Supreme Crazy Concubine

Chapter 201 Explore the haunted house

Flying ice wings snorted coldly, and then made a big move and left the unbearable and embarrassing scene with his own horses. What a shame! It's really... my own shame to let a woman save herself!

When he left, the flying ice wing's eyes swept by, and he didn't look at anyone on the stage at all, and flashed quickly.

Someone's eyes on the stage were full of complex feelings. Looking at his hurriedly leaving back, he stirred up the pain marks in the bottom of his heart, but after the carving, Ying Tianxiang has recovered and continues to play this important role... Mu Nianci, the second palace master of the fire palace gate!

After the flying ice wings left, another handsome man with long braids with yellow hair, Li Chengxuan, also came over, looked at the people on the stage, looked at Qin Shaoling, punched his hands, and said respectfully, "Thank you for your help. This ice and fire jade card is my personal belonging. Ice and fire are not afraid. You can protect your body if necessary. , a little insincere respect, and I gave it to the Star Master. He took out the jade card from his arms and handed it to the other party.

Qin Shaoling looked at him and smiled indifferently, "Prince Chengxuan is really polite." It's not good not to accept it, so I took it and put it in my arms.

"Master Xingshi, this hall will leave first!" After saying that, Li Chengxuan looked at Xue Aofeng and smiled at Qin Shaoling, "I wish you happiness. She is excellent..." He had already seen the ambiguous affection between the two, and there was a sense of envy.

"Thank you." Qin Shaoling also replied politely.

Li Chengxuan looked at Mu's brother and sister, and his eyes stayed slightly on Mu Nianci's face. He stayed for a second and flashed quickly, as if he wanted to stop talking. In the end, he didn't say anything to Mu Nianci, and then took his own people to leave the ring of the ascent restaurant.

"Well, is the result perfect?" Xue Aofeng smiled proudly at the whole audience, with his arms around his chest, and the corners of his mouth were lightly raised. He was beautiful and domineering on his beautiful face.

"Wow! Snowman is really awesome!"

"Perfect! It's so invincible!"

"The snow door owner is really the first in the world!"

"Snow Gate Master is the first in the world! The first in the world!!"

Suddenly, everyone, whether it was a killer or not, drank it. In the end, a family-invitation feast became Xue Aofeng's unique special scene again. Her power and her beauty conquered the whole audience!

"Hahaha..." Xue Aofeng was in a very happy mood and couldn't help laughing with pride. This smile stunned everyone and surprised the handsome men in the ring.

"This is the end of today's grand event. Let's break up!" Xue Aofeng smiled and then looked back at the handsome man who was already a little stunned. "Does the young palace owner mind if I take the throne?"

"Ha ha, what do you care? Mine is yours! Snow Gate Lord is the guest of my Mu Zijun!" Mu Zijun also said proudly. His handsome face was shining brightly, staring at Xue Aofeng's face. He really wanted to immediately take this beauty in his chest and enjoy it exclusively!

"What a guest! Master Mu, are you going to treat me to a big meal?" Xue Aofeng said cunningly, and his eyes had quickly turned to someone. In a white robe, Shengxue looked very elegant and looked good.

Xue Aofeng walked towards his heart without hesitation. He looked at Qin Shaoling and smiled, and his eyes slightly looked at Shen Xingchen next to him, "Xingchen, thank you for taking care of Shaoling for me."

"..." Shen Xingchen did not answer, but his eyes were dark.

Xue Aofeng didn't say anything. He seemed to be used to the indifferent attitude of the other party. He looked at Qin Shaoling and smiled lightly, "Shao Ling, let's fire the underground palace gate!"

"Good!" Qin Shaoling answered and didn't say anything more. He just handed her what was in his arms.

Xue Aofeng didn't continue and smiled, "You'd better keep it for me!"

Qin Shaoling nodded, and there seemed to be an indescribable tacit understanding under the eye contact.

"Tonight, I will be the master of the east and invite the snow door owner and the people at the gate of the fire palace!" Mu Zijun said boldly, and then regardless of the eyes of others, he walked generously towards Xue Aofeng and stretched out his hand to put on her slender hand.

Unexpectedly, Xue Aofeng raised his hand faster, avoided his touch, and smiled unhappily on his face. "There are really a lot of problems of Master Mu!"

"Uh, hehe, I'm just too excited to see the snow door owner. Don't be angry with the snow door owner!" Mu Zijun smiled ambiguously at her.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go!" Xue Aofeng was too lazy to smile with him again, and then looked at Qin Shaoling, "Shaoling, let's go!" Then he took the lead in jumping off the ring, and Qin Shaoling followed closely.

No matter how stupid he is, he can see the importance of Xue Aofeng. When Mu Zijun looked at Qin Shaoling's back again, there were slightly aggravated traces. However, he still smiled gracefully, folded and fanned, and said gracefully, "Refire the underground palace door!"

Shen Xingchen looked at Mu Zijun in silence. Without spiritual magic, he could already feel the unbalanced mentality of the other party. Shen Xingchen narrowed his eyes and sneered coldly. He didn't say anything and followed.

Then a vast team followed them to evacuate the Tiantian Restaurant and went to the door of the Fire Palace on the outskirts of Huolan City.


Tonight's fire underground palace gate is like a lively scene, and the people in the hall are happily drinking together.

For a long time, Mu Zijun's face was slightly shiny. Looking at Xue Aofeng and smiling lightly, he couldn't help mentioning the words on the ring, "Master Xuemen, it's really awesome, but why aren't you a holy pharmacist?"

As soon as the words were mentioned, Xue Aofeng immediately thought of something, put it in the glass and stood up. "Master Mu, take me to see your aunt now!"

Aunt Su? Immediately knotted the bottom of Shen Xingchen's heart. The handsome face showed suspicion.

"Good." Mu Zijun did not hesitate any more and stood up. Yes, he couldn't let go of the person he loved at all, and then looked at Shen Xingchen, "Aunt Su is sick. Shen Xingchen, you are a holy pharmacist. You must save her!" The words don't seem to be an order that cannot be violated with a request.

Shen Xingchen listened to this tone and suddenly felt a little disgusted in his ears.

"Don't worry, he will do his best." Xue Aofeng answered quickly. Knowing that Shen Xingchen's lonely and lonely personality, he only does whatever he wants and does things that don't go well. He will kneel down and beg him that he won't do it. However, Mu Zijun is the owner of the commander who loves to issue numbers, and his tone is very stiff. Of course, she agreed to this matter, and Xue Aofeng would persuade Shen Xingchen to save it.

However, Xue Aofeng is a little suspicious of who this Aunt Su is. She knows that Shen Xingchen's biological mother is Su Ya, who is the most beautiful woman in the world. Is it difficult to say whether it is this Aunt Su?

Although she heard that the woman in black who had been to the abandoned house of the Shen family had entered the fire palace, in this way, Aunt Su is likely to...

Thinking of this, Xue Aofeng looked at Shen Xingchen. His face was very cold, but she could already see the doubt and surprise in his eyes and couldn't help whispering, "Xing Chen, go and have a look! Maybe she will be..."

"I will go and see." Shen Xingchen replied, with a faint sadness in his eyes, which was not obvious but real.

Xue Aofeng smiled at ease. To be honest, she didn't want to force him to do anything. If everything goes well, he can find his mother and be together happily, which may be the best result for him.

Then Mu Zijun took Xue Aofeng, Shen Xingchen, Qin Shaoling and Mu Nianci, the owner of the second palace, to a forbidden area at the gate of the fire palace.

This is a room with a pavilion. The word "ghost house" is written on the linth of the courtyard. It is extremely quiet, and there are two disciples guarding it outside the courtyard.

Xue Aofeng and others looked at the words on the lin in the courtyard, and their hearts were sinking and suspicious. This was probably a way to hide people's ears. I was afraid that others would disturb this place, so I wrote this word to a terrible stop.

"Young Lord!"

"How is Aunt Su now?"

"Told back to the lord of the palace, everything is as usual!"

Mu Zijun took everyone into the haunted house. Sure enough, it was so dark that there were no five fingers everywhere. Only the bright moonlight that occasionally shines through the cracks in the window is sprinkled in this environment, salivating a touch of ghostly tone.

No matter how dark Xue Aofeng is, he can see it clearly. There is a bed not far in front of it, and the ** is slightly bulging, as if someone is lying down.

"Aunt Su, we came to see you!" Mu Zijun's words just fell. Suddenly, a fierce breath came through, the bedding was lifted for a moment, and a white claw grabbed him. Mu Zijun may have been on guard for a long time, so he picked up a folding fan and blocked it! The folding fan in his hand was split in half by the other party's white bone claws. Mu Zijun quickly grabbed the man's arm and shouted, "Aunt Su, it's me. I'm Mu Zijun!"

The other party did not respond, only the heavy roar, the long white hair covered the eyelids, and she couldn't see her face at all. Her whole body was white, especially her long hand, which seemed to be no longer a hand, but a pair of sharp claws. It's very scary to look at Rao.

"Aunt Su, I brought a holy pharmacist here. He will definitely save you." Mu Zijun changed his previous romantic image and clung to the other party's thin arms like a filial son.

"Get out--" The other party finally roared, pushed Mu Zijun away, and began to attack him crazily. Mu Zijun quickly dodged, but his robe was still covered with fragments.

Suddenly, the house was in a mess. The cracking sound of something sounded all over the room.

Xue Aofeng looked at the crazy woman, and the other party was obviously crazy. "Mu Zijun, let's work together to control her first!"