Supreme Crazy Concubine

Chapter 164 All Memories

"Oh, hehe, okay, don't think about it if you can't remember." Xue Aofeng replied.

"I think I still need to find an undead magician to recover all my memories..." Shen Xingchen replied.

Sum, a voice inserted, "The Undead Magician?" Qin Shaoling looked at Shen Xingchen and looked at Xue Aofeng. He couldn't help saying, "Why don't you look for..."

Before he finished speaking, Xue Aofeng said quickly, "I think you should go to Xianmiao Island to find a flower magic guide or a moon magic guide. They are all star masters of Xianmiao Island and will definitely help you recover your memory."

"..." Qin Shaoling did not answer, but looked at Xue Aofeng strangely. She is obviously an undead magician. Why did she let Shen Xingchen go near and seek far? Is Shen Xingchen's memory loss related to Xue Aofeng?

The more Qin Shaoling thinks about it, the more wrong he feels.

"Hmm. I will." Shen Xingchen said, and then took out the imperial jade pendant of the Qianguo and handed it back to Xue Aofeng, "This should be yours, not mine. I was ordered by my adoptive father, and I didn't wear a jade pendant at all."

"Hehe...yes. You remember it all." Xue Aofeng smiled and then didn't say anything more. He took the jade pendant. "Then tomorrow morning, I'll send you out of the valley, and you can go to the magician early. It's not early. You can also rest early. You'd better stay in your former room."

Shen Xingchen did not answer, but looked at Xue Aofeng's face, which was a little puzzled and didn't remember anything. This face was familiar but so strange.

" Shao Ling, come with me! I'll change your clothes." Xue Aofeng turned to Qin Shaoling and looked thoughtfully at his bloody white robe.

"Don't be so troublesome." Qin Shaoling replied, but she couldn't resist Xue Aofeng and followed her to her Shuihua Hall.

Shen Xingchen watched Xue Aofeng leave with Qin Shaoling. Somehow, there was an inexplicable loss in his heart. He didn't know why. He was ordered by Snow Sword. What's ridiculous is that he can't remember what Snow Sword's order was...

The memory of her has been completely lost... Can't it be found again?

Shen Xingchen was confused. His amber pupils reflected the full void. He did not return to the room and walked slowly towards the forest...


Shuihua Hall has now been renamed Fenghua Hall. The starlight wine of the moon night raised a gorgeous hazy glow under this towering castle.

Xue Aofeng pulled Qin Shaoling's elbow and quickly walked to the bedroom. As soon as she arrived at the bedroom, she could no longer control her and turned her head and hugged the person behind her...

"Ao Feng... What's wrong with you?" Qin Shaoling felt her abnormality and the strength of her arm.

"Don't ask, just let me hold you." Xue Aofeng hugged him tightly and said nothing. She leaned her beautiful face against his chest and felt the hottest temperature.

"..." Qin Shaoling didn't say anything more and silently let her hold her, holding her waist through her armpits.

The air fell silent, leaving only the ambiguous feelings of the two slowly flowing in the palace and spreading...

It took a long time for the soft words to come through, "Why are you so stupid every time?"

"What?" Qin Shaoling asked, with a faint and soft light in his blue eyes.

Xue Aofeng raised her eyes, raised her eyes slightly, and put her hands on his neck. "You just now!"

"What happened just now?" Qin Shaoling pretended to smile stupidly.

Xue Aofeng covered his blood-stained chest with his hand, "Does it still hurt here?"

"It's okay. Shen Xingchen's undead magic is really powerful." Qin Shaoling smiled.

"Let me have a look." After saying that, Xue Aofeng was about to open his skirt.

"It's really okay..." Qin Shaoling's face was slightly hot.

"Good boy, let me see!" Xue Aofeng said and touched his skirt.

Qin Shaoling couldn't resist her insistence and removed half of the robe, revealing the half of the injured chest. At this time, no scars could be seen, but the robe with blood proved something...

Xue Aofeng carefully took off his blood coat, looked at his upper body, and gently touched the injured place with one hand. Although she could not see anything now, she could feel the pain.

"Your right chest has been pierced by yourself, and now your left chest has been stabbed by me, and your collarbone has also been bitten and then dug up by yourself..." Xue Aofeng said slowly, gently stroked his body with her fingers, and her eyes showed a crystal glow. "Shao Ling, you just don't know how to cherish yourself. That's why I got so many injuries."

Especially when looking at his left collarbone, the shallow scar will not disappear at all.

"Ao Feng, what's wrong with you? Haven't all these injuries healed? Ha ha, it really doesn't matter." Qin Shaoling smiled and said that he was a man, and a little injury was nothing.

"Why doesn't it matter? You just don't know how to take care of yourself. Shaoling, let me take care of you... okay?" Xue Aofeng's voice was inexplicably**, and his hand had already touched the dizzy buds on his left side. Under the touch, Qin Shaoling would grab her restless cat's paws at once.

"Ao Feng, aren't you tired today?" Qin Shaoling smiled gently and said that he would change his clothes, but now he didn't see her clothes out. Instead, the pair of cute cat paws began to sweep over her body...

"I'm tired, why aren't I tired, but when I see you, I can't bear to sleep..." Xue Aofeng replied with a smile, and the words were full of provocative ambiguity. His eyes are even more low and deductive.

"If you are tired, go to bed!" Qin Shaoling drowned shallowly.

"You stay with me!" Xue Aofeng quickly took his words.

Suddenly, Qin Shaoling's face was a little stiff, which suddenly made him think of something. His expression became more and more uncomfortable. He really didn't want to believe those rumors, but he saw her drunk, tenderness and charm in the flower pavilion full of petals... Everything about her The beauty is exposed in the eyes of that man...

After hearing what the three elders said, she was inseparable from Yin Shuang, and Yin Shuang had stayed in her bedroom for several nights, tossing and lingering under the spring jade pillow. How can he be relieved by all this?

"I'm sorry!" Qin Shaoling really stood up and turned his face for a moment to hide all the discomfort. Then I stopped saying anything and had to move forward.

"Hight!" Xue Aofeng shouted.

Qin Shaoling stopped and couldn't move away, but he still choked, "You're tired, just take a rest." I won't bother you."