Supreme Crazy Concubine

Chapter 325 Unscrupulous!

Until ** the scald on Xue Aofeng's back, the red and hot part seemed to have blistered.

Yin Shuang looked at her wound with heartache, "That was really serious."

The first hand unfolded quickly, and soon a petal magically escaped from the palm of his hand, and then he slowly applied it to her wound.

I don't know how long it took. Under his little caress, the wound finally recovered slowly, and the pain gradually faded away. Looking at the intact skin, Yin Shuang smiled with satisfaction.

Then he glanced slightly and saw the snow white in other places. But at a glance like that, it makes people fall into it. Suddenly, he turned over her, hugged her and fell on the bed quickly, with a passion covering her face... A very unbearable feeling came to his mind.

Maybe it's because the robe is loose, and it's a little hot and difficult to extricate from the touch.

He touched her face with one hand, twisted it slightly, and gradually wandered around, feeling the sudden fire.

Yin Shuang looked at the beautiful dreamer and stayed there for a long time. She could easily resist her teeth and ask for all the tenderness there. It continued like this for a long time until he couldn't help stopping. It was a feeling that he couldn't continue and had to stop.

When I looked up, looking at this unresponsive beauty with closed eyelids, it suddenly made people feel very broken.

"What's the point of getting this...? Tell me!" Yin Shuang looked at her and her heart was stung like that. The face in her hand, the beautiful her, the complex that she didn't know how to release was so thick that it could not be released at this moment.

His hand moved ambiguously, gently stroked, and looked at her closed eyes and remained motionless. At the bottom of his heart, he slowly frowned and reflected his eyebrows, "From now on, will you like to be my woman?"

is doomed to be answered, but how can that mood be satisfied and relaxed? He couldn't find the answer, and finally couldn't stand the torture again, and touched this beautiful man again and again.

The fire ignited and wanted to destroy myself. I couldn't help but keep bringing up the robe like petals...

At that moment, he wanted to be a devil, a complete devil!

Originally, he is a devil, a demon that everyone hates. He can do anything to kill and set fire for his own selfish desires! Bad people without a bottom limit!

However, the more he thought about it, the more the complex twisted his nerves. He knows the extent of this consequence, not that he got her, and in exchange for her eternal hatred...

Finally, at the most uncontrollable time, he suddenly jumped up, stood up quickly, rushed out of the bedroom with an arrow step, and threw it into the lake...

A fire was extinguished in exchange for endless loneliness and loss. For a long time, he stayed in the water like that and preferred to sink down.

The wind blew, the night shrouded, and pieces of pear flowers sprinkled all over the ground. They were drunk with the hearts of several people and crushed the souls of several people. They only hoped that the soul would forever accompany the lonely people to enter the drunken fairyland...


The next day, the sun shone on the earth, and through the window lattice of the palace, it also woke up the dreamer.

The white-robed man's eyes on the chair moved and slowly opened his eyelids. What reflected the eyelids was the purple gauze curtain, and then there was a little numbness in his legs and feet. Looking down, a beautiful woman in a white dress fell asleep on his leg... Her waterfall-like hair gently sprinkled a piece of warmth on his legs. Soft sea of clouds, what a beautiful face.

Uh...what's going on? Why did he fall asleep here?

Looking at her sleeping soundly on her lap, Qin Shaoling frowned, hesitated, slowly lowered his head, leaned his arms, picked her up and walked towards her bed, and gently put it on ** for fear of waking up the other party with one action.

But when he put it down, his neck was suddenly covered by a pair of gentle slender arms. He subconsciously, Qin Shaoling was stunned and immediately felt a wet reflection on his cheek...

Suddenly reflexively, he pushed her away and stood up without looking at her at all. An embarrassment was reflected in the burgundy pupils, "Princes Minmin, the bright moon is leaving." After saying that, he stopped waiting for her to answer and quickly left the bedroom.

Lei Minmin woke up and looked at the place where he disappeared. Her eyes reflected a layer of inexplicable water mist, and a feeling was full of emotion. Was it unbearable or couldn't help it. She couldn't say it herself. She bit her lower lip and muttered, "The bright bright moon..."

Although it was just that touch, it made her see clearly what it was. What was the fold brought up by the corners of her lips?

Lei Minmin couldn't think much. That deeply touched her eyes and nerves. A deep mysterious light penetrated the depths of her eyes and said slowly to herself, "It seems that I really don't know much about you, but... I really want to use this life to slowly understand you... until you are a little Point in front of me and no longer disguise, no longer cover... willingly fall in love with me..."

Lei Minmin stood up, quickly put on his robe and gorgeous clothes, called the palace people to dress up, and quickly hurried to the palace hall.


Surprisingly, outside the hall, Lei Minmin unexpectedly met Lei Qiyu, and he was accompanied by another person. The man was dressed in a beautiful robe, a gorgeous and inspiring soul. When he took a closer look, Lei Minmin was shocked and pinched his hand.

"Xue Aofeng?" Lei Minmin looked at the woman beside him in surprise. Of course, she had already known from Qin Mingyue that Lei Qiyu was just a fake by the devil Yin Shuang.

"My royal sister, we haven't seen each other for a long time. How are you?" Yin Shuang smiled happily.

Lei Minmin looked at him and thought about something in his heart. At this time, it was obviously not appropriate to break it. Mingyue's plan was to be broken one by one. Thinking of this, Lei Minmin also smiled and said, "For the blessing of the second brother, this palace is very good, but it seems that the royal brother is also doing well?" His eyes deliberately glanced at Xue Aofeng next to him. It's just strange that the other party's eyes seemed to be very dull, and he didn't react when he looked at himself.

"Oh, after sleeping for so long, my head is a little dizzy. Fortunately, the arrival of the future princess of this hall made me wake up from my sleep. This credit is all thanks to Ao Feng!" Yin Shuang smiled cunningly and gently wrapped her hand around Xue Aofeng's shoulder.

Xue Aofeng still held him without any reaction. He was very obedient and clever. His eyes had been looking calmly ahead, and he could not see any emotion or any glory, just like an obedient puppet doll.

"..." When Lei Minmin saw Xue Aofeng's performance, she immediately understood something in the bottom of her heart. She was good at using the dementor, and naturally she was not surprised by this kind of puppet tool. But she never thought that the arrogant and arrogant woman Xue Aofeng would end up like this? Seeing the enemy's miserable appearance, Lei Minmin's eyes were slightly glory.

"It's good for the second brother to wake up and hold the beauty back as he wishes. The royal sister really wants to congratulate the second brother!" Lei Minmin smiled faintly, and there was a trace of gimmer in her eyes.

"hehe." Yin Shuang smiled and couldn't help holding the person in her arms a little more tightly, "The royal sister went in together?"

"Good." Lei Minmin answered and looked at the Xue Aofeng, sighing slightly in his heart. It seemed that this man was really useless. I can't help but look at the means of this two royal brother "Lei Qiyu".


The night gradually shrouded, and a bright moon hung in the charming sky. Suddenly, two blue and green figures quickly went to the first princess's house.

"Aofeng has been there for so long and hasn't come back. It's really worrying." Xiao Lan said with a deep face.

"It's useless to worry. We agreed to act together, but Sister Xue still..." Lingdie replied, pointing to the foreword, "There is the First Princess Mansion in front of us. If we go down, she should be here."

It turned out that when Lingdieyi sneaked into the imperial city to find Qin Shaoling in the first princess's mansion, shortly after the news was brought back, Xue Aofeng quickly visited the palace at night to find him, but unfortunately he was meeting the national teacher Jinshang coming out of the second prince's mansion and collided into him.

"Hmm." Xiao Lan responded and then quickly dived towards the first princess's house with Lingdieyi.

In the music hall of the eldest princess's mansion, Qin Shaoling, dressed in white and snow, quickly walked to the backyard of the music hall and saw the tiger coming in with a large iron cage several feet high.

"Son, this is what I made according to the drawings you gave me. Is it okay?" Hu Yan asked, and then put the iron cage on the ground.

Seeing this special preparation for someone, Qin Shaoling's face, which had never been relaxed, finally smiled, "It's not bad. If Huyan succeeds in catching tigers this time, you should remember the great work!"

"Ha ha, thank you for your praise. How dare Hu Yan be!" Hu Yan smiled and then looked at his son. The gloom in his eyes had not faded. He couldn't help asking carefully, "Son, are you going to stay in this palace for a long time?"

"What do you mean?" Qin Shaoling looked up at him, and a slight sadness penetrated his heart.

Hu Yan thought about it and hesitated for a long time, and still said, "I know... Last night... the prince went to the princess's bedroom... However, I really wonder why the prince is willing to miss other places after having a marshal? Is it true that in the prince's heart, Princess Minmin..."

Hearing that Qin Shaoling's eyes were getting heavier and heavier, he finally couldn't help shouting, "Don't talk anymore!" Looking up, his sharp eyes stabbed the other party like an arrow, and suddenly asked a word that had nothing to do with this time, "Did you make such a fire in the princess hall before?"

Hu Yan was stunned and nodded bravely, "Yes." Well, one person does things and one person, even if he is scolded by the prince, he will admit it.

What's not expected. Well done!" Qin Shaoling said three words, and then looked at the iron cage with a faint light in his eyes, "Go and put this in the princess hall."

"Oh." Hu Yan said. He didn't ask any more. Since he didn't want to say anything more, it was useless to ask again. However, his eyes were not blind, and he could clearly see that this morning, the prince had never smiled after coming out of the princess's bedroom, and people became more silent.

He could see the blood stains in his eyes. His heart must be too bitter, and there must be an indescribable pain...

Huyan is more sympathetic to his son. From being with him to getting to know this person, he is deeply attracted by his introverted and wise character. Some words can't be said. In short, he loves Qin Shaoling very much. Of course, he also hopes that he can really achieve happiness and happiness. And the person who can bring him happiness is obviously the marshal. However, if you leave, why do you come back?

Sore...what on earth are you thinking?

When the tiger smoke carried the iron cage and passed him by, the other party's quiet words also flowed along the air, "You don't worry about my business."

"Hu Yan understands, Hu Yan... I just want the prince to be happy, and I have nothing else to think about." After saying that, his bright eyes sank, and he quickly walked out of the music hall with an iron cage.