The glory of the center

Chapter 117 Anxiety Competition

53:50, after the first half of the game, the Suns overthired 3 points. The Suns' attack in the second quarter is much better than that in the first quarter. They scored 30 points in a single quarter, and Zhao Yue and Anthony contributed the most. Both of them both scored 9 points in this quarter. Anthony made four three-pointers and three-pointers to become the best players outside the Suns' three-pointer players in this game.

At the end of the half, Zhao Yue has scored 18 points and 9 rebounds. Zhao Yue has won two doubles in three consecutive games. If the rebounds can keep up in the second half, it is not impossible to get two doubles in four consecutive games.

The second half began quickly. At halftime, both teams obviously arranged the second half. After coming to the court, the two teams' attacks were restrained by the other side, and the two sides did not get a single point in nearly three minutes. Paul was the first to break the deadlock on the court. Under Nash's defense, he lost his balance and threw the ball into the basket, and then the rest of the players also scored one after another.

In the middle of the third quarter, Paul led the Clippers to play a 8-0 offensive that made the Suns fall behind by 6 points, but then the Suns slowly reversed the situation with their defense and stable attack. After three quarters, the Suns still retained an advantage of 2 points, 73:71. Neither side scored in this quarter. It's high.

The strength of the Suns is superior, but the low state of several starters today makes it difficult for the Suns to establish an advantage. Although the overall strength of the Clippers at the other end is weaker than that of the Suns, they are not much inferior to the Suns with the help of the power of the home court and the excitement of desire for victory. The Sun's defense is playing a role, otherwise it will be difficult for the Suns to stand deadlock with the Clippers in the game, which makes Gentry on the sidelines very happy. It seems that there is nothing wrong with the training of strengthened defense in the new season.

There were only five minutes left in the fourth quarter. At this time, the score of the two teams was 83:84, and the Suns were one point behind, but they had the ball.

Nash dribbled the ball outside the three-point line. At this time, the Suns had sent a starting lineup. Seeing that Nash did not have a direct breakthrough, Fry on the inside line was busy blocking. Fry blocked Paul and Nash dribbled the ball straight to the basket. Although DeAndrew Jordan took the initiative to change his defense, he could not keep up with Zhao Yue's footsteps.

Watching Nash rush, Zhao Yue, who was staying under the basket, quickly pulled away towards the middle distance. Griffin was in a dilemma. At this time, Nash was about to rush into the three-second zone, and Griffin had no other choice.

If it is two seasons ago, even in the face of two inside players, Nash will not hesitate to choose to lay up, but since the second half of last season, Nash has begun to give up part of the right to shoot and focus more on organizing the attack. After all, the team has two attacking players, Anthony and Zhao Yue. By the time he attracted the defense of the two, the ball in Nash's hand quickly pushed out and sent it to Zhao Yue.

Griffen showed his agility than ordinary insiders at this time. Seeing Nash pass the ball to Zhao Yue, he immediately turned around and ran towards Zhao Yue.

Griffin rushed forward. Zhao Yue, who received the ball, had smashed the ball to the floor and leaned forward to the right. Seeing Zhao Yue's movements, Griffin, who had just rushed to him, took a big step back.

"Squeak!" At this moment, Zhao Yue, who had just taken a step, stopped in a violent friction and then jumped into the air.

Stop jump shot!

After several months of hard practice in the systematic space training ground, Zhao Yueke not only practiced turning jump shots, but also stopped jumping shots.

In front of Zhao Yue, Griffin, who was unstable after retreating, could no longer jump to the defense. He could only watch Zhao Yue shoot easily in the air.

"Wo!" The distance is not far, and there is not much defensive pressure. Today, Zhao Yue, who feels good, did not miss the opportunity to score. The ball fell steadily into the basket and hit two points.

The Sun overtembraced, and the Clippers launched another attack, but Carter's shot at the other end and hit the basket directly popped up the bottom line. Taking advantage of the dead ball, Elvin Gentry replaced Carter with the eye-catching Iverson in this game. Carter was the most stable outside player in the Suns, even more stable than Anthony, but today his shooting feel was really worse, and he only got 1 point through a free throw.

The Clippers launched an attack. After Paul dribbled the ball to the half, Griffin took the initiative to block it. Paul immediately dribbled the ball and rushed to the basket. Griffin dodged to the middle distance on the left, but Paul did not pass the ball. Today, Griffin's offensive feel is better than Carter's, and he has only scored 7 points so far.

Knowing that Griffin did not feel good about his suppression today, Zhao Yue directly left Griffin at a medium distance and quickly prepared to attack Paul under the basket.

"Fac!" Seeing that Zhao Yue completely ignored himself, Griffin was furious. How could he not feel Zhao Yue's contempt for him? With a quick step, Griffin rushed to the basket, dodged behind Zhao Yue and rushed to the basket. At the same time, his hand was also held high to the sky.

Griffin's action has shown his inner thoughts. He hopes to complete an empty take. Griffin shouted the slogan of the empty city in the off-season. This game is considered to be an empty city duel, but he didn't even get a dunk after the start of the game, let alone an empty dunk. Basket.

Griffin was about to rush past his back. Of course, Zhao Yue also noticed that his footsteps moved forward quickly. Zhao Yue did not pay attention to Paul anymore, but quickly rushed to the left basket, which was the direction Griffin moved.

Paul saw that Zhao Yue could no stop Griffin's footsteps at this time and raised his hand to send the ball. Knowing that Zhao Yue's bounce power was amazing, Paul paid great attention when passing the ball. It was not easy for Zhao Yue to intercept the ball.

Zhao Yue did not stop Griffin's footsteps or intercept the basketball in the air. The powerful speed completely broke out at this moment. Zhao Yue rushed to the basket and at the same moment when Griffin jumped up to catch the ball in the air, Zhao Yue also jumped high, raised his big hand and waved forward.

Zhao Yue did not stop Griffin from ocating the ball, but his goal has not changed, which is to stop Griffin from scoring. Since he can't stop the opponent from occuping the ball, Zhao Yue simply changed his way to stop Griffin from scoring!

Jumping into the air, Griffin reached out to take the basketball from Paul. At the same time, he found Zhao Yue's figure. Zhao Yue jumped higher than him, and the big hand waved the ball to him.

"You still want to stop me, don't dream!" Griffin turned the two-handed ball into a single-handed ball, which would make him more flexible in the air. His left hand pulled away violently to the side and felt that it was out of the range that Zhao Yue could block. Griffin grabbed the ball and split it towards the basket.

"Would you like to hide? There is no door!" In his heart, he also roared arrogantly. Zhao Yue seemed to have expected Griffin's movements in the air. His big hand chased closely and moved to the side while his palm was rapidly approaching the ball.

"Bang!" Zhao Yue's palm hit the basketball, and the power of his whole body also completely gathered his right hand at this moment, pressing down fiercely, and the condensed force burst out at this moment, completely acting on the ball.

The basket was right now for Griffin. He felt that the ball could fall directly into the basket in the next moment. At this moment, a palm flashed out and covered the ball, and then a strong resistance came from the ball.

"How is that possible?" Griffin suddenly remembered the possibility of causing all this and roared in great surprise, but the oppression in front of him was so real that he still could not succeed in the best air connection opportunity in this game.

The ball fell from the floor under the squeeze of both palms, and there was an immediate uproar at the scene. They also did not expect this scene.

"Ceal! Seal! Zhao Yue blocked Griffin's air relay slam dunk! So handsome! Zhao Yue did such a beautiful job! Domineering! Even the air relay can be blocked!"

"What the hell!" Falling on the floor, Griffin kicked away the basketball at his feet and cursed in a low voice. In today's game, he was so depressed that the air relay would be blocked. Zhao Yue was like Griffin's lingering nightmare for him.

"Di!" Griffin's move was so big that the referee couldn't ignore it. As the ball was kicked out by Griffin, the referee's whistle sounded.

Technical foul! The referee directly gave Griffin a technical foul, and such a penalty once again caused riot at the scene.

The Clippers coach on the sidelines frowned slightly. If it hadn't been for the last three minutes left at this time, he would have chosen to replace Griffin.

Zhao Yue executed a technical free throw. Zhao Yue was already one of the most stable free throwers in the Suns at this time. His free throw steadily fell into the basket. 86:84, the Suns got a 2-point lead, and they also had the ball right.

Launching an attack at half, Nash chose his own attack this time. While the Clippers focused their defense on Zhao Yue, Nash broke through and rushed into the basket to complete the layup and got 2 points, narrowing the difference to 4 points.

Although Griffin is eager to regain face, it is very difficult for him to get such an opportunity today. The team is 4 points behind, and Griffin is in a very bad state of attack today. Paul has no intention of giving Griffin another chance. He took the ball completely in his own hands and then began Look for opportunities to attack.

Paul chose his own attack and signaled DeAndrew Jordan to block. After Paul rushed into the three-point line with the ball, understanding that the Suns were strong in defense on the inside line. Paul shot at close range and hit two points.

The Sun's attack was still initiated by Zhao Yue and Nash's blocking cooperation. Nash missed the jump shot at the mid-range, and Zhao Yue's make-up basketball that rushed into the inside line also bounced out, and Griffin protected the rebound.

The ball fell into the hands of the Clippers. Paul dribbled the ball outside the three-point line and sent the ball directly to Mo Williams, while he ran fast.

Outside the three-point line on the left, Paul took a step away from Nash and took Williams' pass, and then rushed forward and went straight to the basket. Paul's breakthrough made the Sun's defense begin to shrink, and the rest of the Clippers also began to run.

Dribbling into the three-point line, the ball in Paul's hand was thrown out quickly, and the long-distance pass sent the ball outside the right three-point line and appeared in Williams's hand.

Iverson followed Williams and saw his opponent catch the ball, and he immediately jumped out to defend.

Facing Iverson's defense, Williams pulled out the basket outside the three-point line, and the ball plunged into the net in the cheers at the scene and hit three points.

"Cax!" The sun called a pause, and the scene was still cheering. 88:89, Williams' three-point hit allowed the Clippers to overtake one point, and there were only two minutes left in the fourth quarter.

After the pause, Gentry did not adjust the lineup. Carter, who started the game, sat off the field, while Iverson stayed on the field.

Nash controlled the ball to half, Zhao Yue quickly raised it to a high position to block, and Nash dribbled the ball and rushed to the basket. Paul and DeAndrew Jordan forced Nash to stop at the middle distance on the left, and then Jordan Jr. left and returned to Fry and returned the task of defending Nash to Paul.

Zhao Yue, who had originally moved towards the inside line, rushed in the direction of Nash again. It seemed that he was going to block and dismantle with Nash. Just one step away from Nash, Zhao Yue quickly retreated into the three-second area.

Zhao Yue retreated, and the ball in Nash's hand was also thrown by Feiyi and hung in Zhao Yue's hand.

"Defensive, stop him!" Zhao Yue received the ball in three seconds, which shocked the Clippers fans. On the court, Griffin and DeAndrew Jordan, who were originally opposite Zhao Yue, rushed back to the basket after Nash passed the ball. The pressure brought at the critical moment made Ge Erfen and Little Jordan burst out their strongest speed. When Zhao Yue came to jump under the basket, the two Clippers players had also rushed behind Zhao Yue.

The two jumped up quickly and leaned over Zhao Yue's head.

Feeling that there was a figure behind him approaching, Zhao Yue knew that the delayed time of catching the ball allowed the Clippers players to find a chance to make up for defense. The ball that had been raised above his head and quickly put it on his chest. Zhao Yue stopped to run up, leaned against Griffin and Jordan, grabbed the ball with his left hand and circled from the bottom of the basket to the left hand. He hooked his wrist and passed the ball to Anthony, who followed up.

"Wonderful biography! Zhao Yue took off and pulled the rod to pass the ball in place in the sandwich between the two... Anthony caught the ball and hit the basket on the board.

After hitting the rebound, the ball rolled straight into the basket and hit two points! 90:89, the sun exceeds 1 point!