Supreme Ghost Flame

Chapter 32 Implementing Rescue

"King of Wede, now everyone is thinking about how to save Yun Chengtian, rather than infighting." Seeing that the Purple Front God King and the Weide God King were preparing to quarrel, the Red Tong God King coughed dryly, and then said slowly.

Hearing the words and reconciliation of the Red Pupil God King, the Purple Front God King couldn't help frowning.

"Please show us how we act." The god king of Wede blushed, and then returned to normal. He bowed to the emperor and said to the emperor.

Of course, he can be today thanks to the divine emperor, so he can be disrespectful to anyone in the divine world, but he can't be disrespectful to the divine emperor.

"I think Zifeng's idea can be considered. After all, Yun Chengtian is really important to the divine world. Anyway, we have to try it." The eyes under the emperor's white eyebrows slowly opened.

"Yes, Lord God." King Weed quickly bowed and said.

Seeing how the Weide God King did, the other god kings couldn't help snorting.

"Well, with our strength, I don't know if we can succeed. Now all the gods and kings listen to my orders, immortals, demons, ghosts, demons, Buddhas, and the five god kings listen to the order. All ethnic groups have left the necessary guards and other gods and above personnel gathered here to work together to break the seal and call the young man Yun Chengtian. Rescue it." Although the voice of the emperor is not loud, it is sonorous and powerful.

"Yes, Lord God." The gods of the five clans all responded.

Due to time constraints, all the god kings immediately sent an order. In addition to the guards, all the above people in the clan felt the ghost clan within an hour. Even if they are now closed, they will be forced to leave the customs.

After all, the slaughter of Wanfeng array was sealed at the cost of the lives of the four god kings. Although they did not know that the four people were not dead, their power was not the same. If they wanted to save Yun Chengtian, they had to make all the preparations. The opportunity was probably only this time.

I don't know what happened among the four clans, but since the god king ordered, there was no obstacle among all clans. The masters of all races came out and marched towards the ghost clan together.

The most silent ghost clan among the four clans suddenly became lively at this moment.

So many people came all of a sudden. Although the ghost clan is wide, there is not such a large space to place them in the inner city of the ghost clan. Therefore, after consideration by the five god kings, the gods of each ethnic group were allowed to enter the inner city of the ghost clan, and many gods temporarily rest outside the city of the ghost clan city.

Everyone called here inexplicably and didn't know what had happened. Because this matter was too confidential, even the god knew few, not to mention these gods.

Fifty gods stood in the ghost hall together. Some gods were a little excited when they saw the god emperor for the first time, but when they thought of gathering the power of the whole divine world here, what happened must not be a trivial matter.

"Cough." The divine emperor cleared his throat and told everyone about the slaughter of Wanfeng array. Some of them already knew and did not show much surprise. Most of the gods heard this for the first time, so they did not know that now that this matter could threaten the comfort of the ghosts and the divine world, and everyone was surprised. .

The scene suddenly became chaotic. Although the emperor is the peak of the divine world and their boss, in the divine world, low level only admires the existence of high levels, and obedience to orders is also based on admiration, and the superior's oppression and control of subordinates is not Existence.

Because they heard this, the gods suddenly forgot that the emperor was still on it, and couldn't help discussing it. In the originally quiet hall, it suddenly became messy.

"Taoist friends." The emperor cleared his throat and signaled everyone to be quiet.

Hearing the emperor's words, everyone suddenly calmed down.

"All Taoist friends, we have informed everyone about the matter. Now you can return to your own clan and inform other Taoist friends about this matter, but remember that this matter must not be known to many people in the divine world." There was majesty in the voice of the emperor. As soon as this word came out, no one dared to disobey.

Seeing that many gods suddenly dispersed and disappeared, the emperor said to several gods, "You should also go down and have a look, so as not to cause anything else in the army." Obviously, the divine emperor is still worried about the gods of all races.

"Well, we know." Several gods answered and disappeared in an instant.

"If it can make the whole divine world so popular, I would like to see what kind of character this little guy is, slaughtering ghost flames..." Suddenly, there was an inexplicable meaning in the emperor's eyes.

An hour later, all the people and horses gathered 100 meters around the altar.

"I'll go and have a look first. There are changes in the altar." The Purple Feng God King is the master of the ghost clan, and naturally he should also shoulder this responsibility.

After saying that, the Purple Front God King turned into a purple light and entered the cave.

On both sides of the divine emperor, standing the Weide God King, the Cloud Fantasy God King, the Red Pupil God King and the Pure Sky God King from the Buddha clan. After the five people, there are the 50 god kings, and at the end, there are hundreds of divine envoys.

Because of the low position of the gods, many of them saw the emperor for the first time and saw such a big scene for the first time, so they couldn't help but be very excited.

Suddenly, a purple light flew out of the cave.

"Zifeng sent a signal. Everything is normal. We can go in." Looking at the purple light, the emperor couldn't help loosening his frown, waved his hand, and rushed into the cave first.

Following, the four god kings, fifty gods, and hundreds of gods all turned into a light and rushed in. In an instant, the periphery of the altar of this holy place was like a river of light.

In it, the Purple Feng God King has already broken the holy gate outside the altar. Although the holy gate is strong and a lot of gravel has been added behind it, these are nothing for a god king.

Everyone knew what had happened before, so everyone looked solemn, and some people still had some proud faces.

Also, when I talk to my disciples and grandchildren in the future, I have contributed to saving the divine world, which is also an enhancement to my prestige.

"Zifeng, according to the previous arrangement, no matter what, you are all ghosts. This slaughter will not have too much rejection of you, so let's temporarily open this seal together and let you enter to rescue the young man called Yun Chengtian." The emperor said slowly.

"Yes." Zifeng nodded. Somehow, there was a trace of tension in his heart, accompanied by a trace of excitement.

When he reached the level of cultivation of the God King, his heart was already calm. The Purple Feng God King did not know how long he had been nervous and excited. Unexpectedly, today, this long-lost feeling came to him again.

"However, your speed must be fast. The seal contains the power of slaughtering ghost flames, and the seal was completed by four emperor-level masters at the cost of their lives. Even if we can open a door, we can't insist on too much time. Within ten seconds, you must come out. For ten seconds, I I believe that with the strength of all of us, we can still hold on. If you can't get out within ten seconds... You know." The divine emperor frowned and said to Zi Feng.

In fact, he doesn't have confidence in himself. Not to mention ten seconds, whether he can open this way is a question. Ten seconds is the greatest comfort he can give to the Zifeng God King and the greatest comfort to himself.

"Okay, Lord, don't worry, as long as Yun Chengtian is still alive, I will definitely send him out within ten seconds." There was also a trace of caution on the face of the Purple Feng God King.

"Okay, then get ready." The emperor sighed and walked away slowly.

"Even if you can't find that boy, you have to come out." The Red Pupil God King slowly came over. On the side of the Red Pupil God King, as well as the Cloud Fantasy God King and the Jingkong God King, as for the Weide God King, he had already ran to the side of the God Emperor.

"Well, don't worry, anyway, I'm also the king of ghosts." A smile appeared on the face of the Purple Front God King, but a bitter smile.

"We believe in you." The three god kings said in one voice.

"I also believe you." A clear voice also sounded from the side.