Supreme Crazy Concubine

Chapter 147 The crazy Jinjin!

Xue Aofeng ran towards them, "Stars!" Xue Aofeng looked at the people in Yin Shuang's arms with concern.

"Don't worry, he's fine." Yin Shuang comforted.

"Why are you here?" Xue Aofeng concame him, with a few inexperable rays in his eyes.

"I also came here inadvertently, and then saved this person at the moment when the grave cellar was destroyed." Yin Shuang casually pulled a reason.

"Thank you...... Thank you for saving him!" Although Xue Aofeng said thank you, his eyes did not leave Shen Xingchen's face for a moment. Although I don't know how Yin Shuang cleaned up the flying gold chain, all this is no longer important. The important thing is that Shen Xingchen has been saved.

"Master, you are too out of the way." Yin Shuang said, but her heart was a little uncomfortable.

Xue Aofeng noticed something and raised her eyes and smiled at him. It's good to be strong. You can do many things that many ordinary people can't do at all.

The two returned to the Shuihua Hall together. After placing Shen Xingchen, Xue Aofeng already looked a little tired.

"Master, you are also tired. Go to bed early!" Yin Shuang looked at the blood in her eyes and said sadly.

Xue Aofeng desphemed him and didn't say anything for a long time.

"If you have a mind, just say whatever you want!" Yin Shuang asked with a smile and slowly walked to her.

"..." Xue Aofeng calmed down his eyes. This matter has indeed been suppressed for a long time. Sometimes, she will be trapped by this. She wants to ask, she wants to know more about how sure she is to enter Jin.

"Are you still worried about that man?" Yin Shuang guessed that although the surface was as gentle as before, the dangerous dark light penetrated deeply through her eyes.

"Thank you very much for Shen Xingchen's matter, Yin Shuang." Xue Aofeng thought for a moment and said, "Although I wonder why Shen Xingchen was locked in such a place, especially the territory that belongs to our Shuihua Tianmen."

"Do you suspect that I detained him privately?" Yin Shuang asked lightly, with a slight expression.

Xue Aofeng looked at him with such a bright pair of beautiful burgundy eyes. She should not doubt, "I believe... it's not you."

Yin Shuang smiled and said, "Thank you for your trust." Seeing a few wisps of blood in her crystal purple eyes, she said sadly, "You are very tired..."

"Can you tell me where there is God Warcraft?" Xue Aofeng's voice seemed calm and entangled for a long time. She still wanted to try hard, but she hadn't tried yet. How could she know it was unsuccessful?

"What?" Yin Shuang's eyes were full of doubts and immediately thought of something.

"Tell me!" Xue Aofeng raised his eyes, and his eyes were full of desire and urgency.

Yin Shuang did not answer her immediately, but was silent and said, "Are you looking for God Warcraft to enter Jin magic?"

Xue Aofeng's eyes sank and answered a word, "Yes."

"Your current fighting spirit is close to the level of Wu Zun. Why are you so demanding perfection?" Yin Shuang said, and there was a faint light on the handsome demon's face.

"Ask for perfection?" Xue Aofeng repeated this word slightly with a bitter smile on the corners of her mouth, "What can I do even if I become Wu Zun? At the critical time, I still can't save my friends. I can't compare with you at all. Therefore, I must enter Jin. Even if I become a man, I will enter Jin without regret!"

Perhaps when she began to enter the Great Magic Guide from the Holy Magic Guide, she did not have much persistence when she encountered this difficult bottleneck, but when she saw Shen Xingchen struggling to death, she was unable to rescue her. At that moment, her heart was painful.

"..." Yin Shuang's eyes suddenly sank heavily and turned into Jin? What kind of method is this? So evil?

"Xue Aofeng, what are you stupid? You're not crazy, are you?" Yin Shuang suddenly became a little worried. This woman is crazy and obsessed with cultivation now. Is she almost obsessed?

"I'm not crazy. Tell me, where can there be a god warcraft?" Xue Aofeng looked at him and was stunned.

"Go to the God Warcraft, with your current strength..." Yin Shuang calmed her eyes and said thinking about the consequences, "This will probably only cost your life."

"If you don't fight, how do you know that I will lose my life? Isn't every time Jin comes from the difficult thorns? Xue Aofeng smiled, and his eyes were full of glory.

"Your magic..." Yin Shuang was silent. It was really difficult to understand this magic. Why did she transform when she entered Jin?

"Why do you have to use this evil method to enter Jin?" Yin Shuang condescribed at her and couldn't imagine what would happen when she really broke her daughter?

"It is because of evil that it works wonders." Xue Aofeng smiled helplessly. Why did she think this, but how can she continue to walk this road if she is not strong? Since you have embarked on this road of upgrading, you are doomed to... there is no turning back!

"No, I don't agree!" Yin Shuang stared at her face and said seriously, "Xue Aofeng, you are a woman, not a man. If you have to do this to enter Jin, you can give up!"

"Give up? Oh, it doesn't hurt or itch when you say it. But you're not me, and you don't understand my pain at all!" Xue Aofeng crossed his face. Thinking of this intractable bottleneck, she feels crazy every time she dreams. She is also worried about whether she can recover from the transformation if the slavery is successful, which is completely a quite dangerous adventure.

Once she can't recover, her happy dreams of Xue Aofeng and Qin Shaoling will be shattered...

"Forget it, you go down first and pay attention to the search for the gods and monsters." After saying that, Xue Aofeng skimmed his body to prevent his worries from being exposed to people.

Yin Shuang looked at her shadow and wanted to comfort something, but found that she couldn't say it. She said lightly, "Go to bed early and don't think nonsense."

Then an electric light disappeared in the air.

Xue Aofeng looked at the scenery somewhere, and his eyes were slightly frozen. Thinking of someone, my eyebrows tightened.

If I become a man, will you still let me kiss you?

Someone was stunned and answered, unless I was crazy...

"Shao Ling..." Xue Aofeng's eyes were scattered with some unknown threads. The palm of his hand trembled slightly. The deep mind reveals the faint desolation, and the curling hair in front of the chest escapes with the footsteps, dancing in the air, forming a gorgeous curve. It seduces people's souls and is intoxicated...


In the morning of the next day, the light shone on the earth.

Xue Aofeng came to Shen Xingchen's residence very early. Seeing the calm sleeping appearance of the people on the bed, he turned his face slightly and ordered, "When did Mr. Shen wake up? Remember to inform me."

"Yes, doorkeeper."

A day hurriedly passed until dusk. When Xue Aofeng on the Shuihua Hall was discussing the matter of the master's meeting with Yin Shuang, a servant hurried to report and asked her to stand up from the throne and quickly walk towards the side hall.

Yin Shuang looked at the bottom of her eyes and then followed.

When Shen Xingchen saw Xue Aofeng, his eyes were full of a strange light.

"Star, what do you think?" Xue Aofeng's eyes were full of surprise, and he looked much better. However, the other party's answer in the next second surprised her.

"Who are you?"

"..." Xue Aofeng looked at him with a trace of suspicion in his eyes, "You..."

Shen Xingchen looked at the other party with doubt, and his memory was already blank.

"Who the hell are you?" Then he looked at the gorgeous and empty environment, "What is this place? How can I be here?"

Xue Aofeng's eyes suddenly sank, looked at Yin Shuang next to him, and seemed to ask, why was it like this?

"When the grave cellar exploded, it may have hurt his brain." Yin Shuang said calmly, and there was a darkness in his eyes that could not be seen clearly.

"That means that he is likely to lose his memory?" Xue Aofeng con't for each other. I feel a little surprised by Shen Xingchen's state.

"It's possible." Yin Shuang replied.

"Who are you, what kind of grave cellar, and who am I? Why do you call me Xingchen? Shen Xingchen's mood is obviously a little unstable. His mind is too empty now. The terrible darkness covers everything and he can't remember anything at all.

When Xue Aofeng was about to answer, a voice rushed in front of her, "Your name is Shen Xingchen, a descendant of Shen Gate. You accidentally fell into the grave cellar and was saved by our doorkeeper." Yin Shuang still looked calm when she looked at Xue Aofeng's face.

Xue Aofeng didn't say anything, but looked at Shen Xingchen. He had some different thoughts in his heart. He suddenly lost his memory and didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing. What's more, I think of the last confessions in the grave cellar, which are heartbreaking and sad, as well as the hatred of his Shen family being destroyed. Maybe it's better for him if he can't remember all this, at least he doesn't have to think about these pains anymore.

"Yes, I'm Xue Aofeng, Shen Xingchen, and you have lost your memory now. Just have a good rest here! If there is anything you need, just say it. Xue Aofeng said.

Shen Xingchen didn't say anything, but looked at her for a long time before nodding.

"Don't worry, you will remember everything slowly." Xue Aofeng said gently, and then looked at the handsome man in red robe beside him, "Let's go and let him have a good rest."

Xue Aofeng quickly left the room with Yin Shuang. Shen Xingchen was left alone and looked at all this confusedly.

"I'm Shen Xingchen..." Shen Xingchen muttered to himself, looking at his palms. His amber eyes were deeply confused. When he wanted to get out of bed, he found that his legs could not move at all.

" legs..." A sad cry made people nervously numb.


In the Shuihua bedroom. Xue Aofeng rested slightly on his forehead, and a sound of footsteps approached this side and stopped from afar.

The other party's habitual movements have made Xue Aofeng a little familiar.

"Master, are you looking for me?" Yin Shuang stepped into the bedroom and looked at her very annoyed. She couldn't help guessing, "Master, are you still worried about Shen Xingchen?"