little did not hinder the afternoon work. After lunch, Yun Chengtian did not force everyone to continue to work, because he himself Although the habit of taking a nap has become a true person and has reached the state of infancy, he can't change the habit of eating and taking a nap, so he let everyone rest at will.

Of course, the clouds directly find the shade of trees all day, smelling the fragrance of flowers and plants, and falling asleep.

In a trance, Yuntian only felt that his ears were itchy for a while, and his nose was itchy for a while, as if there were insects crawling on his face.

I felt that my body was itchy and couldn't stand it. Yun Chengtian opened his eyes and saw a bad smile on his face for the first sight, and the second time he saw Dongfang Ruoyan with a smile.

"Why are the two of you and the others?" Yun Cheng sat up, and he also knew that the itching on his body was caused by the meteorite day.

"They have been busy with their own business for a long time." The meteorite looked at the meteorite disdainfully.

"Why didn't you go?" Clouds feel very strange all day.

"I have to wake you up, or Liu Hongwu's stinky boy won't be hungry at night." After saying that, he got up and waved his hand to the clouds and went straight away.

"Oh..." Yun Chengtian stretched out and saw Dongfang Ruoyan.

"I have to buy them food first, otherwise they will be hungry at night, and I will be hungry." Yun Chengtian said that he had turned into a sword light and flew into the distance.

Because of the experience for the first time, it was much faster to buy things for the second time, and there was no need to buy alcohol. After Yuncheng entered the city, he went straight to the last store.

Those hawkers saw that Yun Chengtian came again, and they were so rich that they couldn't help chatting with Yun Chengtian and getting to know each other.

It's easy to do things when you are familiar with people. This time, it only took an hour to buy everything you need to buy.

After that, the clouds turned into a sword light and went to the celestial pole.

After a new day, the Tianji School has changed a little, and the Tiankun Hall has almost been repaired.

When the clouds arrived at the celestial pole, the sun had almost set, and the meteorite sun and Zhubing did not know what to quarrel about.

"What's wrong with this living treasure on the meteorite day?" The sky is dark and funny.

"Oh, Xiao Yunzi is here. Let Xiao Yunzi judge."

I don't know what's going on. As soon as I landed, I was pulled over by the meteorite sun.

"Xiao Yunzi, come and make a comment. How do you think the palace is repaired?" Yun Chengtian pointed to Tianqian Hall.

"Well, it's almost done." Clouds nodded all day long.

"Don't be similar. If it's good, it's good. If it's not good, it's not good. How about this palace now compared with that pile of ruins?" The meteorite said with a passionate expression.

"Well, that's naturally good." Yun Chengtian nodded and said.

"That's right!" The meteorite's face continued to show joy, and he turned his head and said to Zhu Bing, "Hurry up, call me brother."

"What I'm talking about is complete repair. Do you know what it means? There is no crack. Look at the cracks on it. Is this complete? Humph..." Zhu Bing snorted coldly.

Through the dialogue between the two, Yun Chengtian probably knew what the so-called "gambling" of the two was like, and he couldn't help laughing secretly.

"Xiao Yunzi, come and judge, who do you think won?" The meteorite looks at the clouds.

Yun Chengtian spread out his hands, showing a helpless look.

Seeing that the meteorite could not get any information from Yun Chengtian, he turned to Dongfang Ruoyan, who was silently in a daze.

"Miss Ruoyan, come and judge me. I know you are the best, much better than this ungrateful and forgetful little Yunzi." The meteorite said to Dongfang Ruoyan with a smile, looking at Dongfang Ruoyan with hopeful eyes.

Dongfang Ruoyan was stunned after hearing this, and then smiled slightly.

"I listen to Brother Tian's, what Brother Tian said, just take it." Dongfang Ruoyan's words threw the meteorite day directly from heaven to hell.

The meteorite was extremely dejected. Suddenly, Liu Hongwu came over and patted the meteorite on the shoulder and said to the meteorite, "Brother, you just admit it. Besides, good men don't fight with women."

The meteorite was stunned, and then looked at Liu Hongwu with grateful eyes.

"Let's go and ignore them. Let's drink." Liu Hongwu put a hand on the shoulder of the meteorite.

"Okay, let's go." In this way, Liu Hongwu and the meteorite staggered out of the hall.

Yun Chengtian looked at Dong Ruoyan with a smile, and then walked out of the hall.

Yun took two steps all day and turned around and said, "Yuan Jie, won't you come?"

"Good." Yuan Jie answered silently and also walked out of the hall.

"Hmm, a group of drunkards." He snorted coldly.

However, it is said that the four people came to the front of the hall and gathered together.

"Xiao Yunzi, it's in vain that I helped you so much before that you didn't speak for me just now." When I saw the clouds on the meteorite day, I said angrily.

"Don't say that, I can't help it." Yun Chengtian looked at the meteorite with a helpless face.

"Humph..." The meteorite is still lingering.

"Well, forget it, didn't you say drinking? I'll buy you a drink." Yun looked at the meteorite day with a smile all day.

As soon as Yun Chengtian's voice fell, there was only a sound in the air.

"Who said drinking? Why didn't you call me to drink?"