Supreme Crazy Concubine

Chapter 106 Kill her! Borrow the corpse to return the soul!

"Explosion! My undead forbidden spell, the light of the water system, destroy it--" Xue Aofeng encouraged all his power, concentrated on one point, risking the body may explode, and released this death magic forbidden spell. The crown on the top of the head was washed away by the power, and countless ink silk scattered at the bottom of the water, becoming an enchanting curve. The "S" light print of death flashed on the forehead, and the power exploded at this time...

All the water around, no, it should be said that almost all the water in this deep pool has been controlled by her...

The magic spell itself is a trick that uses natural power to impose its absolute advantage on its own victory! At this time, there is no sun, moon and starlight available, and this water source of course becomes a controllable must-win weapon!

The powerful water vortex in this pool is definitely no less than an atomic bomb explosion.

Boom! There was a violent explosion in my ear, and the ground shook the mountain!

In an instant, the flower tree with an iron wall was uprooted, and even the leaves were destroyed in an instant. The whole tree fell down, and finally it was rolled up by water without residue.

The water is like a flood disaster, rushing out of the bath hall under the surging tide. All the natural stones in the bath hall have cracked, countless huge stones have fallen, and the bath hall will soon collapse... At the moment of collapse, a gorgeous figure has disappeared like an electric light.

And the turbulence of this bath hall made the whole Yanluo Hall sway... Rumbled... The bath hall collapsed... There was a continuous cable reaction that affected the collapse of other halls.

Looking at this disastrous destruction, a red robe body has swept halfway through the island, and a victorious smile appeared on the invincible beautiful face of the city...

"It's all over." Xue Aofeng looked down at the island and looked at the completely collapsed palace! He pulled away the red robe with both hands and shouted, "Give it back to you!" Simply throw it into the air...

The red bloody robe swayed, like the rootless fallen leaves, falling with the wind until it fell into the bottomless sea and swept away by the wild current...


At this time, Yanluo Island has become a mess. The figures waiting in the hall gushed out one after another.

"Uh... Oh, my God! What's going on?" The black-dressed Mingsha looked at the collapsed image and was completely surprised and speechless. The first time he shook his body and rushed to the Demon King's Hall...

At this time, ** and psychedelic gorgeous**, Zuo Mojun Zi corrected holding the "Little Dragon Girl"-like beauty Bai Yifei while sleeping soundly, suddenly the mountain shook his nerves and subconsciously opened his eyes. When the first sight reflected in the silver pupil was the side face of a woman...

At a glance.

The sudden anger is like a volcanic eruption, but I'm afraid that something more angry than the volcanic eruption is waiting for him.

At this time, Bai Yifei was also awakened by the turbulence. As soon as she opened her eyes, she looked at the angry and powerful silver pupils. The silver suddenly aggravaged, and a dry hidden anger seemed to be ready to be violent.

"Lord Zuo Mojun..." Bai Yifei said softly and put her hand on her chest slightly. She looked shy.

"Get out!" Zuo Mojun shouted in a low voice, clenched the palm of his hand immediately, and then stopped saying anything. He lifted the bedding with a calm face and looked at the clothes next to him. The invisible power released made the clothes perfectly wear on his body.

Before he walked out of the hall, he saw the panicked sand that flashed into the hall.

"What's going on?"

"No, Lord Zuo Mojun, the bath hall... was destroyed!"

Zuo Mojun's heart was stunned and flashed into light and shadow. Unfortunately, what he saw was only a ruin annihilated by water, which was unspeakable...

Zuo Mojun stood on a high ground outside the bath hall as if he had been petrified and looked at the turbulent environment. At that second, the eyes of Canyin's eyes were very heavy, and there was no expression on his too white skin, but the coldness was deeper and deeper, like frostbite like vertebrae into the bone marrow, covering his heart. Wrap...

"How can this... be..." The belated Bai Yifei trembled her lips and suddenly felt a sense of fear in the bottom of her heart.

Zuo Mojun's eyes were slightly and he didn't look back. The calm voice sounded frightening, "Where's Xue Aofeng? Where is she?"

Bai Yifei and Mingsha stood next to him, and no one answered his words. The powerful air vortex suddenly wrapped the two people, pulling nerves and suppressing their breathing.

"Lord Demon Lord, please forgive me!" The two knelt down together.

"Bai Yifei, say!" Zuo Mojun's voice was very gentle, and he couldn't see too much fluctuation and emotion. But the more calm it is, the more frightening it is!

"I...I...I don't know." Bai Yifei's eyes whitened and her eyes were full of fear. Maybe it was not until this moment that she realized how cruel and ruthless she fell in love with a demon. However, love has no regrets and is not guilty, even if you give your life... willingly!

Sudderfully, the air pressure collapsed, just like the bloody blade! Bai Yifei couldn't control her throat until she swallowed her last breath. She collapsed to the ground, and her beautiful face never closed her eyes. She looked at the tall person in front of her and shed a line of tears in her eyes...

Maybe it was not her fault to meet, but she put love in the wrong position. She forgot that his left demon king was not a human being, but... demon!

The first meeting may be just a small accident in his opinion.

Bai Yifei died. When Mingsha saw her body, his heart was shocked. This Zuo Mojun was really horrible.

"This is the end of those who betrayed me!" Zuo Mojun Zixiu gently picked up his lips, and his snow-white face was cold and cold. At this second, he clearly felt the disillusionment of what substance in his body.

How dare you plant this flower demon on him? Oh, I'm really looking for death.

"Lord Zuo Mojun, what should I do now? The flower tree was destroyed..." Mingsha asked carefully. I'm afraid that if I'm not careful, I will follow in the footsteps of Bai Yifei.

"If it's destroyed, it will be destroyed..." Zuo Mojun said lightly, as if this destroyed disaster was nothing to him. Yes, there is one thing more important than that.

"Clean up this place and do what I say." Zuo Mojun's silver eyes had a trace of dark flow, and then his body turned into a Taoist electric light and disappeared in this space.

Mingsha looked back at Bai Yifei's body, and gradually, her soul floated out of her body.

"Bai Yifei, you are really looking for your own suffering..." Mingsha said to the ghost.

"Mingsha, I'm not reconciled, I'm really unwilling... I don't want to die like this!" Bai Yifei looked at the underworld sand, and the transparent soul trembled with uncontrollable pain.

"Oh..." Mingsha sighed, "Well, what can I do for you?"

"Let me return my soul!" Bai Yifei looked at Mingsha in an extremely firm tone.

"Borrow the corpse to return the soul?" Mingsha was stunned, but immediately denied her idea, "No, you can't resurrect..."

He was granted the privilege of dealing with souls and corpses that had not been annihilated by the Left Demon King, but this does not mean that he can abuse his power.

"Don't worry, I won't involve you. As long as you cling to others and resurrect, he won't know." Bai Yifei said.

"..." Ming Sha thought about it and didn't answer immediately. The handsome face sank. If possible, he didn't want her to die.

Bai Yifei's soul floated in front of him, looked at the handsome man in black, and suddenly knelt down to him...

"What are you doing?" Mingsha was shocked.

"Please, Mingsha, I have nothing left..." Bai Yifei bit her lip and sobbed.

Mingsha looked at her, and her handsome face reflected a trace of pity, "Okay, I'll let you borrow the corpse to return your soul."