Supreme Crazy Concubine

Chapter 126 Let her see it!

Xue Aofeng stared at his face and said very slowly, "Let me see...your...heart!" The crystal clear purple pupils are full of cold and cold fierceness...

"Do you dare? Cut your heart and let me see..." Just when Xue Aofeng saw the last sound of the words.

Bang! A touch of gas rushed back into the chest, and the blood mist splashed in the air to form the most beautiful fireworks...

Suddenly, Ying Hongxue Aofeng's eyes, she was completely stunned, and her footsteps could no longer move.

A drop of blood fell on his feet, escaped from the thin corners of his lips, winding down the beautiful jaw...

Qin Shaoling stroked his chest with one hand, resisted the heart-piercing hurricane pain, staggered two steps, and his voice was low, "I'm sorry... really... I don't want you to be sad..." His chest pulled nerves, his legs and feet were soft, and he could no longer support his body to kneel on the ground.

" Shao Ling!" Xue Aofeng jumped up with a sword step and firmly supported his body, but the heavy weight still overwhelmed her to the ground.

Qin Shaoling fell into Xue Aofeng's arms, and the bright and dazzling wet her hands and clothes from her chest, which hurt her heart even more.

"You...are you really..." Xue Aofeng doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. This person... is still as usual... stupid! Such a man is like Qin Shaoling, whom she has always loved!

Xue Aofeng subconsciously hugged him, and his eyes were even more red.

" get up..." Qin Shaoling choking his voice and looked up at her holding him. He saw her sharp purple pupil become moist, as if he was in tears, and his heart trembled. There was really nothing to regret at this moment.

"Don't say these three words anymore, say... I love you..." Xue Aofeng looked at him, and the resentment had melted for a moment. One hand had already pressed the injured chest and instantly entered through the magic repair power... The hot blood also dyed his fingers red.

" you..." Qin Shaoling desphemed her and couldn't bear to spit out her sincerity anymore. Maybe this is a lifelong disaster, destined!

"Ha...cough..." Qin Shaoling smiled, followed by a continuous choking cough.

"Hey, don't really die!" Xue Aofeng smiled and gently pressed his back, continuing to pass on the magic power.

Qin Shaoling felt a continuous and broad force coming through his body, and those forces quickly focused on his chest and gradually healed his wounds.

"Close your eyes and let me heal your wounds!" Xue Aofeng concame him.

"Good." Qin Shaoling closed his eyelids and sat cross-legged.

After a long time, the air calmed down, full of warmth and affection.

When Qin Shaoling slowly opened his eyes, the messy inner breath in his chest was smooth without any discomfort.

"Ao Feng, the magic you ingested is a little strange..." Qin Shaoling's eyelids were slightly matched, and the long eyelashes of the butterfly wings brushed a charming shadow.

Xue Aofeng was quite fascinated. She released her hand on her back, wrapped her arms around his waist, and smiled sweetly. "Of course, this is the magic of the dead!" He gently stroked his injured chest with one hand, "There are only some injuries left. I'll just use magic potion to deal with it for you."

"Thank you." Qin Shaoling slightly pressed her hand on her chest and smiled lightly.

"What did you say to me?" Xue Aofeng smiled, and then gently lifted his robe, and a piece of snow-white skin was exposed. Xue Aofeng closed her eyes, and the healing technique was skillful. She poured the magic potion into his chest. A magically bright light flashed, and the skin had recovered as before and was perfect. But the indelible scar on the collarbone pierced her eyes vividly.

Qin Shaoling noticed her eyes, turned her face slightly, and deliberately put the scar on her hair.

A slender hand frivolously picked up his jaw, and Xue Aofeng's face was full of a smiley soft light. "What's the matter? Are you afraid I see it?"

"Aofeng!" Qin Shaoling felt the close breathing and heat, and his heart was beating inexhaustably.

"What? You still don't want to... give it to me?" Xue Aofeng looked at him, and his eyes narrowed into a crack.

"No." Qin Shaoling blushed, tightened his arms, and held the beautiful woman in his arms, making her really feel her heartbeat and throbbing. "I can't wrong you like this! You are the princess of Jinzhi Yuye..."

"Is this another excuse?" Xue Aofeng lay on his back and spit softly in his ear, "You know, I don't care about these vulgar etiquette at all."

"I care." Qin Shaoling quickly took her words, helped her up slightly and looked into her eyes. "When something happens here, I will beg the emperor to marry me and let you marry me openly."

"Really?" Such decisive words floated like clouds in Xue Aofeng's ears. I'm afraid that if a hurricane blows, there will be nothing left.

"Hmm." Qin Shaoling's eyes were shining, his voice was very clear, and the bottom of his heart was even clearer.

Xue Aofeng smiled and heard the promise he had dreamed of. His tone was calm and indifferent, "So what about your mentor? Have you thought about it too?"