Supreme Ghost Flame

Chapter 51 The Weakness of the Skull

Yun Chengtian listened to Yuan Jie's words. At the moment of heavy encirclement, a move of Kui Xing kicked and broke three skeletons in an instant.

Yun Chengtian couldn't help but be stunned. He didn't expect such a simple move to be so powerful.

At this moment, a blade flew out of the oblique and split the right shoulder of the sky.

"Black tiger pulls out his heart!" Yuan Jie shouted outside.

Yun almost didn't think about it all day. On the left side of his body, his left foot took a step diagonally, and his right hand flew out of his waist and hit the enemy's chest.

"Whew..." The white skeleton was broken to the ground again. Although the broken skeletons were still moving, he could no longer aggregate and had no ability to attack in a short time.

Looking at the white palm in front of me still moving, it seemed that it wanted to gather again, and the sternum was also moving constantly.

When Yun saw this, he stepped on the arm with his left foot and kicked the skull far away with his right foot.

Through these two blows, Yun seems to understand something all day.

"Oh, I should have thought of it." Yun Chengtian patted his thigh, withdrew his aura sword, and waved his fists repeatedly. When he entered the Huxiao City barracks at the beginning of the day, a set of "huxiao long fists" unfolded. It entered the white skeleton group.

Seeing this, Yuan Jie nodded secretly and said, "You wait here. I'll help you all day."

Yuan Jie jumped into the field like a ghost, and there was no other move. It is also a set of "tiger roaring long fists" unfolding. In an hour, the fist shadows are continuous, the legs are flying, and the skeletons of skeletons are flying.

"Kuixing kicks and fights, the black tiger digs out its heart, the snake comes out of the hole, the poisonous dragon goes out to sea, the tiger leaps thousands of miles, and the roc spreads its wings." The move of the tiger roaring long fist unfolded, and in an instant, it hit the white bones of the skeletons flying.

But with the flying of white bones, there are still continuous skeletons gathering. After the aggregation, they still rush to Yun Chengtian and Yuan Jie.

In terms of this "hu Xiao Changquan", Yuan Jie is more proficient than Yun Chengtian's practice. When Yun Chengtian was still in the barracks, Yuan Jie was already the captain of Hu Xiaocheng City. Although he was not Yun Chengtian's opponent because of his practice, Yuan Jie was better than Yun Chengtian's simple military attack.

Of course, there is another person who is stronger than them.

This person is Liu Hongwu.

From the beginning, the clouds were constantly chased by skeletons. When the ten thousand Buddha seals and the slaughter of ghost flames did not work, everyone's faces were very solemn, and at the same time, they were carefully observing to find the flaws of those skeletons.

But now, under Yuan Jie's reminder, everyone seems to understand something. When Yuan Jie and Yun Chengtian used "long fists" to fight in the skeleton pile, everyone fully understood.

These skeletons have strong attack power, rapid speed, and absolute defense of spells, but one thing is their weakness.

And this weakness is also fatal.

This weakness is their bodies.

As we all know, the skeleton's body is composed of a skeleton, and the skeleton is extremely fragile. At the joints, it is broken at a touch. The black gas all over the body seems to be only an attack on spells, and it seems to be unable to resist ordinary attacks.

And Yun Chengtian and Yuan Jie's two sets of tiger roaring fist seem to be their nemesis. Their fragile bodies have no room for resistance under the blow of tiger roaring fists.

One punch and one punch, one kick after another, Yun Chengtian and Yuan Jie are like two tigers going down the mountain, facing other beasts and finally showing their king's appearance.

The two people used tiger whistling long fists to fight in the skeleton pile. Liu Hongwu, who was beside him, couldn't help but feel very uncomfortable looking at him.

"Dodge, dodge, I'm going too." The space is already narrow, and there are Dugu Aoyun and floats in front of it, which is even more difficult to pass.

"Fight away, I'm going over." Liu Hongwu said again when he saw that there was no movement between the two people in front of him.

"Can you see if you can go there?" Dugu Aoyun also wanted to go out to fight with them. Although he also had some fists and feet, he really couldn't do it. Not to mention the float, he knew nothing about fists and feet, and he could only help when he went out.

And Liu Hongwu is different. Regardless of his cultivation, Liu Hongwu's fist and foot kung fu is a little higher than Yuan Jie's, which is the first among the crowd. Seeing the rise of Yun Chengtian fighting like this, he naturally couldn't hold back the excitement behind.

However, I saw that Dugu Aoyun and the two really couldn't get out, and the entrance had been heavily surrounded by skeletons, but no matter how active the skeleton was in it, it never stepped into this narrow channel. Although it was only one step away, it was like heaven and hell.

"Well, you squat down." Liu Hongwu's voice came again.

"Squat down, why do you squat down?" The float feels very strange.

"Well, just squat down." Liu Hongwu waved his hand impatiently.

Dugu Aoyun and the float felt very strange, but they were embarrassed to say no, so both of them squatted down.

"Ah... my old Liu Laiya!" Liu Hongwu roared, retreated a few meters, and then rushed up. When he arrived in front of the two, Liu Hongwu's body was already horizontal and flew over the head of Dugu Aoyun and the float.

Both of them were shocked. They were not afraid of what would happen to Liu Hongwu, but mainly because they were afraid that Liu Hongwu would suddenly fall down. In case he hit himself, it would not feel good. Even if he was a true person, he was afraid that he would not feel good after being hit by.

But at this moment, Liu Hongwu's clumsy body seemed to have turned into a light swallow and flew out of their heads without touching them at all.

Looking at the skeleton blocking the hole in front of him, Liu Hongwu roared and hit it.

"Wah..." The skeleton in front of him was smashed to the ground, but at the same time, Liu Hongwu's body also fell heavily to the ground.

"Dong" is like firing a cannon, making a dull sound.

Hearing the dull voice, Yun Chengtian and Yuan Jie didn't know what had happened. They couldn't help but be shocked and hurriedly looked at it and found that Liu Hongwu fell to the ground heavily. Dugu Aoyun and float had a frightened expression on their faces, and they couldn't help but be shocked.

"Haha." Liu Hongwu waved his fists as if nothing had happened. He smashed the head of a skeleton with one punch, and another punch, and the whole skeleton of the skeleton was broken all over the ground.

Looking at this horrible combat effectiveness, the frightened expression on the face of the float and Dugu Aoyun was even more obvious.

Since Liu Hongwu entered the abyss of destruction, nothing has happened to him. At first, he let the skeleton run all over the ground. Inexplicably, he fell into the old monk in black. He almost took a bath in the blood lake and wanted to fight with the old monk. Unexpectedly, he was hit out by the old monk.

But now, Liu Hongwu's breath for a long time finally has a place to vent, and the target of venting is this group of skeletons.

If Yun Chengtian and Yuan Jie are two tigers, then Liu Hongwu is the king of tigers. A set of tiger roaring long fists was hit by him. Almost every move has two or three skeletons fell down, and each punch has a skeleton turned into a smash.

With the addition of Liu Hongwu, the scene stabilized in an instant.

"You don't stay there. Why did you come out?" Yun Chengtian saw that Liu Hongwu was very happy and couldn't help laughing at him.

"I can't help watching you two play so happily." While Liu Hongwu spoke, he kicked on a skeleton's chest. Because of his great strength and practice, his strength was even more frightening. This kick directly flew the skeleton to the wall in the distance.

"Bang...bang." The skeleton hit the wall and scattered into a ball.

With the help of Liu Hongwu, almost all the skeletons in the whole area were surrounded. The three of them punched like the wind, and each of them was in charge of one place. Basically, each skeleton appeared and was immediately smashed by three people. There was no room for attack, let alone hurting three people.

Yun Chengtian saw that this group of skeletons had been controlled. After smashing a skeleton, he made time to hurriedly say to Dugu Aoyun and the floating wheel over there, "The skeletons are under control. Come here quickly." After saying that, he pointed to the exit opposite the entrance.