Supreme Crazy Concubine

Chapter 381 The King's Land

"Yes, my lord." Prime Minister Fu exchanged glances with the ji tian ya, and already knew it. Then he stepped forward, took the imperial edict, spread out and read it out loudly in front of the ministers, "Fengtian Chengyun, the emperor's edict..." The content had already been prepared in advance, and most of the officials also relied on the king of Zhennan to kill Tianya.

"The king of Zhennan took the order!" Prime Minister Fu said loudly.

"Thank you for your order!" Ji Tianya held it in his hands and took the imperial edict. A satisfied smile appeared on his face. He turned around and looked at the ministers. "From now on, I will shoulder the heavy responsibility of changing the country. The ministers and I will work together to continue the glory of the country!"

"Hangtray, the new emperor!" All the ministers shouted in unison and knelt on the ground.

"All the nobles are flat! After my brother's funeral to the imperial mausoleum tomorrow, the next day, I will hold a ceremony to announce the world!" Ji Tianya said loudly, full of air.

"Hangtray, the new emperor!" Another burst of three shouts of long live, which shocked the whole palace to curb the clouds.

Suddenly, a palace man hurriedly came in and knelt down in the palace. "The new emperor, Prince Chen of the Qian Kingdom and his entourage asked to see His Majesty."

"Lord Chen?" Tianya's eyes sank with confusion, "Where are they now?"

"Wait outside the hall."

"Let them get in!"

"Follow the order!"

Sitting on the throne, she was thinking about one thing in her heart. I don't know if Xue Aofeng is still in the bedroom, but in any case, she has followed him, and he is already the emperor, so some things must be undertaken, and it is impossible to be confused anymore. Since Shen Xingchen is here, it must not be easy.

Qin Shaoling and Shen Xingchen and his party came to the hall and watched the world sitting on the emperor's treasure in a silver robe. There was no doubt that he was the big winner of the palace change.

"Congratulations to the Prince of Zhennan for ascending to the throne and reigning over the world!" Shen Xingchen looked at each other and bowed his fists to show his respect. A pair of bright amber eyes are full of brilliance. Since he has ascended to the throne no matter what means, this is a matter of other country. They can't offend each other, as long as they bring back Ao Feng.

"Prince Chen is free of courtesy!" Ji Tianya also replied politely, and then looked at the three people next to him. In turn, except for the green-clothed Lingdie next to him, the other man and a woman were very handsome, but the man was dressed in white, slender, and his right foot was slightly lame when walking, but the pair of wine-red eyes under the ordinary appearance fell down. It's very divine. It's rare for people to have such beautiful red pupils. At first glance, I couldn't help but feel something special about Qin Shaoling, who didn't say anything.

Qin Shaoling looked at the other party's slightly silver eyes and couldn't help but bow his head politely to show respect.

Shen Xingchen looked at him and said bluntly, "This time I came to your country for the first time because my majesty misses my beloved daughter, so I asked me to come to your country quickly to pick up Princess Aofeng. I hope your majesty can do it."

"Xue Aofeng... is my confidant friend. A few days ago, she did live in my Zhennan Palace for a while, but now she is nowhere to be found, and I am also looking for her. If you find Princess Aofeng, Xiangfan will also tell me that I will do my best to serve Princess Aofeng and all of you." He said slowly, and there was an unfathomable smile on his beautiful face.

"Sister Xue, you are not here?" Lingdie whispered.

Shen Xingchen and Qin Shaoling looked at each other and exchanged eyes, but Shen Xingchen said, "In that case, then I won't disturb Your Majesty and leave first!"

"You are distinguished guests from afar, and the price will be my accession to the throne in the future. Please stay and watch the ceremony!" He said to the end of the world.

"Then it's better to obey than to obey. We will respect the holy order!" Shen Xingchen also habitually spoke in an official tone. After doing this for a long time, the prince is used to this kind of scene. His face does not change, and it is necessary to deal with it calmly.

"Then I can't neglect you. Come here and send Prince Chen and others to the VIP hall to rest!" Miao Tianya smiled faintly and tastelessly, as if he was also interested in these distinguished guests who suddenly visited.

Shen Xingchen couldn't be pushed off, and then said, "That's annoying."

Soon, Shen Xingchen and others were ready to retreat. Qin Shaoling was also the last person to turn around and leave the hall, just when he turned his head.

"Wait...what's your name?" Tianya's eyes stared at Qin Shaoling's body, with bright silver eyes, and he was very fond of this lifelike lame man with wine-red eyes.

Qin Shaoling hesitated and immediately replied, "I'm going to Qin Shaoling."

"Qin Shaoling?" Now it's Tianya's turn to be stunned, and immediately recalls someone's heartbroken face, and the words that eroding people's hearts are alive and stimulated him so that he can't forget it at all.

After my death, please give my body to Qin Shaoling of Qianguo! Tell him that I love him, and I will only love him all my life! Even if I die, I will love him when I go to hell, and wait for him to gather there a hundred years later...

Qin Shaoling... is such a person?

Qin Shaoling was a little stunned when he heard his name, and his heart also raised a little doubt, "Your Majesty?"

"Oh, go down!" Tianya's eyes immediately shone, quickly recovered, and looked at him again. This time, he looked at the man more and more. His appearance was quite ordinary, and his white clothes looked simple, and his legs and feet seemed to be a little lame, but he didn't expect him to be the man whom Xue Aofeng loved deeply...

A very uncomfortable complex penetrated the bottom of my heart, and there was also a little stuck in my throat.

After they left, Tianya also stood up from the throne quickly and looked at the ministers, "Everyone has worked hard tonight, and I'm tired. Let's all retreat!"

"Congratulations to the new emperor!" The ministers knelt down on their knees and saluted.

Ji Tianya quickly walked towards the Xuefeng Hall. Unfortunately, when I got there, it was already empty.

Standing in the empty palace, looking at this area of red candles, the fiery candlelight lit up his heart in an instant, reflecting the lingering and beautiful moments of the night little by little. Looking at the gorgeousness of the tent, it makes people fascinated and reminiscent for a moment...

"...Have you left? Didn't you wait for me? Why do you still have to leave?" Tianya muttered to himself, with a pair of slightly silver eyes with shallow dark light. It is no longer difficult to suppress a feeling.


Time slipped quietly, and more than a month passed in a blink of an eye.

A secluded place, isolated from the world. Deep in the woods of the small bridge and flowing water, there is a fairy house. This fairy house can probably be understood as a place that will be visited after death, so there are mass graves around this area. No one comes during the day, and no one will come at night.

This is also an excellent place to live in stealth. And I don't know who made this hut. Anyway, no one lives there, and probably no one dares to live there. When Xue Aofeng accidentally came here with Xiaoju, he took a fancy to it at first glance and stopped down.

It's just that the fairy house at this time looks different, poor and simple, and there is only a skeleton left. However, it doesn't look shabby at all when it is used as a temporary place to settle down.

There is a fence around the yard outside this thatched hut, which is planted with various flowers and plants, which looks quite healthy.

A faint sound of the piano slowly penetrates this space, bringing up the long and unfalling artistic conception. From afar, you can see a jade-colored shadow sitting on a big stone, frivolous with his wrists touching the strings and tilting his head slightly. The charm has a fairy face, which is really beautiful.

Suddenly, the sound of the piano was broken. Xue Aofeng frowned and looked at the pain in her eyes. A burst of churning in her stomach immediately made her hold her heart.

The feeling of palpitations is very obvious. Xue Aofeng's eyes became solemn in an instant. Thinking of those days ahead, a sense of panic hit his heart. What should come always comes, and God has no mercy on her. Thinking of this body, a pain naturally hit the amethyst pupils.

"Miss, what's wrong with you?" Xiaoju, who came back from buying food, saw Xue Aofeng's pale face and walked forward anxiously.

"I'm fine." Xue Aofeng immediately replied and looked at Xiaoju. Somehow, her eyes hurt a little. "Xiaoju, buy me a medicine."

"What?" When Xiaoju saw Xue Aofeng's dark face, she couldn't help asking with concern, "Miss, are you sick? Xiaoju is going to buy medicine for the young lady.

Xue Aofeng smiled bitterly, "I'm not sick, I'm pregnant..."

Ah? are pregnant?" Xiaoju immediately opened her eyes wide and looked at Xue Aofeng's abdomen. Is there already a life in it?

Xue Aofeng took out some gold from the space jade pendant and handed it to the other party. He said calmly, "Go and buy me an abortion pill."

"Miss!!" Xiaoju was shocked again, and her little face was full of puzzlement, "Why did you kill the child? Miss, what the hell is this child's father..."

"Don't ask too much!" Xue Aofeng quickly stopped her from continuing. That mistake had long ended, and there should be no more burden. What's more, we should not be fettered and held back by such things.

"Do as I say, and buy it now!" Xue Aofeng ordered, and Qianmei's face hung down. Thinking of something made her very unhappy, and then she put away the magic piano with her hands and turned into the room.

"Miss..." Xiaoju bit her lip. She never understood that Xue Aofeng was pregnant. Why did she suddenly have a body? So who is this child's father? But I immediately thought that in these days, the young lady has always lived in the palace of Zhennan. Is it possible that she is the prince of Zhennan? However, since she arrived here, she has never mentioned the Prince of Zhennan.

Occasionally, when she mentioned that when the current emperor was the prince of Zhennan, Xue Aofeng's face immediately became gloomy, and Xiao Ju dared not dare to mention it again.

But now the prince of Zhennan is today, so that is to say, this child may also be the prince!

"Oh, my God! No, I can't do such an immoral thing. Xiaoju thought, her eyes sank, and she immediately made up her mind and quickly left this secluded place. Instead of buying abortion pills, she went to the imperial city.

When Xiaoju appeared at the gate of the palace for the first time, she was recognized by Su Yan, the commander of the imperial army guarding the city. Su Yan didn't ask anything, so he brought him directly into the emperor's Xuan Hall. Naturally, this has long been ordered by the emperor. As soon as there is news about the maids Xiaoju and Xue Aofeng, they should report immediately. However, they searched the whole city and found no trace of the two people. At this time, Xiaoju came to the door by herself, which had to be strange.

Seeing that the former master is now sitting on the emperor, Xiaoju was so moved that she almost burst into tears, "I see the emperor!"

The silver robe and the golden robe looked at each other, with a surprise in his heart, and suddenly stood up from the throne, "Xiao Ju! Where have you been? So at these times, even a person's shadow is gone? This is already my world. What else do you have to hide?"

"It's not that Xiao Ju wants to hide, it's the lady... Don't let Xiao Ju come to the emperor." Xiaoju said with tears in her eyes, thinking about her master. After all, he has raised himself for more than 20 years, and this is Allah.

"Miss? You said Xue Aofeng, where is she? Is she all right?" As soon as Tianya's eyes lit up, he immediately inquired.

Xiaoju looked at the other party, bit her lips, took out the gold given by Xue Aofeng from her arms and spread her hands in front of the world, sorted out her thoughts and said, "This is the money given by the young lady. She asked me to buy abortion pills for her... Xiao Ju, Xiaoju, I'm afraid there is something wrong, so... that's why she came back to report to the emperor."

"With fetal medicine!!" Ji Tianya was shocked when she heard this, er... She actually has it, she has it! Ah...Hahaha... There was a burst of ecstasy in the heart of Tianya. Long Xin was overjoyed and held Xiao Ju's shoulders, "Where is Miss now? Say it quickly! I will take her back to the palace immediately!"

"..." Xiaoju was stunned by the happy expression of the world. It turned out that her guess was really right. The child in the lady's belly was really the prince's. No, it was the emperor of today's Fengyi country! That's the real dragon emperor of the future!

"Miss... still... still waiting for Xiaoju's abortion pill." Xiaoju's voice was a little stuck.

"What a fetus, that's my son! No one can deal with it casually!" Ji Tianya said, looking at Xiaoju and also praised it, "Xiaoju, you have done a good job. In the future, you will continue to stay with Aofeng and stay by my side."

"Thank you, emperor. I will do my best to take care of the emperor and the Empress." Xiaoju replied cleverly.