The glory of the center

Chapter 124 Overtaking

Zhao Yue's deduction equalised the difference between the two sides, and the difference made the atmosphere at the scene more tense. The loss of the advantage of 8 points in a blink of an eye made the Heat players on the court also feel great pressure. James took the ball outside the three-point line again, and then directly dribbled the ball to Anthony.

James's breakthrough happened to be the direction where Bosh and Yi Jianlian were. Although Erwin Gentry told Yi Jianlian to pay more attention to the defense of Bosh and hand over the task of defense and supplementing Zhao Yue, Yi Jianlian could not turn a blind eye to it when he saw James' breakthrough.

Yi Jianlian made up for the defense, James immediately threw the ball into Bosh's hand. Bosh received the ball and shot, and finally got two points.

The Heat's attack was completed, and the Suns' attack was also completed. Zhao Yue encountered a bag after receiving the ball. Anthony ran to find space to receive a pass and get 2 points.

After the Suns' attack, they fell into a brief deadlock on the court. Both sides paid attention to defense to make the two teams' attacks hit a wall continuously, and no one scored in two and a half minutes.

84:84, at this time, it was more than half of the game, and the Heat only got 8 points in a six-minute period of time. This situation made the Heat's head coach Spolstra very dissatisfied. After the Heat once again took control of the ball, Spolstra called a timeout.

"The defense of both teams is commendable, but I don't think the fans want to see such a game. I hope this suspension can change the situation on the field." After the suspension, the players of the two teams returned to the field, and Mike Brin, who was on the sidelines, immediately said.

The Heat still maintained the lineup just now, with Wade as the point guard, James and Bosh on the field, the two important substitutes of Battier and Haslem, also played, and the Suns are the same starters.

Wade dribbled the ball to half-court and broke through the front, turned to accelerate to find the breakthrough space from Carter's defense and rushed to the basket. After attracting the Suns' defense, Wade divided the ball into Bosh's hands. Bosh did not attack himself. When the Sun's defense was disturbed, James found a chance to catch the ball and shoot.

The Heat's attack was opened, and the Suns were not willing to show weakness. Zhao Yue mentioned that the high position emptied the penalty area, and Nash dribbled the ball into the basket to complete the attack and got 2 points.

"Hot! Heat!" The deadlock on the field showed signs of breaking, and the fans at the scene began to rise in mood, and huge shouts once again sounded in the stadium.

Such a shouting obviously also made the Heat's players more excited. After receiving the ball, Bosh directly singled Fry and scored two points at close range.

At half, Zhao Yue fell to a high position again after covering for Nash. Nash, who received the ball, shook off Wade and went straight to the basket.

Although Bosh did not directly return to the inside line to make up for the defense, his attention was also attracted by Nash's breakthrough, and Zhao Yue began to move at this time. Moving half a step to the left, just as Bosh also moved to catch up, Zhao Yue suddenly flashed to the right.

Zhao Yue shook off Bosh and rushed over the free throw line, and the ball in Nash's hand also passed over at this time. At the same time, he also quickly evacuated from the basket.

After receiving the ball, he rushed forward. Zhao Yue's extraordinary explosive power was displayed at this time, and he directly shook off Bosh and ran to the basket.

Seeing Zhao Yue rushing over, he was originally shrinking under the basket to prepare to defend Ross Haslem and immediately moved his feet to assist. Bosh behind him did not give up and continued to chase him.

Zhao Yue's long steps were tall. After receiving the ball, he only rushed forward two steps and came to Haslem. The ball was handed over his right hand. He was in a posture to attack from the right side. Just as Haslem was about to move towards this side, Zhao Yue's body suddenly rotated to the left, and the ball had also been grabbed at In hand.

The soles of his feet flew forward on the floor, and Zhao Yue jumped up and grabbed the ball with his left hand and went to the basket.

Haslem was not willing to watch Zhao Yue attack directly. He turned around and jumped from the side. He leaned on Zhao Yue and reached out to Zhao Yue's eyes to try to disturb Zhao Yue's sight.

At this time, Haslem could not fully pay attention to his movements. When he saw that his hand was about to sweep Zhao Yue's head, he had no time to take it back.

"Di!" Haslem's hand on Zhao Yue's head was not heavy, but it did not escape the referee's eyes, and the whistle soon sounded.

Such a foul had little impact on Zhao Yue. He gently picked it with his left hand and shot the ball steadily.

"Bum!" The ball flew out of Zhao Yue's hand and hit the rebound, and then bounced into the basket and hit.

2+1! Zhao broke through the layup and hit and caused a foul for the defender. Zhao made a free throw, and the Suns had a chance to overtake!"

"Shh!" Zhao Yue stepped on the free throw line, and immediately there was a shocking boo at the scene, as if to completely pierce people's eardrums.

Reached out and took the ball in the referee's hand. Zhao Yue dribbled the ball more than usual before holding it up in his hand and raising it over his head. After seeing Zhao Yue's movements, Bosh was busy stepping into the three-second zone. However, at this time, Zhao Yue put down the ball and resumed dribbling again.

"Chris is so excited, haha! I'm sure Zhao must have deliberately teased everyone!"

Mike Brin can be Zhao Yue's way to entertain everyone, but the players and fans of the Heat obviously don't think so. In their opinion, Zhao Yue's behavior is playing them.

"Damn guy!" Fu*, technical foul! Blow him a technical foul!" I really want to tear that guy up!"

The referee can't make a technical foul because of Zhao Yue's behavior. As long as the free throw does not exceed the time, the referee will ignore what adjustment methods the players have in this, although they also believe that Zhao Yue's ball is absolutely intentional.

When he hit the ball on the floor, Zhao Yue quickly picked it up and raised it over his head again. This time he really shot, and Zhao Yue didn't want to miss the opportunity to score in vain because of overtime.

"Wo!" Although the Heat fans were praying that Zhao Yue's behavior just now would disrupt his rhythm and lose the penalty, the ball still disappointed them and fell into the basket.

87:86, the sun exceeds 1 point!

The Heat was still Wade's control of the ball. After entering the half, Wade did not hand over the ball, signaling Haslem to lift the block, and Wade rushed to the basket with the ball.

Wade's purpose of blocking Haslem was to bring Zhao Yue out of the inside line, and Zhao Yue did follow him. However, after seeing Wade rushing the ball to the basket, he hesitated to move with Nash to the basket and put Wade in the middle.

If Nash was alone next to him, Wade could directly attack under the basket, but Zhao Yue's existence made him have some scruples. He pushed the ball back with both hands, and Wade sent the ball to Haslem at the middle distance.

Perhaps because of the relatively long distance, Haslem hesitated a little after catching the ball, and seized this opportunity, Carter has rushed over, and the Sun's rotation speed is very fast.

Carter left, Battier took the opportunity to move to the bottom corner of the left, and Haslem immediately pushed the ball over.

Battier, who received the ball, jumped out, but at this time, there was a sudden shadow over his head. The high figure and the big hand surprised Battier. Zhao Yue had rushed forward to make up for the defense.

"Bum!" Battier was afraid that Zhao Yue's seal would be rushed. The strength of the ball was too small to touch the basket and fell directly into Nash's hand under the basket.

Wade immediately stuck to Nash's side to stop the Suns fast attack. After finding that there was no good fast attack opportunity, Nash was not in a hurry to attack, but steadily dribbled the ball outside the three-point line.

Channing Fry blocked and dismantled, Nash rushed to the basket with the ball, and the heat's defense line also began to contract at this time. Nash, who rushed to the inside line, and Zhao Yue, who was near the three-second area under the basket, were dangerous people.

Dribbling rushed to the three-second area. Nash did not hand over the ball to Zhao Yue, but threw it directly to Anthony on the outside line. By this time, James had come to the three-second zone. After realizing that it was difficult to interfere with Anthony's attack, he simply stayed under the basket to fight for rebounding.

"Bum!" The opportunity was good, but Anthony was not sure. He didn't feel very well today. The ball bounced high on the basket. The ball bounced very high and had exceeded the edge of the rebound. Several Heat players under the basket looked at the basketball and were not in a hurry to jump.

Haslem, Bosh, James and Wade, there were four Heat players in the three seconds, and a figure among them was particularly conspicuous. Orange jersey No. 55, Zhao Yue!

"Since you are all waiting, I'll come first!" Four Heat players were waiting for the ball to fall, but Zhao Yue smiled proudly and quickly rushed up.

"It's not good!" Seeing that Zhao Yue was leaned on by Haslem and could still jump, several Heat players realized that it was not good. Except for Haslem, who was suppressed by Zhao Yue at this time, the three giants of the Heat jumped up quickly.

Even in the siege of the three giants, Zhao Yue is still so conspicuous, all because of... the absolute jump height!

The physical quality of the three giants of the Heat is very excellent, but it is Zhao Yue in their bag! With the first jump and the advantage of bouncing, Zhao Yue's big hand was higher than everyone. When the ball fell just below the edge of the rebound, Zhao Yue's big hand grabbed it in his hand.

Grabbing the basketball, Zhao Yue glanced at the basket in front of him and made a decision in an instant, dunk!

"Stop him!" When the three giants of the Heat saw Zhao Yue holding the ball and pressing down, they immediately understood Zhao Yue's intention, and the idea flashed in their minds at the same time.

The height gap made the three giants of the Heat give up the idea of blocking. The three of them leaned against Zhao Yue at the same time, trying to interfere with Zhao Yue's movements. On Zhao Yue's body, Haslem was also pushing without a trace.

"Delusion!" Feeling a force acting on his body as if to squeeze himself out of the air, Zhao Yue roared in the bottom of his heart, exerted strength in his waist and abdomen, and the right hand that grabbed the ball brazenly split down!

"Bum!" With a loud sound, Zhao Yue's unbalanced body was also stabilized again with the help of the basket, but around him, the heat giant had nowhere to fall to the floor in the air, leaving Zhao Yue grabbing the basket with one hand and proudly in the air.

"Zhao!!! Rebate! That's wonderful! Zhao grabbed the frontcourt rebound in the encirclement of the four players of the Heat and completed the dunk. He did a good job, buddy!"