Supreme Crazy Concubine

Chapter 85 Beautiful Men's Face!

Thousands of long arrows shot at her.

"Hmm! Want to catch me? In the next life!" Xue Aofeng said, and Qianyan was cold, "BMW, come out!"

Soon, the Warcraft Unicorn BMW was summoned, and Xue Aofeng quickly sat on it with Mu Zeqing in her arms and galloped towards the distance in the air...

"Damn!" Jia Ying saw Xue Aofeng running away in the sky and squeezed the palm of her hand fiercely.

"General, what about these arms?" A bodyguard asked.

"All collected and charged according to national law! In addition, ask the master to come here, and I will report to the emperor!" Jiaying said and calmed her eyes.



The vast air is vast and boundless. Tianma flies alone, which is very comfortable.

Xue Aofeng held Mu Zeqing in one hand, grabbed the horse rope in the other, and smiled evilly at the corners of his mouth, "Isn't it cool?"

"Uh...what's so cool! My goods..." Although Mu Zeqing is a little depressed, the feeling of being wrapped around his waist now is so crisply. What's more, this person is not someone else, but Xue Aofeng!

"Isn't it unpleasant? Is it a little tighter?" After saying that, Xue Aofeng deliberately hugged him tightly again. Seeing Mu Zeqing's sudden blushing face, he smiled happily, "Oh, Mu Zeqing, your blushing face is really cute."

"Xue Aofeng, my things are gone, can you still laugh?" Mu Zeqing said angrily.

"Oh, are you coming to blame me now? Mu Zeqing, can you figure it out? Without me, Xue Aofeng, you would have been arrested by that young general long ago, and you still have to compensate me for the loss of spirit and reputation!" Xue Aofeng laughed.


"You boy dumped arms and pulled me as a cushion. Mu Zeqing, your calculation is too good!"

"Xue Aofeng, I really didn't sell arms. I swear to God!"

"No, how can those things be in your box?"

"What a injustice! Who am I going to find to redress the grievance!"

"You boy is dead, selling arms, death!"

While the two are arguing in the sky.

The people in the forest somewhere on the ground looked this way in unison.

"Prince, there seems to be a giant flying beast in the air!"

"Yes, yes, it seems to be a flying bird! I've never seen such a big bird!"

"What a bird, it's obviously a horse! Pegasus! It's Pegasus!!"

"No, there seems to be two shadows sitting on it..."

"Prince, what should I do? They seem to be coming this way."

Then everyone's eyes focused on a heroic and beautiful young man. He wore a purple gold crown, his face was as bright as the moon, his eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and a smooth arc under the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, full of cold evil.

"Take my arrow!" The corners of the prince's mouth were slightly raised.

"Yes." Soon a long carved bow and arrow came up, and the exquisite dragon pattern on it could see this extraordinary weapon.

Flying ice wings take the arrow and aim at the sky, to the ground! Shoot out.

Soon, BMW was shocked by the arrow that suddenly shot at him and immediately flew around, but unexpectedly, the arrow was unrelentlessly tracking and kept chasing them, vowing to have the momentum to shoot.

"Daw, what is this?" Xue Aofeng looked at the strange arrow and closed her eyes slightly.

"Master, it seems to be an artifact!" BMW replied, constantly flapping its wings and escaping a little awkwardly.

"Uh... is it an artifact again? It's so dizzy. Why do you have such a relationship with the magic weapon in your life?" Xue Aofeng smiled and suddenly stretched his arm towards him... At the same time, he shouted more, "Don't hide, BMW, face it... meet it!"

"Yes." BMW replied, and then turned the horse's head and galloped towards the arrow. Although it was very dangerous, the order to the master was the imperial edict. What's more, it fully believed that the master would be able to clean up the golden arrow!

"What are you going to do?" However, Xue Aofeng's move scared the handsome man in front of him.

"Haha, what are you doing? What do you think? Isn't it good to use you as an arrow target? Xue Aofeng suddenly smiled and wanted to play such a prank.

Now, Mu Zeqing looked at the long arrow flying towards him, and his handsome face was full of cold sweat. "Xue Aofeng, no, Princess Aofeng, I haven't offended you!"

"Ha ha, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid of death? Xue Aofeng laughed.

At the moment when Mu Ze closed her eyes, Xue Aofeng had reached out and grabbed the flying golden arrow tightly in the palm of her hand. A wisp of hair was shot in mid-air and let the wind float. The sharp arrow that flew directly over Mu Zeqing's temples was 100% dangerous. If it shifted a little more, it would be right. Zhong Mu Zeqing's handsome face.

But this happened to be calculated by Xue Aofeng's golden ratio, which scared Mu Zeqing's heart to stop at that moment, and cold sweat filled his spine. His face suddenly turned white.

"Hey, you're not dead yet. Open your eyes!" Xue Aofeng joked with a smile.

"Xue Aofeng, you are simply crazy!" Mu Zeqing cursed unbearably. With a slight squint, she saw the golden arrow that brushed her temples, which was firmly grasped by her palm.

"Oh, Mu Zeqing, don't be ignorant! I'm saving you!" Xue Aofeng smiled and looked down at a place below. There were several figures standing there. This arrow probably came from below!

"How did you get here, just give me how to go down--" Xue Aofeng shouted, and a powerful death magic power covered the whole arrow in an hour. This time, there is no need to drip blood, and the death magic that has already reached the point of emptiness, on the ground! He was thrown out by Xue Aofeng.

The golden arrow shot back in the same direction!

The people on the ground looked shocked.

"Well, what is that?"

"It seems to be the arrow of His Royal Highness!"

How could it come back? It's incredible!"

"It's amazing!"

Just as everyone was surprised by this scene. Suddenly, a man in the crowd shouted, "Protect the car, escort quickly!"

Bum! Even so, he stabbed a shield and directly destroyed the soldier's leg...

"Damn!" The flying wings cursed, but another person waved to the sky in surprise.

"Xue Aofeng! Xue Aofeng!! What a Xue Aofeng!!" The shouter was none other than the Seventh Highness Feihao who followed him to hunt. It turned out that when he saw them, he was a little suspicious, but he didn't dare to recognize each other because they were too far away. It took him a long time before he dared to shout out.

"Seventh brother, do you know them?" Fei Bingyi looked at the excited person opposite, and his dark eyes were sinister.

"Brother, that's Xue Aofeng, the Xue Aofeng I mentioned to you!" Feihao said excitedly, and then waved to the sky again, "Hey, hey, Xue Aofeng, I'm here!" Feihao is here!! Come down quickly!"

"Xue Aofeng..." Flying ice wing chewed the name, raised its head slightly, and looked at the high school galloping unicorn zebra. Which one of the two people sitting on it is her?

It is said that Xue Aofeng is a princess of the Qian Kingdom. The woman dressed up as a man is even more unrestrained, and her magic is even more amazing. She beat the genius wild dance of Kaiyang College. The two crazy talents Ouyang Su and Xiao Lan of Yuheng College won at the end of the ring. Everyone was impressed by her, and countless men were impressed by her. She fell down, and her reputation of Xue Aofeng fluttered in the five lakes and shocked the world...

What kind of woman lives as wonderfully as she? What kind of woman can compare with her Xue Aofeng?

The eyes of the flying ice wings are slightly shivering, looking at the people who are gradually falling in the sky, and the heart that has never been turbulent for anyone will also have a sense of expectation.

It was not until that day that the horse finally galloped in a large circle in the sky that it landed steadily in front of people. Xue Aofeng had been holding Mu Zeqing with one hand. At this time, she slightly loosened, and her invincible handsome face was full of a perfect intoxicating smile. Soon, she jumped off her horse and opened a men's robe dressed in soot, which made the people opposite even more amazing.

It's really a charming person, and it's a special alternative... There is a meaningful smile on the peerless face of Tsinghua.

Xue Aofeng's eyes swept over everyone. When he looked at the flying ice wings, he just slipped by and quickly stayed on one person. And Feihao has strode forward and stopped a few steps away.

Feihao's eyes were full of excitement and excitement, "Xue Aofeng... No, I'd better call you captain. I didn't expect to meet you here!"

"I didn't expect to meet you here, Feihao." Xue Aofeng looked at him with a smile and said, "How's your sister?"

"Good! Sister Feiqiong is very good, and she has been thinking about you very much!" Fei Hao said with a smile.

"hehe." Xue Aofeng smiled. For Feiqiong, the princess of the Huolan Kingdom, since the competition, the relationship between the two has gradually changed from the previous hostile stalemate to trust and harmony, thus becoming friendship. In addition to fighting on the same front, this transformation was conquered by Xue Aofeng's invincible personality charm.

"Feihao! Isn't it boring for you to leave without saying hello? Mu Zeqing conneed the flying Hao.

"I'm really sorry, at that time..." Feihao was about to explain something.

Suddenly, a voice inserted in front, "At that time, my father was not feeling well, so he urgently recalled his seventh brother back to Beijing. No wonder!" The handsome prince Feiyi, dressed in a Chinese robe and light armor, stepped forward and generously took Feihao's shoulder.

"No one will blame you for your long love." Xue Aofeng replied with a smile.

"Oh! Captain, why didn't you see Shen Xingchen? Unexpectedly, Feihao's third sentence also asked Shen Xingchen. It's almost the same as Mu Zeqing before!